Alexandrian lighthouse. Brief description of the miracle of light, where is interesting facts

Farosky, he is the Alexandria Lighthouse - one of the seven wonders of the world - located on the eastern shore of the island of Faros within Alexandria. He was the first and only at that time the lighthouse so gigantic sizes. The builder of this facility was the Costrath Book. Now, Alexandrian Lighthouse has not been preserved, but the remnants of this structure confirming the reality of its existence are found.

That in the area of \u200b\u200bFaros under water is the remains of the lighthouse, it was known for a long time. But the presence of the Egyptian naval base on this site prevented any research. Only in 1961, Kemal Abu Ela Sadat discovered statues in water, blocks and marble boxes.

On his initiative, the statue of the goddess of Isis was removed from the water. In 1968, the Government of Egypt appealed to UNESCO with a request to conduct an examination. An archaeologist from Great Britain was invited, which in 1975 presented a report on the work done. It contained a list of all finds. Thus, the importance for archaeologists of this site was confirmed.

Active research

In 1980, a group of archaeologists from different countries began excavation at the seabed in the Lady district. This group of scientists, in addition to archaeologists, included architects, topographers, egyptologists, artists and restorers, as well as photographers.

As a result, at a depth of 6-8 meters, hundreds of lighthouse fragments were discovered, which occupied the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2 hectares. In addition, studies have shown that there are more ancient objects on the seabed, than the lighthouse. From the water, many columns and capitals from granite, marble, limestone belonging to various epochs were extracted.

The special interest of scientists was caused by the find of famous obeliskov called "needles of Cleopatra" and brought to Alexandria by order of Octavian August in 13th to N. e. Subsequently, many of the finds were renovated and exhibited in museums of different countries.

About Alexandria

Alexandria - the capital of Hellenistic Egypt - was founded in the Delta of the Nile River More Alexander Macedonian in 332-331 to N. e. The city was built according to the Unified Plan developed by the architect Dinohar, and was divided into blocks with wide streets. The two wider of them (30 meters width) were crossed at right angles.

In Alexandria, there were many magnificent palaces and royal tomb. Alexander Macedonsky was also buried here, whose body was delivered from Babylon and was buried in the Golden Sarcophage in the magnificent tomb on the orders of Tsar Ptolemya Sake, which thus wanted to emphasize the continuity of the traditions of the Great Conqueror.

At the time when other military leaders fought among themselves and shared a huge power of Alexander, Ptolemy settled in Egypt and made Alexandria with one of the richest and most beautiful capitals of the ancient world.

Human Resource

The glory of the city in many ways contributed to the creation of the Museyon Ptolem ("Human Resources"), where the king invited prominent scientists and the poets of his time. Here they could live and engage in scientific research completely at the expense of the state. Thus, Museyon became something like the Academy of Sciences. Attracted by favorable conditions, scientists from different ends of the Hellenistic world flocked here. The funds for various experiments and scientific expeditions were generously discarded from the royal treasury.

Attracted scientists in Museyon and the magnificent Alexandria library, in which about 500 thousand scrolls were collected, including the essays of the outstanding playwrights of Greece Eschila, Sofokla and Euripid. These manuscripts king Ptolemy II allegedly asked at the Athenians for a while, in order for the scribes to remove copies from them. Athenians requested a huge deposit. The king paid badly. But to return the manuscript refused.

The library's keeper was usually appointed by any famous scientist or poet. For a long time, this post occupied an outstanding poet of his time Callima. Then he was replaced by the famous geographen and Mathematics Eratosthen. He managed to calculate the diameter and the radius of the Earth and allowed only a minor error of 75 kilometers, which in the existing opportunities available for that period does not diminish its merit.

Of course, the king, providing scientists and poets with hospitality and financial support, pursued its goals: to increase the world's glory in the world as a scientific and cultural center and, thus, his own. In addition, poets and philosophers had to praise his virtues (real or imaginary) in their works.

Wide development received natural sciences, mathematics and mechanics. In Alexandria, the famous mathematician Euclid lived, the founder of geometry, as well as the outstanding inventor of Geron Alexandria, whose works were ahead of his time for a long time. For example, they created a device that was actually the first steam engine.

In addition, it invented many different automata driven by steam or hot air. But in the era of universal distribution of slaves, these inventions could not find applications and were used only to entertain the royal yard.

The ancestorous astronomer Aristarh Samossky long before Copernicus said that the Earth is a ball that revolves around his axis and around the Sun. The contemporaries of his ideas caused only a grin, but he remained with his opinion.

Creation of Alexandria Lighthouse

Development of Alexandrian scientists found an application in real life. An example of the outstanding achievements of science and became an Alexandrian lighthouse, who was considered one of the miracles of the world in that epoch. In 285 BC e. The island connected with the shore of Dambia - artificially rolled the cereal. And in five years, by 280 BC. er, the construction of the lighthouse was completed.

Alexandrian Lighthouse was a three-story tower about 120 meters high.

  • The lower floor was built in the form of a square with four edges, each of which was 30.5 meters long. The edges of the square were addressed to four sides of the world: north, south, east, west - and folded from limestone.
  • The second floor was made in the form of an eight-marched tower, lined with marble plates. The face of it was oriented towards eight winds.
  • The third floor, actually a lantern, was crowned with a dome with a bronze statue of Poseidon, whose height reached 7 meters. Lighthouse dome relied on marble columns. The leading printed staircase was so comfortable that all the necessary materials, including fuel for the fire, raised up on donkeys.

The complex system of metal mirrors reflected and increased lighthouse light, and he was clearly visible to the navigators from afar. In addition, the same system made it possible to monitor the marine space and detect the ships of the enemy long before they appeared within visibility.

Special signs

On the eight-marched tower, forming the second floor, placed bronze statues. Some of them have been equipped with special mechanisms that allowed them to serve for flora, indicating the direction of the wind.

Travelers told about the wonderful properties of the statues. One of them allegedly pointed out with her hand in the sun, tracing his way through the sky, and lowered his hand when the sun was sake. Others, for a day, beat off every hour.

They said that even such a statue, which, with the emergence of enemy ships, pointed to the sea and published a warning cry. All these stories do not seem so fantastic, if you recall the steam machines of Gerona Alexandria.

It is possible that the achievements of the scientist were used in the construction of a lighthouse, and the statues could produce any mechanical movements and sounds when a certain signal arrives.

Among other things, the lighthouse was also an impregnable fortress with a powerful garrison. In the underground part in the case of siege there was a huge tank with drinking water.

The Faros Lighthouse did not know analogues in the ancient world in size or by technical data. Prior to that, ordinary fires were usually used as lighthouses. It is not surprising that Alexandrian lighthouse with its complex mirror system, colossal dimensions and fantastic statues seemed to all people with a real miracle.

Who created an Alexandrian lighthouse

Builder of this miracle Sostrath Book carved on the marble wall inscription: "Sostrath, the son of Dexphan from the book, dedicated to the Savior Savior Rames." He closed this inscription with a thin layer of plaster, on which he placed the praise of King Ptolemya Saker. When the plaster fell off over time, the name of the master appeared the wizard, which created a magnificent lighthouse.

Although the lighthouse was located on the eastern shore of Faros, it is more commonly called Alexandria, not Farosky. This island is mentioned in the poem of Homer Odyssey. In the time of Homer, he was in the Nile Delta, opposite the small Egyptian settlement of Rakotis.

But by the time of construction of the lighthouse, he, according to the remark of the Greek geographer Strabonna, was significantly approached by the shores of Egypt and was in one day of the path from Alexandria. With the beginning of construction, the island joined the coast, actually turning it out of the island in the peninsula. For this, it was artificially embanked the dam, which was called heptastadone, since its length was 7 stages (stage is an ancient Greek measure of length, which is 177.6 meters).

That is, in translation of the measurement system familiar to us, the lamb length accounted for approximately 750 meters. From the Faros side, the main, large harbor of Alexandria was located. This harbor was so deep that the shore could have an anchor of a big ship.

Nothing is eternal

Tower - assistant I sailors who lost the road.
Here at night I light the light fire of Poseidon.
Collapse here about threatening from the deafly noisy wind,
But she reinforced me with his writings of Ammonium.
After the ferocious shafts, they stretch their hands to me
All sailors, reading you, about the Earth, the oscillator.

Nevertheless, the lighthouse stood until the XIV century and even in a dilapidated condition reached a height of 30 meters, continuing to surprise with beauty and gradation. To date, only a pedestal has been preserved from this glorified miracle of the world, which is built into the medieval fortress. Therefore, the possibilities of archaeologists or architects to study the remnants of this grand facility are practically absent. Now in Faros is the Egyptian military port. And on the western side of the island there is another lighthouse, which is no remind of his great predecessor, but also continues to indicate the way to ships.

One of the seven wonders of the world is Alexandrian Lighthouse - a construction built on the island of Faros in the third century BC. Building is close to the famous Alexandria, and therefore he is given such name. Another option may be the phrase "Farosky Lighthouse" - from the name of the island on which it is located.


The first miracle of the world - Alexandrian Lighthouse - was originally intended to help you get lost sailors who wish to get to the shore, safely overwhelmed underwater reefs. At night, the path was covered by flames and signal rays of light emanating from a huge fire, and in the afternoon - the pillars of smoke that came from the fire located on the top of this sea tower. Alexandrian lighthouse served faithfully for almost a thousand years, but it was very damaged by an earthquake in 796 after this earthquake in history another five very powerful and long underground jolts, which finally disabled this magnificent creation of human hands. Of course, it was once tried to reconstruct it, but all attempts have led only to the fact that a small fortress remained from him, which he built Sultan Kite-Bay in the 15th century. It is this fortress that can be seen today. She is all that remained from this majestic man's creation.


Let's go deep in history and learn how this miracle of the world was built, because it is really exciting and interesting. How many things have happened, what features of construction and its purpose - we will tell you about all this below, do not be lazy only to read.

Where is Alexandria Lighthouse

The lighthouse was built on a small island called Faros, which is located off the coast of Alexandria in the Mediterranean. The whole story of this lighthouse is initially connected with the name of the Great Conqueror of Alexander Macedon. It was he who was the creator of the first miracle of the world - the things that all humanity is proud of. On this island, Alexander Great decided to establish a large port that he actually did in 332 BC during his visit to Egypt. The construction obtained two names: the first one - in honor of who decided to build it, the second - in honor of the name of the island on which it is located. In addition to such a famous lighthouse, the conqueror decided to build another city of the same name - one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean Sea. It should be noted that in all his life, Alexander the Great built about eighteen policies with the name "Alexandria", but this particular entered the story and is known to the present day. First of all, the city was erected, and only then his main attraction. Initially, 20 years had to go to the construction of a lighthouse, but it was not there. The whole process took only 5 years, but despite this, the construction saw the world only in 283 BC, after Alexander Macedonsky's death - during the Government of Ptolemya II - Tsar Egypt.

Construction features

I decided to carefully approach the construction issue. As some sources say, he chose a place for more than two years to build the port. The conqueror did not want to create a city in Neal, which he found a very good replacement. The construction site was divided into twenty miles to the south, not far from the referee lake Mareotis. Earlier there was a platform of the Egyptian city of Rakotis, which in turn facilitated the whole process of construction. The entire benefit of the location was that the port was able to take the vessel both from the Mediterranean Sea and from the Nile River, which was very profitable and diplomatic. It not only increased the profit of the conqueror, but also helped him and his followers to build strong ties and merchants and seaworthites of that time. The city managed to create even during the life of the Macedonian, but the Alexandria Lighthouse became the development of Ptolemy of the first eraser. It was he who frustrated the design and embodied her.

Alexandrian lighthouse. Photo

Looking at the image, we will see that the lighthouse consists of several "layers". Three large marble towers stand on the basis of huge stone blocks, weighing several hundred thousand tons. The first tower has a shape of a huge rectangle. Inside it there are rooms intended for housing soldiers and workers ports. From above was the smaller octagonal tower. Spiral ramp was a transition to the upper cylindrical tower, inside which a large bonfire was located, which served as a source of light. The whole design weighed several million thousand tons, excluding jewelry and appliances inside it. Because of this, the soil began to see what caused serious problems and demanded additional fortifications and construction work.

Start of fire

Despite the fact that the Faros Lighthouse was built for 285-283 to our era, he began to work only at the beginning of the first century to our era. It was then that the entire signaling light system was developed, working with large bronze disks, sending light into the sea. In parallel with this, the composition of the gunpowder was invented, which allocated a huge amount of smoke - a way to indicate the way during the day.

Height and range of outgoing light

The full height of the Alexandrian lighthouse is from 120 to 140 meters (the difference is the difference in the height of the soil). Due to this location, the light from the fire was seen at a distance of more than 60 kilometers in bright weather (there is evidence that the light was visible in the Castle for 100 kilometers or more) and up to 45-50 kilometers during a thunderstorm. The direction of the rays was due to the special construction in several rows. The first row was a tetrahedral prism, the height of which reached 60-65 meters, with a square basis, with an area of \u200b\u200b900 square meters. Inventory was kept here and everything necessary for fuel and maintain the "eternal" fire. The basis for the middle part served a large flat cover, the angles of which were decorated with large statues of Tritons. This room was an eight-grown tower of white marble with a height of 40 meters. The third part of the beacon is built out of eight columns, on top of them there is a large dome, which adorns a large eight meter statue of Poseidon from bronze. Another name of the statue is Zeus Savior.

"Eternal flame"

Maintaining fire was a task complex. Three-tons of fuel were required daily, so that the fire could burn with the necessary force. A tree that was the main material was delivered in specially equipped carts on a spiral ramp. The carts dragged mules that were required more than one hundred perk. In order for the light from the fire from the fire as far as possible, behind the flame, at the foot of each column, placed huge bronze sheets, with the help of which light directed.

Additional purpose

According to some manuscripts and preserved documents, Alexandrian lighthouse served not only by the source of light for lost sailors. For the soldiers, he became an observation point for scientists - an astronomical observatory. Accounts say that there was a large number of highly interesting technical equipment - hours of all sorts of forms and sizes, fluger, as well as many astronomical and geographic devices. Other sources talk about the presence of a huge library and school in which he was trained in initial disciplines, but it does not have any significant evidence.


The death of the beacon occurred not only because of several powerful earthquakes, but also due to the fact that the bay almost ceased to use, as she was very strong. After the port has become unsuitable for operation, bronze plates, with the help of which the light was directed to the sea, melted on coins and decorations. But it was not the end. The complete death of the beacon occurred in the 15th century during one of the most powerful earthquakes, ever happened off the coast of the Mediterranean. After that, the remains were restored several times and served as a fortress, as well as housing for the few people of the island.

In modern world

To date, the Faros Lighthouse, whose photos can be very easy to find, is one of the few monuments of architecture, lost in history and time. This is what is still interested in both scientists and ordinary people who like centuries-old things, because there are many events, literary works and scientific discoveries, important for the entire development of the world. Alas, not so much left from 7 wonders of the world. Alexandrian lighthouse, rather only his part, and is one of those structures that humanity can be proud of. True, everything that remains from him is just the lower tier who served as a warehouse and a place of residence for military and workers. Due to the multitude of reconstructions, the structure was not completely destroyed. He was converted into something like a small castle-fortress, inside which the remaining inhabitants of the island lived. That is what you can see, visiting the island of Faros, which is quite popular among tourists. After complete construction and cosmetic repair, the lighthouse has a more modern appearance, which makes it a modern structure with a centuries-old history.

Future plans

Alexandrian Lighthouse is one of the objects under the protection of UNESCO. Thanks to this, various repairs are held annually in order to protect the fortress from destruction. It was even time when they talked to completely resume the former look, but did not do this, because then the Mayak would have lost the status of one of the wonders of the world. But it is necessary to see it, if you are interested in history.

Egypt, 3 century BC

On the island of Faros at the mouth of the Nile River, next to the city of Alexandria, about 280 g. To the new era, the biggest lighthouse of antiquity was built. The height of this three-tier tower reached 135 m. On its top in an open stone gazebo, a fire gazed, pointing the way to ships. At night, it helped them in this reflection of the flame languages, and in the afternoon - a pole of smoke. It was the first lighthouse in the world, and it stood for 1500 years.

This lively port founded Alexander the Great during the visit to Egypt. The structure was called the name of the island. The Faros Lighthouse consisted of three marble towers standing on the basis of massive stone blocks. The first tower was rectangular, there were rooms in which workers and soldiers lived. Above this tower there was a smaller, octagonal tower with a spiral ramp leading to the upper tower.The upper tower of the form resembled a cylinder in which the fire was burning, helped ships to achieve bay safely. At the top of the tower stood a statue of Zeus Savior.

To maintain the flame, a large amount of fuel was required. The tree was brought along a spiral ramp on carts harvested by horses or mules. Behind the flames stood bronze plates, directed light into the sea. From the ships it was possible to see this lighthouse at a distance of 50 km. By the XII century AD. The Alexandrian Bay was so fill in the sludge that the ships could no longer use it. The lighthouse fell into decline. Bronze plates that served as mirrors probably remembered on coins. In the XIV century, the lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake. A few years later, Muslims used its fragments to build a military fort. Fort subsequently repeatedly rebuilt and still stands on the site of the world's first lighthouse.

Alexandrian lighthouse on the map:

Information: travel. rin.. ru

Only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world had a practical purpose -. He performed several functions at once: allowed ships to come to the harbor without any particular problems, and the observation point located at the top of a unique structure made it possible to monitor water expanses and notice the enemy in time.

Local argued that the light of Alexandrian lighthouse burned enemy vessels even before their approach to the shore, and if they managed to approach the coast, the Poseidon statue, which was at the dome of an amazing design, published a shrill warning cry.

Alexandrian Lighthouse: A brief description of the report

The height of an old lighthouse was 140 meters - much higher than those surrounding buildings. In antiquity, the building did not exceed the three floors and on their background, the Faros Lighthouse seemed huge. Moreover, at the time of construction, it turned out to be the highest building of the ancient world and was still extremely long time.

Alexandria Lighthouse was built on the east coast of the small island of Faros, located near Alexandria - the main seaport of Egypt, built by Alexander Macedonian in 332 BC. He is also known in history as.

He is among the most famous wonders of the ancient world, along with, and.
The place to build the city of the Great Communist Party chose extremely carefully: he initially conceived to build a port in this region, which would be an important shopping center.

It was extremely important that the Alexandrian Lighthouse be at the intersection of both water and ground paths of three parts of light - Africa, Europe and Asia. For the same reason, it was necessary to build at least two harbors here: one for ships arrived by the Mediterranean Sea, and the other - for the flooded Nile.

Therefore, Alexandria was built not in the Nile Delta, but a little away, twenty miles south. When choosing a place for the city, Alexander taking into account the location of future harbors, at the same time paid their strengthening and protection: it was very important to do everything for the Nile's waters to score their sand and shel (especially for this was subsequently built the dam connecting the continent with island).

After the death of Alexander Macedonsky (who was born on a legend on the day of destruction), the city was under the rule of Ptolemy I Sothera - and as a result of the skillful management turned into a successful and prosperous port, and the construction of one of the seven wonders of the world significantly increased his wealth.

Alexandrian Lighthouse on the island of Faros: Purpose

Alexandrian Lighthouse made it possible to swim ships without any problems in the port, successfully bypassing pitfalls, and other obstacles of the bay. Due to this, after the construction of one of the seven wonders, the volume of light trade has increased dramatically.

The lighthouse also served as an additional reference point for sailors: the scenery of the Egyptian coast is rather diverse - mostly alone lowlands and plains. Therefore, the signal lights in front of the entrance to the harbor were as impossible.

With this role, a lower structure will be successful, so the engineers took another important function to Alexandria - the role of the supervisory point: the enemies are usually attacked from the sea, since the country of Sushi protects the desert well.

To establish such an observation point on the lighthouse was also necessary because there were no natural hills near the city, where it could be done.

Construction of Alexandria Lighthouse

Such large-scale construction required huge resources. Moreover, not only financial and labor, but also intelligent. Ptolomi I decided this problem pretty quickly. Just at that time, he won Syria, enslaved the Jews and took them to Egypt. Some of them later, he used to build a lighthouse.
It was at that time that (in 299 BC) he concluded a truce with Demetrius by the polyorcouk, the ruler of Macedonia (his father was an antihogon, the worst enemy Ptolemy, who died in 301 BC. E).

Thus, a truce, a huge amount of labor and other favorable circumstances, gave him the opportunity to start building a grandiose miracle of light. Although the exact date of the start of construction work has not yet been determined, the researchers are convinced that this happened somewhere between 285/299. BC e.

The presence of a dam, built earlier and connected the island with the continent, greatly facilitated the task.

The construction of the Alexandrian Lighthouse was instructed by the master of Sostrahte from the book. Ptolemy wished that the building was inscribed only by his name, saying that it was he who created this magnificent miracle of the world.

But the Sostrate was so proud of his work that at first knocked his name on the stone. And then put on it a very thick layer of plaster, on which he wrote the name of the Egyptian ruler. Over time, the plaster sat down, and the world saw the signature of the architect.

How did the Faros Lighthouse looked

Accurate information about exactly how one of the seven wonders of the world looked, did not preserve, but some data still have:

    • from all sides, it was brought with thick fortress walls, and in case of siege in its dungeons, water and food reserves were kept;
    • The height of the ancient skyscraper ranged from 120 to 180 meters;
    • The lighthouse was built in the form of a tower and had three floors;
    • The walls of an ancient facilities were lined with marble blocks and fastened with a solution with a small addition of lead.
    • The foundation of the structure had an almost square shape - 1.8 x 1.9 m, and granite or limestone was used as a building material;
    • The first floor of Alexandrian lighthouse had a height of about 60 m, while the length of the parties was about 30 m. Outwardly, he resembled a fortress or a castle with the towers installed in the corners. The roof of the first tier was flat, decorated with triton statues and served as the basis for the next floor. Here were located residential and utility rooms in which soldiers and workers lived, and various inventory was also kept.
    • The height of the second floor was 40 meters, it had an octagonal form and was lined with marble plates;
    • The third tier had a cylindrical design, decorated with statues performing the role of floogors. There were eight columns that supported the dome;
    • At the dome, unfolding face to the sea, stood bronze (for other versions - golden) Poseidon statue, the height of which exceeded seven meters;
    • A platform was located under Poseidon, on which the signal fire was burning, indicating the path to the harbor at night, while the day of his functions performed huge sizes of the pole of smoke;
    So that the fire can be seen from a huge distance, a whole system of polished metal mirrors was installed near it, reflecting and enhancing the light of the fire. He, according to the evidence of contemporaries, was visible even at a distance of 60 km;

There are several versions, as it was raised fuel to the top of the lighthouse. The supporters of the first theory believe that a mine was located between the second and third tiers, where the lifting mechanism was installed, with the help of which fuel for a fire was rising.

As for the second, it implies that on the site on which the signal fire was burning, it was possible to get along the screw staircase along the walls of the structure, and this staircase was so common that the launched donkeys, arriving fuels on the top of the beacon, could easily go up .

Alexandrian Lighthouse: Wreck

He served from 283 to AD. Until the XV century, when the fortress was erected instead. Thus, he survived not one dynasty of the Egyptian rulers, saw the Roman legionnaires. This fate did not affect his fate: whoever rules Alexandria, everyone cared that the unique structure would exist as long as possible. They restored the details of the building that were destroyed due to frequent earthquakes, renewed the facade, which was negatively influenced by the wind and salty marine water.

The time did his job: the Lighthouse stopped working in 365, when one of the strongest earthquakes of the Mediterranean was caused by the tsunami, a flooded part of the city, and the number of dead Egyptians, according to chronicles, exceeded 50 thousand inhabitants.

After this event, the lighthouse significantly decreased in size, but I stood still for quite a long time - until the XIV century, while the next strongest earthquake was stolen from the face of the earth (after a hundred years, Sultan Kite-Bay on his foundation was erected a fortress that could be seen and these days). After that, remained the only ancient miracle of the world who lived to this day.

In the mid-90s. The remnants of Alexandrian lighthouse were found at the bottom of the bay with the help of a satellite, and after some time scientists using computer simulation were able to more or less restore the image of a unique structure.

Names and naming

Original name (local):

Φάρος της Αλεξάνδρειας

Title English:

Lighthouse alexandria

Year of start work, restructuring:

one of the 7 wonders of the world was built in the III century BC. E. in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, so that the ships can safely with the reefs on the way to the Alexandria Bay. At night, they helped them in this reflection of the flame languages, and the day - the pillars of smoke. It was the first lighthouse in the world, and he stood for almost a thousand years, but in 796 N. e. It was badly damaged by the earthquake. Subsequently, the Arabs who came to Egypt tried to restore it, and to the XIV century. The height of the lighthouse was about 30 m. At the end of the XV century. Sultan Kite-Bay erected on the spot of the lighthouse fortress, which is worth it now.

Year of the start of work: approximately 283 BC

Coordinates: 31 ° 12'51 "p. sh. 29 ° 53'06 "

  • Model (photo and video)
    • Alexandrian (Farosky) Lighthouse, see the transfer "I want to believe!
    • About Lighthouse in Ukrainian Transmission

During the first ptolomev and was built on the island of Faros Lighthouse. According to the testimony of ancient and medieval authors, he was higher than the highest pyramid. But at the time when Strabo was visited, the lighthouse was no longer very different from other structures. He was half destroyed. Its the highest part collapsed, and her wreckage lay near the tower, which was covered with a temporary wooden roof, "and lived in it a few watchmen."

The construction of lighthouses began in ancient times and is connected, it was, first of all, with the development of navigation. At first it was just bonfires located on high shores. Then already artificial structures. Alexandrian Lighthouse Lighthouse was built in 283 BC. E., Construction of this giant, for those times, the construction lasted only 5 years. But before proceeding to the description of this miracle of the world, learn a little about the geography and history of the terrain, where it was erected.


Alexandria, founded in 332 BC, spread in the Nile Delta, at the site of the Egyptian town of Rakotis. It was one of the first cities of the Ellinism era, built according to the Unified Plan. Alexander the Great Sarcophag stood in Alexandria, there was Museyon - Musuals, the Center for Arts and Science. So the etymological thread from the music to the modern word "museum" is laid. Museyon - immediately and Academy of Sciences, and a hostel for scientists, and the technical center, and the school, and the greatest library in the world, in which it was up to half a million scrolls. Passionate scribe and a vain person, King Ptolomy II suffered because there were no some unique manuscripts of Greek playwrights. He sent the embassy to Athens so that the Athenians lend scrolls for a while, copy. The swelling Athens demanded a fabulous deposit - 15 talents, almost half a silver. Ptoleum took a challenge. Silver was delivered to Athens, and had to fasten the heart to carry out the contract. But Ptolomy did not forgive such a mistrust of his bibliophile inclinations and his honest word. He left the deposit of the Athenians, and the manuscript is. But this is not the essence of the ...

Harbor Alexandria, perhaps the most busy and lively all over the world, was uncomfortable. The port in this harbor was founded by Alexander Great even during the visit to Egypt in 332 BC. e. The city flourished at the expense of maritime trade. But by the XII century n. e. The Alexandrian Bay was so fill in the sludge that the ships could no longer use it. Since then, the period of decline of Alexandria begins, which today is known to be extremely small ...

The current Alexandria has more than 2 million inhabitants, it extended 25 kilometers along the sandy spit, which once cut the sea bay, forming a large salt lake. But modern Alexandria has completely different outlines. In the north-west, where now the elongated peninsula is located with the densely populated Arab quarter and the magnificent Mosque Abu Al Abbas, in ancient times there was a sea, more precisely, the two marine pier - a big marina and a happy return marina. On the part of the sea, they were covered by the rocky island of Faros, which served natural mol.

History of construction

Neal carries a mass of Slah, in shallow water among stones and chalks, very skillful lotsmans were required. To protect the navigation, it was decided to build a lighthouse on the island of Faros, on the approach to Alexandria. In 285, BC is the island connected with the mainland Dambia, and the architect Sostrat Booksky has begun work. The construction took only five years: Alexandria was an advanced technical center and the richest city of the then world, the construction services were a huge fleet, a quarry and achievement of Museyon academicians.

This construction, just like the pyramids, arose from the sweat and labor of slaves, and during construction and whistles whisters whistles. But he had two fundamental differences: first, the Lighthouse on the island of Foros brought "public benefits", secondly, in those times, when it was created by the last miracle of the ancient world, the technique reached considerable heights. Already known to the Screw and Polyspast Archimedes, lifting devices, various construction tools. The main building material for the lighthouse was limestone, marble, granite. The construction was led by the famous Greek architect Sostrat Book. At the end of the work, he saws on the stone of the structure of the facility: "Son Dexifana Sostrath - the Guardian Bands, for Flawing." This inscription Costrath was covered with cement and from above designated the name of the Ptolemy Saker, ruling at the time. Sostrat was not hoping to live until the time when there was a plaster, and not in his interest was to know the ruler's response to this act. After all, doing this, he went to a risky violation of Ptolomeyev decrees. However, soon cement crouched, and everyone saw the first inscription. Possesidip, the contemporary of the Sostrate, felt him in verses who survived the lighthouse and reported to us the name of his creator.

And the name it was widely known in the ancient world. Modern scientists have established that the facilities like "hanging gardens" of seminimides were somewhat, and one of them is "hanging promenade" on the island of books. The architect and engineer it was Sostrat. He is attributed to another grand construction: during the battles for Memphis, he allegedly distinguished the water of the Nile to capture the city.

Lighthouse description

The lighthouse turned out in the form of a three-story tower a height of 120 meters (the first and most dangerous "rival" of the Egyptian pyramids). At the base, he was a square with a side of thirty meters, the first sixtieth floor of the tower was made of stone plates and maintained a forty-meter eight-marched tower lined with white marble. On the third floor, in a round, obscured by the Tower, the huge fire, reflected by the complex mirror system, ever was burning. Firewood for the fire was delivered upstairs on a spiral staircase, such a canopy and wide, which, on her, the heights were driven by rods charged with dose. There were many witty technical devices on the tower: freezer, astronomical instruments, clock. However, to perceive this description, transmitted to us by one of the ancient residents of Alexandria, as the only true faithful one cannot: Each of those whose descriptions have come to us, he still tried to somehow embellish, because Alexandrian lighthouse was truly a grand constructions for the world.

Among other descriptions we meet this: "The Farosky lighthouse consisted of three marble towers, which were on the basis of massive stone blocks. The first tower was rectangular, there were rooms in which workers and soldiers lived. Above this tower there was a smaller, octagonal tower with a spiral ramp leading to the upper tower. " The general features of these two descriptions are visible. As a result, today you can take for the most accurate and truthful following description.

The lighthouse had 180 meters from the foundation to the top. This calculation was made on the basis of evidence of the historian Joseph Flavia. According to other descriptions, its height was only 120 meters. Ibn al-Sayah (XI century) calls a number 130-140 meters. According to modern specialists, this height was clean with a practical point of view, even if taken into account that the ancient lighthouses should be higher due to the weakness of their fire. The greatest European lighthouse at the mouth of Garonna in Bordeaux has a height of 59 meters above sea level. They built his Romans, taking a lighthouse for a sample on the island of Foros. In the original form, it was preserved until the XVI century, then it was rebuilt. Lighthouse at Cape Gatteras has a height of 58 meters, the lighthouse on coral reefs in Florida is 48 meters. None of the modern lighthouses reaches the height of Alexandria.

Ptolemyi built this fantastic skyscraper on a rock not only for practical purposes. First of all, the lighthouse was a symbol of the power of their empire, a symbol of wealth and greatness, like the light in darkness. This building had a base in the form of a square with parties 180-190 meters (other sources lead other numbers). On this basis there was a palace with four tower in the corners. From his center, a massive quadrangular tower with a height of 70-80 meters was raised, which gradually narrowed, ending with the teeth. On this tower stood another, narrower, but also quite high, which ended with a stone platform. At this site, columns who supported the cone-shaped tower were stood on a circle, which was crowned by the statue of the patron saint of Poseidon in the height of 8 meters. According to some information, at the top of the tower stood the statue of Zeus Savior, and not his brother Poseidon.

At the top of the third tower in the volume of the bronze, the fire was lit, the defill of which with the help of a complex mirror system was visible for 100 miles. Through the entire lighthouse, a mine was held, around which ramps and a staircase rose. On the wide and delicate pandos on the top of the lighthouse entered the wake-free carts. The mine delivered fuel for the lighthouse.

High lighthouse served and observation point. A complex reflector system was used to review marine spaces, allowing to detect enemy ships long before they appeared near the shore.

Lighthouse's death

The inscription of the Sostrah saw Roman travelers. At that time, the lighthouse still functioned. With the fall of the Roman Empire, he stopped shining, she fell aparted by the top tower, but the walls of the lower floor were still standing for a long time.

Alexandrian Lighthouse stood for 1500 years, helping to navigate the Mediterranean "Cybestos" (so-called the ancient Greeks). The lighthouse suffered from earthquakes and weathering, but during the times of the emperors Claudia and Nero restored him. His fire forever went off during an earthquake in the IV century. In the times of Arab domination in the middle of the VII century, he served only by daytime. At the time of the first Sultanov-Mamlukov (mid-XIII century), the mainland so approached the island that the pier brought sand and he was no longer needed and as a daylight. At the very beginning of the XIV century, he was dismantled on the stones, and the medieval Turkish fortress was erected on the ruins of the lighthouse. Bronze plates that served as mirrors probably remembered on coins. This fortress was subsequently rebuilt and still it stands on the site of the world's first lighthouse.

In the 1960s, during the study of coastal waters, an unknown Italian diver, dropping into a small depth of Sultan's fortress, found two marble columns. With further work from the bottom raised the statue of the goddess Isis Faroskaya, which once stood in the nearby temple. In 1980, a group of archaeologists found the rest of the Faros Lighthouse on the Sea Day. At the same time, the degrades of the palace of the legendary queen Cleopatra were found at 8 meters ...

Fire visibility range:

Description of fire, sign

The height of the structure.

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