Where is it better to rest in Rimini? Unmatched Italian cuisine.

Spacious, well-equipped beaches, boutiques, clubs, water parks, discos on the hills, the secular beach at the mouth of Marano attracts a lot of young people who appreciate the fun party.


For 160 years, Rimini has been deserved with deserved recognition from lovers of relaxing by the sea. His secret is in the heart of the locals, hotel hospitality and 15 kilometers of beaches (230 resort towns, 1,200 hotels, many amusement parks), but this is not all: Rimini is a city with a 2000-year history, which has retained a lot of works of art.

The sea here is more than a lifestyle, it is the revived Fellini films, the myth of summer life, updated annually, is the magic of winter fogs ...

But, above all, Rimini - intersection of cultural traditions, the noble capital of Signoria Malast, who retained a lot of evidence of the glorious past.

Speaking about the architectural heritage of Rimini, it is worth noting that the masterpieces can be seen here since the time of the ancient Rome before the Renaissance. This is the arch of the emperor of Augustus, Tiberius Bridge, Sissomdo Castle, the Temple of Malatest, the Ancient Roman Piazza Tre Martiri (Treated Martyrs Square), medieval Piazza Cavur. The museum of the city stores 1500 exhibits related to its history, and in the area of \u200b\u200barchaeological excavations "House of Surgeon" can be admired by the instruments of the surgeon and pharmacist, preserved since the time of ancient Rome.

What could be better than walking barefoot on the seashore? In Rimini, this is considered the best completion of the day, both during the summer crowd and in the period of winter melancholy and loneliness.

It is believed that it was in Rimini that spread throughout the world trends: street bars, Happy Hour, Beach apertifies; Dinner served as shore of the sea, games Next Games and Scandinavian walking in the sand. Entertainment here will be available for every taste and age.

The same who wants to combine beach holidays with medicinal, it is worth paying attention to Rimini Terme, an ultramodern thermal complex for the body and soul.

On the Adriatic coast of Romagna is the largest number of thematic amusement parks. From Ravenna to Cattolics there are 18 pieces! The most famous - Fiabiland (for kids), Olterrear, Mirabianland and Akvafan.

Before leaving Rimini, take a look at her marina, one of the most beautiful and modern tourist ports of the Mediterranean. The pedestrian zone, raised above the water, going straight into the sea, has a length of 1300 meters. And in order to better find out the life and customs of sailors and fishermen, it is worth writing an excursion "Exploring Porto Channel" or popping on a large fish market of the city.

Rimini never sleeps, life boils around the clock. But entertainment here is decent and never sin excessive outrageous. Every evening, in one or another, Rimini parties are held, where the whole bohemia is going to: in Porto, Marina, on the embankment or on the beach. In the historical center, too, full-time restaurants, pubs and wine bars, especially near the old fish market ("Vecchi Pesket") on Piazza Cavour, the main place of meetings Rimini.


Vyal Chekkarini is the main "salon" Riccon. Here is crowded and afternoon and at night. One look at the storefronts of boutiques is enough to understand the actual fashion trends.

Richchon will also like those who are not alien to cultural tourism. Villa FarRN, built at the beginning of the 20th century, accommodates the gallery of contemporary art, and located on the embankment near Vyal Chkkarini Villa Mussolini (Summer Residences Duchu) in our time there are exhibitions and cultural events.

However, Riccione would not be Ricchone if it were not for his famous nightlife, like a magnet attracting young people on discos organized on the hills.

Be sure to visit entertainment parks. Akvafan every summer literally storming young people and families to have fun in the pools, on slide and water attractions. The Oltremar Park is located nearby. This featuring the opportunity to learn about the wonders of nature, and the visit final will be a presentation with dolphins. Inside the IMAX cinema, you can plunge into the magical world of three-dimensional cinema.

And how many entertainment institutions where you can meet with friends or get to know new things. Music to taste will be all without exception. The most famous and popular discos from young people are located on the hills, they are called Kokoriko and Nude Ekus. A lot of nightclubs and the Marano zone bordering on Rimini. It is here that the most fashionable summer season parties are held.

Since the 80s, Riccione Terme has gained fame as a thermal resort, offering a variety of wellness procedures. The terms are literally two steps away from the sea, the complex of the complex occupies a whole 40 hectare. It is especially popular to its separation of Wellness and aesthetic cosmetology.

How to get

By car
When moving from the north: Milan-Bologna A1 motorway, then A14 Bologna-Bari. From the west: SS / SP 258 highway of Arezzo Rimini, then SS 16 Adriatic in the south direction. From the south: highway A14 Bari-Bologna, Congress Riccione. Then SS 16 Ostuni-Ferrara Adriatic, Roma Fano Flaming SS3, then SS 16 Adriatic in the northern direction.

The most popular region for beach holidays in Italy - Emilia-Romagna, better known as Rimini. The magnificent collection of several hundred beaches, hotels and entertainment for every taste. This is the most budget breakup option in Italy.
We have chosen the best resorts of Emilia-Romagna, which are best suited for recreation with children, romantic leave and youth parties.

Prices for tickets for tickets and hotels in Rimini on different sites - savings up to 50%

How to get in Rimini, Emilia-Romagna region

In Emily-Romagne, one of the most beloved holidays among Russians of the regions of Italy, daily from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Yekaterinburg crashes several regular and charter flights Various airlines. "Regularly" for the most part flies with one or two transplants, charters deliver tourists directly to Rimini Airport. Federico Fellini (for example, the "Ural Airlines" makes their flight from Moscow in Rimini for 2 hours 30 minutes).

Tip:Planning a trip to Rimini, it is necessary to take into account the "features" of resort airports, when several hundred passengers accumulate on a relatively small area with passport controls with arriving flights or, on the contrary, languages \u200b\u200bwaiting for customs passage. If the mood before leaving is difficult to spoil such a trifle as 40 minutes in line, then on the way back all the impressions of the wonderful rest can be very much lubricating. Two Councils OT SmartTrip.How to get rid of yourself from a possible negative.

Flights in Rimini will not be a lot of work, but if they are confused by prices, which fluctuate 12 - 15,000 rubles per ticket "Round-back", you can always get to the lined Adriatic Riviera BolognaWhat is often cheaper "direct flight".

From Bologna in Rimini You can get there by Train in 1 hour or in 1 hour and 30 minutes, depending on the selected train type. The cost of tickets starts from € 9.20 in one direction. Moreover, the closer the date of the trip, the lower the cost of tickets on trains Regionale velace., in the case of trains Frecciarossa. and Frecciabianca. (Time in the way a little less than an hour) is still the same way: Tickets two weeks before the expected trip are twice as cheaper than from the date of departure the next day. With the same success you can get from Rome(travel time 3-4 hours, ticket price from € 19.50, but if you plan a trip to Rimini by train, tickets more profitable to purchase in advance), from Florence, Venice and other cities of Italy. Railway communication in Italy is well developed.

And, of course, a special topic - journey to Rimini by car. This is an excellent option for those who do not only have rights, but who wants the maximum freedom of movement to be able to at any time, regardless of the schedule of public transport, resting in, Ricchone, Milano Marittima or Cattolica in a few hours get to Bari or Milan.

  • Rent a car for traveling by Emilia-Romagna

When to go. The best time to visit the resorts of Emilia-Romagna

The season on the Adriatic coast from Milano Marittima and Rimini to Catholics begins in the first days of Mayso you can not think about planning rest in Rimini to the May holidays and lasts until the end of OctoberBut how time shows, weather and practice Many travelers manage to grasp sunny days and in early November, on the November weekend. Summer - Official time for rest with childrenWhen children's local and international festivals are held. For shopping, it is better to choose rest during season of discounts: in June and January.


Rimini is the generally recognized capital of the summer adriatic. In 1843, the young aristocrats of Tintori and Baldini opened the first bathing on the coast, which were small Palazzo, with cabinets for massage, cafes and bars. From this time, the countdown of the history of the most popular resort in Europe begins, which in our days very harmoniously combines the historical heritage and modern trends. Rest in Rimini is suitable for everyone without exception, especially those who are just starting their acquaintance with Italy and is experiencing a language barrier. In Rimini, you can even come to quietly, if you do not know any other languages \u200b\u200bexcept Russian: in hotels, restaurants and on the beaches it works personnel free speaking in Russianboth from among our former compatriots and Italians.
Rimini is perfect for recreation with children
Young travelers will be comfortable to play the purest beaches and splashing into the sea, and parents can be 100% sure of their safety: entrance to the sea is gentleThe depth throughout almost 10 meters from the coast reaches not higher than the knees of the child. Here you can teach the child to swim well as yourself, and write it in School swimming and even sailing Sport. Baby animation always works on the beaches and the security system is perfectly organized. The row of rescuers are located on the whole beach, every 500 meters. All the "Beach Angels", as the local rescuers call, have a diploma of an international sample confirming their qualifications and recognized in 135 countries. In addition to the ground service for the protection of order and salvation on the water, resting resting resting from the air. For children in Rimini and the surrounding area is the largest number in Italy entertainment centers, attractions and recreation parks. And within the city in the area of \u200b\u200bCavour, in the summer, on Wednesdays, in the afternoon, begins its work unique "Children's Bazar". In the bazaarchik, not only adult entrepreneurs sell children's goods, but the children themselves act as sellers, selling their crafts or toys, which, by virtue of age, he is not needed.
For young people in Rimini Also there is something to do. Back in 1869, Rimini became the first place in Italy, where the therapeutic side of the "treatment with marine bathing" was connected with entertainment. So, to get bored on vacation in Rimini will have to try to very much. During the day you can lie on the beach, water sports or ride a scooter in the picturesque neighborhood. And evenings to spend the best in local clubs, bars and disco in the open air. Only on the beach Rimini, 23 discos on the beach begins his work on the beach, in addition to them the huge number of bars in the city trait, where you can have a good fun, and a whole city of discos between Rimini and Riccion. The undoubted plus for youth rest in Rimini is its economy. Even at night, moving out of one club to another, do not have to spend money on a taxi. From 22.00 to 6.00 on the "blue" line runs a special flight bus, the route of which passes throughout the central streets of the city, and delivers everyone to discos. In such buses you can drink coffee, eat and even dance. In the morning, the bus completes its route in the center of the beach line, where there is a lot of cafes offering delicious breakfasts and people are going to after-party. And after breakfast - to sleep, right on the beach, as it should be in the teachrs in the resort town.
Fans of beautiful, lovers of history and architecture, waning to combine beach holidays and excursionsThey will also find a lot of entertaining during rest in Rimini. And even though, during the bombing of 1944, Rimini was equalized with the land, residents of the city managed to restore the appearance of an ancient city. From the "Soul Rimini" - the resort quarter of Marina Crentro to the historic part of the city can be reached in 10-15 minutes by taxi, the cost of the trip € 13-15. In addition, Rimini is the birthplace of the great director Federico Fellini, the fact that all locals are proud of. The memory of the Oscarone Maestro is alive at every step. It is named Square and Park - Green Light Marina Crentro, located a few meters from Grand Hotel Di Rimini. The hotel itself is the national heritage of Italy, and is directly connected with the name of Federico Fellini, the director captured him in the film "Amamorkord", shot in 1973. Read more about the life of the maestro, you can exposure in museum Federico Fellini (Via Nigra, 26. The museum is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10.00 to 12.00 and 16.00 to 19.00. Enter free). And if you want to relax "as a local", go to the port to the mole, where you can see one of the impressive works of the "Best Italian Artist of Graffiti" Eros - 200 meters of the wall, enclosing a walking path in the port, painted by its paintings, admire the new harbor, Capable to accommodate 622 yachts and one of the most beautiful in Italy in the XVIII century lighthouses. And, of course, in Rimini, all the conditions for the rest of Shopaholiki are created. The beach and excursions at the resort are perfectly combined with a visit to the numerous factories for sewing shoes in one of the smallest states in the world San Marino. And in neighboring region Marke, Outlets Baldinini., Pollini., Vicini. and other brands as well Centergross. - Outlet for wholesale buyers (on the so-called warehouse with clothing you need to come accompanied with local entrepreneurs, owners partita IVA. - registration number in Italy necessary for the implementation of economic activities in the country. In Rimini, it is easy to find travel companies that organize a "excursion" on such warehouses). Rimini sales are held in January and July.

Rimini beaches

Italians call Rimini the largest gymnastic hall under the open sky. At the resort coast of 15 kilometers long 227 equipped beaches. Along the coast runs the bus. All beaches in Rimini municipal, but they are rented by private individuals. The tenants are zealously monitor the cleanliness, even the sand is sieved every morning. Of course, the comfort will have to pay (umbrella and two loungers on average will cost vacationers at 15 euros per day, also in this amount included all sorts of beach entertainment from water sports, then yoga and bioenergy, belly dancing and even culinary courses), but Many hotels have affiliate agreements with certain beaches and guests are provided with a discount. For those who do not want to pay must be sent to free beaches: №1, №50, between Rimini and Ricchone; Beach near Square Boskovich, in San Giuliano, opposite Harbor, Marabello (between 105 and 106 and 139-140), in Torre Pedrera. The only negative point at which many tourists will be focused on Rimini on the beach - "dirty" sea. We assure the sea is not "dirty" - the sea is mercated due to the fact that the waves raise the sandy suspension and it loses the transparency and saturated emerald color. The Adriatic Sea off the coast of Rimini is the most controlled purity and ecology throughout Europe, the beaches have a blue flag, and the beach number 62 is at all the status of the most environmental in Italy. If you do not want a "dirty" sea, then you need to choose resorts with pebble, stony beaches, for example, Amalfi.

Where to live. Best hotels in Rimini
Multi-kilometer strip of sandy beaches, referred to as Romagon Riviera, comprises 10 main resort areaswhere there are more than 200 hotels of various star stars and level of service. Hotels 5 * in Rimini only two: Grand Hotel Di Rimini and.

Resorts of Rimini Province and hotels, from north to south

Torre Pedrerra - Small, quiet and peaceful town. The most distant from the city of Rimini and the airport them. Federico Fellini Resort Zone (10 kilometers from the center of Rimini, 16 kilometers from the airport). The road from the airport in Torre Pedrerra on public transport will take about an hour, by taxi - a maximum of 30 minutes. To walk in the historic center of Rimini or Promenade on the road, you will need to spend 15-20 minutes for a trip by car. Hotels in Torre Pedrera need to be booked to those who travel to rest with young children or who wishes a quiet and relaxing holiday. It is much less resting, if compared with the central resort areas of Rimini, and the sea seems more transparent.

rest in Viserbell and Viserba Provide a pleasant pastime in silence and tranquility. This is the best option for recreation grandmothers with grandchildren. For children in Vizerbell - park "ITALY in miniature", and for adults - the source of therapeutic mineral waters Sacramora. The distance from one resort area to the other - 1 kilometer - calmly overcomes around the beach.

  • Special offers for accommodation in hotels of Vierbell and Viserby

Rivabella - Suitable for family holidays with children aged 7 to 14 years. On the one hand, choosing a hotel in Rivabella, you can avoid street noise San Juliano and Marina-Crentro, and on the other hand, to the attractions of the old Rimini center only 5-7 minutes by taxi. If you want to live in a hotel on the coast - to book the room in Imperial Beach. , It is located directly on the beach and to swim, do not need to move across the road.

San Juliano - The resort area of \u200b\u200bthe Romagist Riviera, one of the most closely located to the city of Rimini. Her difference from the rest lies also in the fact that in San Juliano there is no road between the beaches and hotels. Bright example of this hotel Baia Imperiale 4 * Located on the beach by the sea.

Marina Centro - Rimini Center - the most popular place to relax among tourists from Europe and Russia. Many shops, beautiful promenade with bars and restaurants. Hotels in Marina Crentro are more expensive than in other resort zones, and at the same time more noisy. Grand Hotel Di Rimini - One of the oldest hotels in Rimini, numbering for about 150 years, is suitable for those who love suite, gloss, history and art. This is not just a hotel, but the National Monument of Italy. Special, Grand Hotel. We will have to taste with discerning travelers and newlyweds. IN Grand Hotel Di Rimini Enrico Caruso, Tony Blair, Mikhail Gorbachev, John Bush Senior and Icon Rimini - Federico Fellini. The number in which the director stopped, is named today in his honor. And in the bar and restaurant you can try your favorite dishes of the director and cocktail Fellini. Grand Hotel. Located 200 meters from the beach. The hotel is located the city's cult places - Park and Square named after Federico Fellini, near the road leading to the historically city center. The hotel consists of two buildings: directly at the hotel and residences (room apartments). La Residence is a bit younger of the main building, it was built in 1906. In both buildings, the interiors are decorated with chandeliers from Murana glass, parquet and furniture of the XIX century, and in the design of the bathrooms used valuable marble breeds. The special pride of the owners of the hotel is the originals of pictures of famous painters. The hotel has the largest and beautiful beach of Riviera. On its area of \u200b\u200b11,000 square meters. Meters, located its SPA center, swimming pool and restaurant. Instead of the usual sun loungers and umbrellas installed tents. The beach is not included in the price of the hotel and is charged additionally.
- One of the new hotels in Rimini. Rest in more suitable for travelers who choose a modern style, bright combinations of paints and comfort. The hotel has its own beach, and those who do not like the beach bustle prefer to take sunny baths from the outdoor pool with panoramic sea views.
Milton 4 * - a cozy hotel with a SPA center and a swimming pool, located on the right side of Grand Hotel Di Rimini . It is famous for the kitchen and hospitality. Very friendly belong to the Russians. For breakfast and dinners, you can always meet with the owner of the hotel and his wife, who are always happy to talk (even in Russian) with their guests and personally help them in addressing recreation issues. So, if you like the homely atmosphere of fun and welcoming, as well as delicious to eat, be sure to choose for vacation Milton. .
Hotels with decent service and acceptable prices for accommodation in Marina Crentro: Villa Adriatica 4 * - a cozy hotel, located in the villas of the XVIII century villa; Aqua 4 * located near Milton. , performed in a modern style, on the 2nd line from the sea; Ambassador 4 * - sample traditional resort hotel; Ambasciatori 4 * - the rooms are not very large, but comfortable; ARIMINUM 4 * - More economical than the above, while the quality of services is not inferior.

Located 4 kilometers from Rimini is suitable for those who want to be in the center of the resort party, but at the same time not to overpay for the hotel. Everything is much cheaper here and calmer than in Marina Crentro. The main thing is not to confuse with the resort in the north of Emilia-Romagna. Mirabella another resort area for youth recreation, especially those who are fond of cycling (there is a very good cycle shop). The beach is not very long, but wide.

  • Special offers for accommodation in hotels Bellariva and Mirabella

Rivadzur - Magnificent suitable for youth recreation. Many bars, pubs and discos. With the kids up to 5 years, it may not be quite comfortable here, but older children in Rivadzur will be very crazy, because the amusement park is located here. Fiabilandia - Italian Disneyland. Rivadzura is located 6 kilometers from Rimini and just 2 kilometers from the airport. It is better to choose Gallia Palace 4 * "Hotel worthy of his stars, a great value-quality ratio, renovated comfortable rooms, on the roof there is a swimming pool.

- The resort area is closest to Rimini Airport. Here is the largest thalassotherapy center Riminiterme.Therefore, if you want to combine rest, parties and make up your beauty and health, then the best option is not found. For accommodation in Miramare, the hotel is well suited Turing 4 * consisting of two buildings across the road from each other, far from the sea housing residence You can book rooms with kitchen. Hotel Due Mari 4 * - A good option for budget recreation, if you do not pay attention to the old numbers.

A certain boundary, the resort zones do not exist. As with most of the coasts of Italy, the towns smoothly flow one to another, which can be found about, only focusing on the road signs. The cost of accommodation in hotels also depends on their location, the closer to Marina Crentro, the higher the price. Therefore, if you want to save and easily carry the service 3 *, then the most optimal will be accommodation in Miramare or Torre Pedrerra. And if you want to ride through all resort towns, you can use the services of public transport or taxi. A bus service is very well developed in Rimini, you can also rent a bike and explore the resort from the first beach to the last. Rule when choosing hotels in Rimini, which you need to stick, especially booking the hotel in Marina Crentro: if you relax with children or very susceptible to noise and you can fall asleep only in coffin silence, then choose hotels on the 1st line of Sea View category, or settle in Hotels located on the 3rd and 4th lines (to the beach no more than 10 minutes walk). For recreation with children in Rimini, suitable rooms with a kitchenette in hotels LE ROSE SUITE 4 * and Suite Hotel Litoraneo 4 *. About lines. What does the hotel mean on the 1st line in the context of Rimini? It looks like this: the hotel is a promenade surrounded by bars and restaurants - the beach. Directly on the beach there are only hotels in Torah Pedreroo and San Julian. If, when choosing a hotel, one of the defining factors is the availability of Russian-speaking staff and at least a para-triple of compatriots for communication, we recommend choosing a hotel Genty 4 * in Rivadzuro I. BAMBY 3 * In Marina Crentro. Can't part with pets even at rest - book Villa Caterina 3 * . What "surprises" can expect guests who decided to save at the hotel: at the hotel ALFREDOS 3 * Due to the lack of shower cabins (the housewife of the hotel explains this struggle for the ecology) it will be necessary for the curtain, and in Brooklyn 3 * You can use the air conditioner only for an additional fee. In some "treshki" in the rooms there is no TV or the hotel has no restaurant, so seeking to save, carefully read the description of the hotel.

The best resorts of Emilia-Romagna North of Rimini

Milano Marittima

The aristocratic resort, not so long ago, celebrated its centenary anniversary, founded influential industrialists and businessmen from the Lombardy region on June 1, 1911 especially for themselves and their families, so that in silence and comfort to carry out a hot Italian summer. To this day, Milano Marittima is a resort exclusively for family holidays. Milano Marittima is going to make care and health. Rest in the city Park is shown to people with ENT diseases. Salted sea air and abundance of pine and cedar groves have a beneficial effect on health. IN Terme di Cervia. You can undergo a course of wellness procedures on the ONDE of mineral waters and mud. Next door to the thermal complex is a water park Aquabel. Also for children in Milan Marittima, on the territory of the Cervia Reserve, an adventure park has been opened Cerviavventura.. Milalo Marittima is very convenient for excursions to Ravenna and Forli, and if you take a car rental, then in just 2 hours a trip through the picturesque coast of Adriatica can be reached in Venice. Get to Milano Marittim can be from the airport and Forli. 40 minutes by car and approximately 2 hours on public transport.

Where to live. Best hotels in Milano Marittima

Hotels in Milano Marittim under the resort level: youth PREMIER & SUITES 5 *, Original Waldorf 5 * or classic Palace 5 * Poslies to their guests a high level of comfort and service. In addition to them, the hotel is worthy of direct access to the sea and beautiful territory EMBASSY & BOSTON 4 *; The hotel is not deprived of originality, located surrounded by Mediterranean Park Isvego 50 meters from the beach - Mare E Pineta 4 *, Grand Hotel Gallia 4 * "The hotel is located on the 2nd line, which does not detract from his merits to the rest, and well suits travelers who want to spend their holidays at the best level. The hotel has spacious rooms, a restaurant, a swimming pool and all you need for a relaxed holiday. From budgetary options, good servers offer hotels Tiffany`s 3 * and San Giorgio 3 *.

  • Special offers for accommodation in Milano Marittima hotels


The resort is Cesenatically ride for the sake of crystal clear water of the purest beaches, which stretch out on 7 kilometers along the coast of AdriaticFor the sake of the best in the restaurants in the region, which serves SEA Food, and for the sake of rest in silence and tranquility. There are much fewer tourists than in Rimini or Riccione, and those who prefer not to lie for a day long on the beach, but walking on museums of vintage ships, canning and home museum Marino Maretti.. Special pride of citizens - channel designed Leonardo da Vinci and the historic center - Borgo, where you can still see at home built by fishermen many years ago.

Where to live. Best hotels in Cesenatico

Beautiful Varaint for those who are going to spend vacation on the Adriatic coast longer than 7-10 days - Parador Hotel Residenceoffering your guests two -, three- and quadruple apartments with a kitchen. For a short vacation, it is better to settle in Grand Hotel Cesenatico 4 *providing comfort and high service to its guests since 1929.


Former fishing village Nowadays a very cozy resort town, ideal for family holidays. One of his main advantages is the lack of a carriageway between hotels and the beach. The convenient location of Bellaria, just a 30-minute drive from Rimini and an hour by public transport to Ravenna attracts those who love quiet and relaxed rest, but at the same time want to diversify beach holidays with travel and sightseeing of the landmarks of Italy. Do not even choose for the redoners of Bellaria, in the town itself you can find many interesting places: Villas of Italian aristocrats, Red House Italian poet Alfredo Granny, Saracin Tower and platon Islandwhere the city and boutiques are focused.

Where to live. Best hotels in Bellarium

For Guest Travel and Romantic Leisure Choose a hotel Gambrinus 4 * - Family hotel from the 50s of the last century. Beautiful territory, high service service. Families with children here will also be cozy and comfortable, there are two children's club for kids and animators work. For recreation, the whole family is well suited and Beach Suite Hotel 3 *Located not far from the water park. This hotel has a two-bedroom apartment with kitchen.

The best resorts of Emilia-Romagna South Rimini


Riccione resort, located just 5 kilometers from Rimini, is considered a relatively young resort. Riccione younger Rimini at least 22 years. In 1865, railways were laid along the coast and only then the cream of the secular society of Italy, and Europe as a whole, turned their eyes on his golden beaches. The resort was so impressed by the discerning public that soon he was entrusted with the glory of the "secular salon" of the Adriatic Riviera. Nowadays, Richchion's popularity among rich and famous does not fade away. Ricciona resort is 7 kilometers of sandy beaches, comfortable hotels, thermal sources (the most famous European thermal center "Riccione Terme" Located here), excellent conditions for sports, not only aquatic species, there are also well-equipped tennis courts, football fields and cycling paths. Rest in Riccione go those who want the same good sea as in Rimini, but at the same time receive services and comfort to the class are higher than that of the neighbors. Here, relative to family couples with children and young people. And adults and children will enjoy in dolphinariums and water park Beach Village.Located right on the beach. Also, if there is a desire to make shopping during the holiday, but it does not want to make a lot of effort to search for brand stores, you need to choose Riccione. Near the city, there is an outlet, and directly in the stores of the city the assortment for shopping is much richer, it is enough to get into the "golden triangle" on vIALE CECCARINI.. For example, Gucci fans should be riding in Riccione, noigate for the next 100-200 kilometers of boutiques of this brand.
Getting in Riccione from Rimini Airportit is possible for 15 to 20 minutes by bus.

Where to live. Best hotels in Riccione

The beloved hotel of the Italian elite and the only hotel in the resort 5 * - Grand Hotel Des Baines - Beautiful classic of hospitality, offering its guests comfort and high-class service since 1908. As in Rimini, Riccione hotels do not have direct access to the beach, you need to pass 5-7 minutes to the sea. The distance from the coastline of hotels with interest compensates for beautiful gardens, where dinner is covered with dinner under the seven of the trees, as well as pools, so that you can sunbathe and swim at any time, especially if too lazy to go to the beach. Beaches in Riccione paid, but for the convenience of guests of hotels 4 *, such as, for example,

The resort is located on the Adriatic Riviere Romagna between Riccione and Cattolic, about 15 kilometers south of Rimini. Ideal for family holidays, as well as for numerous fans of high speeds and sailing. Misano is the largest centambonik car in Europe, which is held moto GP Motor Sport World Cup. But those who are indifferent to the roar of motors will find many attractive moments for themselves. At least, rest on the beach, 3 kilometer long, cycling along the shores of the river Konka along the protected places, where storks, pelicans and hollows live. And in the evenings you can enjoy walks along the promenade with its numerous souvenir shops, the market and cozy cafe. Italians and the British are loved to rest in Misano, and among our compatriot, it is less popular. So, you want to relax from the homeland - you are here. Road from Rimini Airport to the center of Misano will take a little more than half an hour in public transport.

Where to live. Best hotels in Misano

There are no hotels above 3 *, but it still does not mean that it will have to crash in close cells or see the wall of another hotel from the window of its room. The service and level of comfort in most hotels are alive by 4 *. Best in its class - Park Kursaal Hotel.. For relaxing a large family or a company of friends is well suited PortOverde Beach Apartmentswhich also allowed pets with pets. And if the view of the sea, not the most important parameter when choosing a hotel, then the oasis of silence and tranquility The most southern resort of Emilia-Romance - Cattolica, is located almost on the border with the Mark region. From the center of cattolica to You can walk on foot in thirty minutes. The resort town of Cattolica, like his northern Milano Marittima, is very suitable for family holidays with children of all ages. Little travelers come delight from visiting the park of marine inhabitants Le Navi.. And on the two-kilometer sandy coast of the resort specifically 5 beaches were irubed for children's rest(9-11 on Regina Beach, Beach 85 and 96)Where kids entertain animators while parents are not sick under the sun. Those who love to combine rest with shopping in Cattolica there is where "unfold." First, three outlet: GILMAR STORE COMPANY., Fuzzi Factory Outlet and Diffusione Tessile. And, secondly, in the neighboring region, the brand acquire shoes and leather products for every taste.

Get from Rimini to Catatolic It is possible on all types of public transport. Trains depart from 4.00 to 22.00, travel time. Depending on the train, 10-20 minutes, the fare from 2 euros.

Where to live. Best hotels in Cattoliki

There are a lot of hotels, residences and apartments to relax with children (three- and quadruple rooms, kitchenware) in the city. Optimal price-quality, even in high season: Apartment Casa Alberta Cattolica and Residence Capitol Hotel.

To choose a resort for a holiday in Italy, these articles will be useful to you:

I search for a small hotel or apartments near Rimini, Riccione or anything in these edges! I know that late ... But I want to go to Italy! Last year were in Lignano (the girl with the BB recommended) rested super and the place what you need, in general, pleased! Waiting for the vendor ... Where to see housing or tips from experienced)) )Thank you

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How to entertain baby in Italy !!!

The Adriatic Riviera has a fairly developed entertainment infrastructure and boasts magnificent amusement parks, as there is no such number of thematic parks as in this zone, more in Italy: "Italy in miniature" - 270 architectural wonders and landscapes of Italy and Europe, Mirabianland - Grand Entertainment Park, Fiabiland - a fabulous amusement park for children, numerous water parks (among them Akvafan - the largest in Europe) and dolphinariums. In addition to them, in Rimini itself, every evening there is a moon park and numerous chairs with slot machines are open ...

How to relax in Rimini in 2019? Tips and tourist reviews about holidays, weather, beaches, prices and excursions, as well as recommendations of the best hotels for recreation with children.

Rimini is a small Italian resort located at the Adriatic Sea. The geographical position of the resort has formed a special climate - a mixture of continental and soft Mediterranean. The tourist season lasts from May to October, but the main influx of tourists falls for the summer when a full-fledged beach vacation becomes possible. In August, a very many Italians themselves arrive at the resort.

Judging by the reviews of tourists, rest in Rimini is interesting: the historic center of the city is well-preserved monuments of architecture of the Roman Empire and Middle Ages. Night clubs and discos are working on the embankment, vacationers are playing beach volleyball and basketball, they are engaged in diving. Popular pastime in Fiabiland Park, Dolphinariums, Water Park and theme Park "Italy in Miniature".

Rimini is a convenient dot for traveling around the country. You can order an excursion with a guide in Russian and go on a comfortable bus in Rome, Milan, San Marino and other places. Shopping tours are extremely popular here, since there are many outlet and boutiques, where you can buy branded clothes at low prices.

Weather in Rimini from June to September

In the summer, the resort is warm and sunny. The rains are rare and are short-term, the wind is practically no. In June, in Rimini, relax is quite comfortable: during the day + 27 ° C, at night + 18 ° C, water temperature in the sea + 23 ° C.

The real heat comes in July: during the day + 30 ° C and above, at night + 20 ° С. Water warms up to + 26 ° C. Cloud and cloudy days - rarity, not more than one day a month. In August, it is also dry and sunny, the temperature indicators are similar, with a difference in a couple of degrees.

September in Rimini, tourist reviews, unpredictable month. For rest, it is quite suitable, but sometimes the weather presents unpleasant surprises in the form of rains and cool water. The first half of September is usually dry, during the day + 26 ° C, at night + 19 ° C, the sea + 23 ° С. In the second half of the month, the precipitation increases: due to cyclones, rainy weather can delay for several days, the air temperature decreases to + 20 ° C.

(Photo © rajesh_india / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Rimini beaches

According to guest reviews, the beach holidays in Rimini is good. The resort is a well-groomed coastline: all beaches are sandy, wide and with a gentle entrance, some of them municipalities, and part is fixed behind hotels. The length is 15 km, 25 km away is in the surrounding area. The only drawback about which tourists mentioned - at the end of July-early August, the sea appears algae, and some of the beaches do not have time to clean.

Most beaches are paid, for use of the sun bed and an umbrella need to pay from 5 to 15 euros. Own beaches have hotels located on the first and second coastline. The beaches are always in perfect condition and are distinguished by the colors of sun beds and umbrellas.

Motley Beach Umbrellas on Rimini Beach (Photo © Booking.com / Savoia Hotel Rimini)

All recreation areas are equipped with basketball and volleyball courts, tennis courts, there are entertainment for children. In the coastal strip there are hotels and entertainment facilities.

However, according to reviews, rest in Rimini on public beaches is also not bad. These include Rivabella, Marebella, Torah of Pedrera. They are less comfortable, but quite well-groomed. From the free most popular Marina Crentro - the favorite place of entertainment of young people.

The nearest neighbor Rimini - Ricchone - attracts young people and families with children. Clean beach with a small sand, good entertainment network. The 7-kilometer zone is divided into areas attached to hotels and health resorts, so you need to pay for the entrance.

Evening lights Riccon (photo © Booking.com / Hotel Tiffany "s)

Best hotels in Recreation with children in 2019

The resort has a large selection of accommodation options - from budget guest houses to luxury hotels. For a comfortable stay with children in Rimini, it is better to choose 4 * or 5 * hotel. Good reviews from Hotel de Londres, Hotel Aria, Gaston: location on the first or second line, buffet breakfast, evening aperitifs, SPA services, massage and gym, free Wi-Fi, services for children.

According to tourist reviews, excellent 3 * hotels in Rimini, suitable for recreation with children - Calypso and Metropole. Cozy rooms, all furniture and plumbing in good condition, free Wi-Fi, standard breakfasts, near the beach, shops, cafes.

Most hotels have a beautiful view of the sea, because the city literally stretched along a multi-kilometer beach area. Main, choose the right window location (Photo © Booking.com / Club House Hotel)

The most complaints caused poor sound insulation in hotels, poor food, an unsuccessful location (for example, near the railway), a malfunction of plumbing and air conditioners. HOTEL SANREMO, Hotel Giovane Italia, Park Hotel Rimini, Hotel Villa Elisa, Residence Brown and others.

Many hotels have animation and permanent holidays for children (Photo © Booking.com / Hotel Imperial Beach)

Prices in 2019: Food, Hotels, Tours

Most tourists in their reviews called holiday prices in Rimini acceptable. Hotel accommodation 3 * will cost 50-80 euros for two per day, then you can find cheaper from the sea. In hotels 4 * and 5 * prices are 2-3 times higher.

The average account in the restaurant for two is about 30 euros. Portions are large. Pizza costs from 4.5 euros, paste from 8 to 20 euros, 1.5-4.5 euro coffee. Often in the restaurants included compulsory tips (10% of the check or fixed amount) and the fee for the table (1-2 euros) is charged.

With departure from Moscow in the summer of 2019, there are from 60 thousand rubles for two adults and a child (7 nights, a 3 * hotel), from St. Petersburg - from 80 thousand. Prices for tours in Rimini on the "All Inclusive" system begin from 120 thousand rubles, full board - from 70 thousand.

Burning tours At the best prices, you can search for services and - they compare 120 tour operators offer and therefore are able to find the best option. You can buy a ticket online, which is very convenient.

Neatly arranged beach umbrellas as a chair in the auditorium (photo © Booking.com / Hotel Imperial Beach)

Excursions in Rimini.

Many tourists in Rimini prefer their holidays to diversify excursions. Usually everyone first is offered to get acquainted with the historic center of the resort. This little excursion lasts a few hours and it costs 15-20 euros. Alternatively, you can rent a bike for 10 euros and see the sights independently: the embankment, the temple of Malates, the Ancient Roman Forum, the Triumphal Arch of August, the Tre Martiri Square and Tiberius Bridge.

Judging by the reviews of tourists, one of the most interesting excursions is a 5-hour excursion to the dwarf state of San Marino. It is an excursion of 15-20 euros. You can go to San Marino, armed with a guidebook and paying 5 euros for a trip to the bus, which is sent daily from Rimini railway station.

Excursions to other cities in Italy - Venice, Florence, Rome, Bologna, Milan are extremely popular. Such trips take the whole day, the cost of the tour - from 70 euros per person. In the season of those who want a lot, and the sighting of the sights turns out very quick, which is tiring. Therefore, some prefer independent trains by train, bus or car. Large savings will not, but the freedom of movements will appear. Remember that in high season there are big queues in museums.

Tiberius Bridge in Rimini built 2000 years ago. Open not only for pedestrians, but also for transport (Photo © wikimedia.org / Matteo)


It is more convenient and more profitable to conduct with an experienced shopping instructor. We, the authors of the site site, we recommend contacting Irina Mikhalev - this is a professional, a pleasant and responsive person. Irina perfectly organized our holiday in Rimini a few years ago.

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Contacts Irina.

Rimini (Rimini) can be treated differently. Therefore, before talking about choosing hotels, I will say a few words about whether it is worth going to Rimini in general or it is better to prefer some other resort, which is on the Adriatic coast of Italy.

In favor of recreation in Rimini, at least two factors play. First, this town can boast a developed tourist infrastructure. Here you will find well-equipped sandy beaches, many restaurants and cafes, clubs and other "part" institutions, a fairly interesting historical center of the city and the railway station, which makes it easy and easy to travel around the district (more on travel routes from Rimini, see). Secondly, Rimini is very democratic, and if your financial capabilities are not bicked, and to visit Italy as you want, then the option is better, perhaps, and you will not come up with (prices Rimini hotels).

On the other hand, it is worth considering that the entrance to the sea here is quite gently (in order to get to the depths, you need to go from the shore of 15-20 meters), and the bottom, as has already been seen above, sandy. Therefore, near the coast, water may seem fragile (although this does not mean that it is dirty). In other words, the sea in Rimini is well suited for recreation with children, but if you want to step two and in the outer with your head, then this is not the place. Do not go to Rimini and for a secluded holiday. This place is considerably popular - from June to September (especially in July and August) in Rimini is crowded and noisy. In other words, Rimini is quite suitable for recreation in the format "Plant on the beach - to ride in Italy" or in the format "During the day on the beach - at night to the club", but it is hardly to go here for the sake of a powerful respectable recreation (although, of course, it is quite respectable Rimini hotels are available). In addition, speaking of the democratic price of prices in relation to hotels, it is necessary to understand that Rimini is the resort of nonsense, and many local hotels are characterized by the worn out of the equipment and the omissions of the interiors (however it does not mean that there are no good modern hotels in Rimini). Finally, it is impossible not to say that Rimini is the most that there is a "batch" direction, and therefore, planning an independent journey, it should not only think about what to go to Rimini, but also to pose a matter of costs. It is likely that buying a tour will be much cheaper than to organize everything yourself. Thus, before proceeding to the search and booking of hotels, airfares, etc., it is necessary to look at the websites of online travel agencies (for example, on or).

In which district of Rimini is better to stop?


In Rimini, you can highlight the central part and everything that is beyond. In turn, the central part of the city can be divided into the Old Town, where the main historical dosto-commercials, and the resort center, where, among the sea and the beach there are many entertainment and entertainment establishments. Outside the center there are areas such as Viserba, Viserbell, Miramare, etc. Actually, will continue to tell about the areas of Rimini. As for hotels, for example, some of some interesting embodiments are referred to as a complete list of Rimini hotels with the ability to compare the prices of the booking sites can be found.

Hotels in the center of Rimini

The vast majority of hotels located in the center of Rimini, the sea. The resort part of the city center is called Marina-Centro (Marina Centro). It is here that I am famous thanks to Federico Fellini Grand Hotel di Rimini. If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of luxury, then it is not bad (and, of course, very, very expensive) option. Only when booking the room it is necessary to make sure that it is located in the main building, and not in the additional case called Residenza Grand Hotel (or Residenza Parco Fellini). However, if you are interested exclusively five-star hotels and you disagree to the smaller, then pay attention to the I-Suite Hotel is designed in the modern style. My taste, he is at least not worse than the Grand Hotel.

In general, hotels in the central part of Rimini do not indulge in low prices. However, the average prices are much lower than in the two above-mentioned hotels. In other words, there is from what to choose, even if your budget is limited. Interesting, in my opinion, options for the price / quality ratio are Aqua Hotel, ErbavoGlio Hotel, Hotel de Londres and a pair of hotels in Mercure - Rimini Lungomare and Rimini Artis. There are hotels and cheaper. For example, Hotel Alibi and Hotel Sorriso. Separately, I will note the Suite Hotel Parioli, where, in addition to standard rooms, apartments with a kitchen are offered for quite sane money. Thus, if desired (or if necessary) here can be prepared on your own.

Pluses of accommodation in the center of Rimini are obvious. Beach and sea near. Cafes, bars, restaurants and disco under the side. Dolphinarium is located here. All sorts of street performances, open-air concerts and other events are arranged almost daily. The old town and its attractions can be reached on foot for 15-20 minutes, and the railway station and is closer.

The back of all this abundance is crowded and noise. The minuses include the fact that in the center of Rimini there is not a single hotel that could boast of direct access to the sea - all of them are at best across the road from the beach. Therefore, if you are interested in hotels located right on the shore, you should pay attention to other areas of the city (for example, in the Rivabella area there is a Hotel Imperial Beach) or even at the nearby resort town of Riccione (see, in particular, Hotel Fedora Riccione and Hotel Adlon) . In addition, the beaches in the center of Rimini are an essential cost of expenses, since the beach equipment (sun loungers, umbrellas, shower cabins, etc.) costs money, unless, of course, the use of one beach is not included in the hotel price. Unegored ("wild") sections of the beach in the center are also there, but they are a bit. If you are interested in Marina-Crentro, but at the same time you want to reduce costs as much as possible, it makes sense to navigate the northern part of the beach - closer to the port, "where you can quite quickly settle on the beach towels brought with you and not spend money on renting chaise lounges and umbrellas. By the way, the proximity of the port does not bother to swim and sunbathe. Of the hotels listed above, the Grand Hotel is closest to this place. But more or less budget options are available. For example, Esedra Hotel.

Completing the Review of the Rimini Center, add a few words o Old town . It is located on the other side of the railway tracks, which serve as a separation feature between the historical and resort parts of the city. By the way, if you arrive in Rimini by train, please note that the exit from the railway station is facing the side of the Old Town, and to get to the resort part of Rimini will have to make a hook or resort to public transport or taxis. As the old city, then there are not much hotels here, and there is no particular sense in this part of the city. To the hotels located here it is worth seeing unless if Rimini is interested in you primarily not as a resort, but as a convenient starting point for trips around the neighborhood. So, near the train station is located Hotel Moderno and Hotel Napoleon. Located far from the station and, accordingly, Card International Hotel, Hotel Giulio Cesare and Duomo Hotel are located closer to the historic sights of the city.

Hotels outside the Rimini Center

Of course, at the center of Rimini, the Light Wedge did not come. Other areas of the city are also interesting in their own way. First, hotels in them are cheaper than in the center. Secondly, free sections of the beach are more common. Thirdly, outside the center, as a rule, calmer and quieter. Finally, almost in every area there are their attraction points. In particular, from areas Rivazzurra (Rivazzurra) and Miramare (Miramare) hand to send to the amusement park "Fiabilandia" (Fiabilandia), and from areas Viserba (Viserba) and Viserbell (Viserbella) Not far to the ITALIA IN MINIATURE Park (Italia in Miniature). However, to tell about each of these areas separately there is no particular sense. It is important to understand that it is quite easy to reach any of them: a public transport network in Rimini is well developed, buses run regularly (there is even a night route), and in some areas there are also equal railway stations. I also note that many hotels located on the distance from the city center are free of charge of parking spaces, which will serve as an additional advantage for autocessors. In general, if for some reason you do not want to live in the center of Rimini, it is quite possible to navigate the hotels in any other area.

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