Budget trip to the sea. The cheapest seaside vacation

Rest abroad at all times was considered the most expensive pleasure. But recently, tourists can go on vacation abroad freely and the cost of such a vacation will be quite acceptable. Let's take a look at the cheapest holidays abroad in 2019.

In this article, we will try to provide you with a description of the most popular destinations among Russian tourists. Also, many may be interested in reading the information from the article: where to relax without a visa abroad in 2019.

Most popular countries

In Turkey any Russian feels at home and therefore many residents of our country prefer to rest in this country. Turkey is mainly a beach holiday with children on the Black Sea or the Mediterranean. You can also do inexpensive shopping here and naturally visit various attractions. Also, one should not forget about entertainment, which in Turkey is just a huge amount, and therefore every day tourists are waiting for a lot of nightclubs, discos, restaurants and bars.

Holiday prices here fluctuate depending on the time of year, season and part of the country. So, for example, a tour to Antalya will cost about $ 200, to Istanbul - about $ 350, and to Kemer - $ 250. On average, a two-week tour for two can be bought for 1000-1500 dollars, and if you are lucky enough to buy a last-minute tour or go to Turkey in the fall, you can save up to 50% of their cost. Russian tourists prefer Turkey for a good all-inclusive holiday, excellent climate, clear sea and numerous excursions.

Unfortunately, today Turkey is closed to travel companies and many are tormented by the question of when Turkey will be opened. But you can go on holiday on your own.

Holidays in Egypt on the sea is the most traditional among the inhabitants of Russia, since this direction has long been "travelled" by Russian tourists. Here you can enjoy excellent service in hotels, a warm climate, a huge amount of entertainment for only $ 250 for 7-8 days of excellent rest.

Warm Red Sea, gentle sun, All inclusive and, of course, the ancient pyramids- this is what many tourists come to this beautiful country every year with its ancient history and unique monuments of culture and architecture: the Pyramids, the eternal Sphinx and Luxor, which are visited by tourists, all this is worth it to go to this country on vacation. But this route is closed, although there is information that flights will resume soon.

And, of course, the question will be logical: which is better, Turkey or Egypt in terms of service, comfort, food?

Thailand no less popular than Turkey or Egypt, but in this country the high season begins in mid-autumn and ends in early winter. Therefore, if you want to get the cheapest tour, it is best to count on the month of April or May.

A ticket for a ten-day vacation will cost about 700-800 dollars. The cheapest seaside vacation in 2019 will indeed be in Thailand, since in almost any region of the country you can have a great vacation for $15–25 per day. If you decide to go on your own, then on average you will need about $ 400 per month for accommodation with the condition of staying in a hotel in the center of Pattaya. But you can find a vacation and cheaper. On the island of Phuket, Chang, Koh Samui, Phi Phi, you can find a hotel room for $150-200 per month. And if one room is enough for you, then you can rent it for 80-90 dollars.

Thailand has very cheap food, so you only need $100 a month for food. For $2 you can have a great lunch in any cafe, and $6 is enough for dinner in a good restaurant. And if you want to fill your suitcase with inexpensive things, then $ 100 will also be enough for you, without even haggling.

The cheapest seaside vacation

Vietnam- this is an incredibly beautiful place where you can find many corners of nature untouched by man. And even despite the ever-increasing popularity of this country, rest in it remains quite acceptable. So, for example, $ 10 a day is enough for one person to stay at a hotel, meals, excursion programs and massage. And if you're willing to spend $20 a day, you'll be able to indulge in nothing. Therefore, 400-500 dollars for an excellent 30-day vacation will be quite enough. But this is not counting the flight, since plane tickets are not included in this price (a direct flight will cost a little more than with transfers).

Read a useful informative article about comparing countries: What to choose - Thailand or Vietnam, Sri Lanka for quality inexpensive holidays, excursions and entertainment?

Goa (India) is another popular tourist destination, as with 100 dollars in your pocket (6000 rupees) you can have a great rest and not deny yourself anything, especially when it comes to northern Goa.

The cost of a holiday in Goa for a European person is quite low, especially far from big cities and metropolitan areas. The most expensive vacation in Goa is in the winter, since the high season begins at this time, but if you buy a ticket in the off-season, then a tour with air travel at the time of price reduction starts from $ 400. But if you decide to go on your own and live in an inexpensive guesthouse, as many young people do, you can save about 20-30% of your money. Goa is very popular among Russians due to its favorable tropical climate and recreation at almost any time of the year.

Abkhazia is located near Russia and therefore many people prefer to go to this country on vacation, as for many it will be the most budget option to have a great time on the Black Sea. I would also like to note that the Russians do not need visas and passports to go on vacation to Abkhazia and the road will take a little time.

If you do not have a large amount of money, then you can choose a vacation in the private sector, where prices for budget housing do not exceed 300–350 rubles per person per day. If you want more comfortable apartments in the private sector, you will have to pay a larger amount - about 500 rubles. Meals per day in Abkhazia will also cost you from 500 rubles per day. Thus, it can be calculated that a seven-day vacation in this country without travel will cost about 5,600 to 10,000 rubles per person.

Holidays in boarding houses and hotels in 2019 will cost much more. So, for example, a double room in a boarding house or sanatorium will cost from 1600 to 8000 rubles per day. Thus, if you are counting on an inexpensive vacation in Abkhazia, then you will need an amount of 22,000 rubles for two. For 30,000 rubles for two, you can also see all the sights of this beautiful country.

Many Russians, we are sure, will be curious about the answer to the following question: Where is it better to relax - in Sochi, Crimea or Abkhazia?

But the cheapest vacation abroad at sea awaits you in Bali and Cambodia. These countries offer the cheapest accommodation and food for tourists. In Bali, you can find excellent housing for $100 a month and the same amount of food for 30 days. The only negative is a very expensive flight - about 1000 dollars!

Cambodia and Bali are not very famous countries for tourism, and therefore the question will be logical: Where is Bali and Cambodia?

And in Cambodia, you can find a room for $1.5 a night, and buying delicious and cheap food, you will feel guilty that you are paying people so little. A visit to one of the world's most famous monuments of the Kingdom of Cambodia - Angkor Wat will cost you only $ 5.

Exquisite relaxation

Sri Lanka or Ceylon has recently begun to enjoy great popularity among Russian tourists, as many want to relax in exotic places where beautiful nature reigns and there are many secluded beautiful places and unique cultural and historical attractions.

And it is in Sri Lanka that you can have a great rest in an inexpensive beach hotel for 10-15 dollars a day. And here you can practice a wide variety of sports: diving, surfing, fishing, kitering, rafting, etc. But plane tickets here are not cheap, so it is best to buy tickets for charter flights or for flights with transfers. Thus, for a monthly vacation, you will need about 400-500 dollars.

Greece is a country of ancient gods, the Aegean and the Mediterranean Sea, as well as beautiful picturesque places where you can relax with children at the most reasonable prices. Halkidiki is the pearl of the Aegean Sea, Crete is the island of the legendary Minotaur, Athens is the capital of the country, Rhodes, Peloponnese, Attica, Paros, Corfu and many other islands and resorts in Greece attract many tourists from Russia. And all of them are great for families. On average, a vacation in Greece will cost you $250-350 for 7 days. Currently, this country is one of the most inexpensive countries that require a Schengen visa, who want to fully enjoy the beach and sightseeing holidays at sea.

Cyprus can not be called very cheap for recreation, but it is very popular among Russians. A ticket to Cyprus from Moscow will cost about $ 200 per person, but if you get on the action of some airline, you can save from 30 to 50%. But living on the island is quite expensive. The cheapest room in Paphos will cost $30-35, but you can rent a room for $25-28 per night. Food in cafes and restaurants is also not cheap, so it is best to buy food in supermarkets, where there are various promotions and discounts.

If you choose where to relax, between the last two countries, we recommend that you read the differences between them: Which is better to choose - Greece or Cyprus, for example, for a beach holiday?

Europe - vacation spot

Portugal is a member of the Eurozone and therefore cannot boast of the same low prices as Asian countries. But rest here is completely different. It is necessary to go to this beautiful country, which is located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, only to enjoy the taste of excellent seafood, Portuguese cherry liqueur - jinjinha, port wine, and also visit all the architectural monuments of the country's Iberian culture, one of which is the famous Belen Tower - fort on the river Tijos in the region of the same name in Lisbon.

Accommodation in Portugal in an inexpensive provincial hostel will cost from 18 to 33 dollars per day. A room in a three-star hotel will cost from 30 to 80 dollars a day. And accommodation in a boarding house in Lisbon is from 13 to 28 dollars. Lunch in an inexpensive cafe will cost from 6.5 to 13.5 dollars, and one dish in an expensive restaurant will cost from 6 to 24 dollars. Approximately per day for one person you will need about $50, so the total cost of the trip will vary from $600 to $1000.

Evpatoria began its resort career with a focus on children a long time ago, so today you can find a lot of entertainment for kids of all ages here! A huge dolphinarium and an amusement park with a tropical zoo, an original aquarium and water park, as well as a children's fairy-tale theater and an entertainment dino complex! It remains only to add a calm warm sea and comfortable gently sloping beaches with pleasant soft sand, as if specially created for kids.

Look for even more ideas for children's holidays close to home at.


Modern Sochi is the southern capital of Russia with a lot of all-season entertainment. Olympic facilities and interactive museums, several aqua and amusement parks, as well as a real racing track, an extreme sky park and a family rope park. Nature lovers are waiting for their adventures: hiking in the mountains, among gorges and waterfalls, and excursions in vineyards and tea plantations. And when it's time to relax in the summer at sea, Sochi turns into the main city of the country. Tourists are attracted by about a hundred local beaches, which, by the way, are mostly pebbly, but the water here is even cleaner than on the sandy coast.

To compile a complete list of “must visit” in Sochi and the surrounding area will help our material on.


No matter what the ill-wishers say, Anapa has been and remains one of the most developed resorts in the country, which boasts the best beaches in the entire northern Black Sea region! People also come here to improve their health or just enjoy the spa in local water and mud baths. And how colorful the rest is, thanks to the mixture of Caucasian and Kuban traditions, cultures and, of course, cuisines! Do not forget to taste juicy shish kebab, different types of fish and seafood, order baklava or churchkhela for dessert, and “fill in” the whole belly feast with traditional Kuban wines.


Even if you do not have a "wonderful man", this is not a reason to refuse a trip to Gelendzhik! Maybe that's where you can find it? Who knows ... But you will definitely find a whole assortment of beaches, from well-maintained sandy and pebbly ones to completely wild rocky ones. However, Gelendzhik is not only a sea resort, but also a sanatorium resort, where mineral waters and therapeutic mud are used for treatment. In between rest and procedures, it is pleasant to walk along the picturesque city embankment, enjoy communication with animals in the safari park, go on an air travel by cable car and visit one of the largest water parks in the country.


The Riga seaside is a tempting option for those who do not know where to go on vacation in the summer so that it is not too hot. The once bohemian resort is now more accessible to "mere mortals", but it still has charm and nobility! After enjoying the endless beaches with fine sand, go on a date with the capital city of Riga. Learn the history and architecture of the city, wandering along the cobblestone pavement or enjoying the gorgeous panorama from the bell tower of the Dome Cathedral. And closer to the night, go on a "spree" in numerous bars and nightclubs, where the best European and local DJs perform. Most importantly, do not forget to apply for a visa in advance to visit Latvia!


Here, the mild climate is combined with the gentle shallow sea, the beautiful sandy beach stretches for many kilometers, and its frame is a huge green park, a favorite place for residents and guests of the city. What else do you need for a comfortable stay with children? Oh yes, entertainment! At your service in Burgas is an amusement park and a children's workshop, a mini-zoo and playgrounds, and in July-August an international sand sculpture festival is held here. Even more interesting things will be found in the vicinity of the city - the traditional Bulgarian village of Bata, the water park in Pomorie and the zoological park in Aytos. By the way, to visit Bulgaria you need to apply for an appropriate visa.


What association do you have with the words "rest on the beach"? We bet that one of them is Antalya, the most popular destination where to go to the sea in summer without a visa! The main thing is not limited to all inclusive! Explore the city itself, because its history did not begin with the construction of hotels, but much earlier - more than 2000 years ago. Arrange shopping at colorful bazaars, craft shops and shopping centers. And for relaxation, go to the countless beaches of Antalya: party and youth, where life does not stop for a minute, or quiet and secluded, which are more suitable for families with children.


Andalusia is a real mixture of cultures, styles and eras, so people go to Malaga not only for a resort vacation, it’s hard to sit still here ... or rather “lay down”! When an ancient city with an Arab fortress, an ancient Roman theater and Art Nouveau and Baroque buildings is located nearby, there is no time for a beautiful tan! And if you remember such pearls as Granada and Seville, your feet will carry you to the station. And yet the beaches of Malaga are worthy of at least a week of your vacation. It is always clean, comfortable and fun here, and the sea is ideal for lovers of swimming at a depth that starts almost from the shore. The only inconvenience is the need for a visa.


It’s always good at this resort, but especially here you can have a beach holiday in July, when the sea has finally warmed up, and in the evenings you don’t need to take a jacket with you. Alicante is a universal place where all tourists will feel good: adults and children, young and old. The endless sandy beaches of the resort with all the necessary infrastructure are interspersed with secluded picturesque bays with a more rocky entrance to the sea. Lovers of beauty are surprised by the old part of Alicante, fashionistas are attracted by boutiques and shopping centers, gourmets are constantly tasting all kinds of tapas, and children frolic on the rides and in the safari park. In a word, there are all kinds of entertainment here, but they are available only to the holder of Schengen visas.

Look for even more cool places in Spain in our guide.


A beach holiday in June sometimes scares us with the cold sea and unstable weather, but this is definitely not about Sicily! The sunny Italian island opens the swimming season one of the first in Europe. There are a lot of resorts here and they are all different - popular and secluded, with long beaches and cozy bays, with pebbles and sand, and the latter also differs in color - from snow-white and golden to black volcanic. However, throughout the island, you will invariably meet the hospitality of the locals, a lot of antiquities and beauties, excellent cuisine and ... a romantic halo from stories about the mafia! But in order to see all this, it is important not to forget to apply for the appropriate visa.


If you really want to go to Italy, but the budget is limited, then you are in Rimini! This is the most democratic resort in the country, which also offers an excellent beach holiday with children. The sandy coast here stretches both in length and width, so there is enough space for everyone, and the gentle entrance to the water is perfect for kids. In addition, water parks, a dolphinarium, an amusement park and the attraction "Italy in Miniature" are waiting for young tourists, where you can hug the Leaning Tower of Pisa or look inside the Colosseum! And for adults, the resort has prepared the famous Italian shopping, a lot of excursions to antiquities and, of course, a whole list of gastronomic pleasures! Remember that you need a visa to travel to Italy.

Heraklion – Crete

A beach holiday in Europe is not a cheap pleasure, but Crete is trying to break this stereotype and, I must say, quite successfully! On the largest Greek island, you can find accommodation for almost any budget, from inexpensive guesthouses to luxurious 5-star hotels. But the sea, sun and many beaches here are free for all tourists. Crete (this is Greece) has everything: calm family resorts and cheerful youth parties, ancient sights and natural beauties, good diving, shopping is even better, and what kind of cuisine is here ...! In a word, come and see everything yourself, try it, most importantly, do not forget to apply for a visa!


Do not think that a small island is not able to offer its tourists a wide range of resort entertainment! Fans of antiquities will plunge into the color of ancient cities, see monasteries and ancient ruins. Fans of natural attractions can expect Butterfly Valley and Seven Springs. Wind and kite surfers will definitely appreciate the efforts of the Rhodes winds in the west of the island. And if you prefer calm seas, head to the east coast. It is also worth coming here with children, for whom all conditions are created on the island: family hotels and a huge water park, attractions and an ostrich farm. So get your visa as soon as possible and come to Rhodes!


If you are wondering where to go to the sea in the summer without a visa, then go to the main resort of Montenegro. Here you can find everything you want! Vibrant night life and sporty day life, noisy old town and secluded monasteries, long sandy beaches and pretty pebble bays, emerald hills and sheer cliffs that go into the depths of the sea. For children, there is also a lot of entertainment here - a mini-zoo, a water park, rides, trampolines on the beaches and many playgrounds in the city.


There are many resorts in Cyprus, but it is Larnaca that combines two qualities - budget and beach holidays with children. There are inexpensive cozy guesthouses and apartments here, and the shallow sea with a smooth sandy bottom is ideal for those who are just learning to swim. In addition, an amusement park and a camel farm are located in the Larnaca area. Adult tourists will also have no time to be bored: their entertainment program will include trips to the capital of the island and climbing to the mountain monasteries, and closer to the night it is worth going to neighboring Ayia Napa for an “excursion” to local bars and nightclubs. By the way, the simplified visa regime with Cyprus will help to save even more on the trip.


Let the name of this resort not bother you, rest here can be called democratic, as well as throughout Cyprus. However, unlike typical beach places, people come to Paphos not only for the sake of the sea, but with a thirst to touch the ancient history of the island. Unique mosaics, royal tombs, ancient theater are just some of its witnesses. The local beaches are mostly covered with pebbles, so the water here is clean and transparent: it is not surprising that amid such beauty, Aphrodite decided to go ashore from the sea foam, and then arranged dates with Dionysus here! Come to Paphos and you, especially since a simplified visa regime has been created for this.


Refined, luxurious and expensive - these are the epithets used for the resort on the Cote d'Azur. In Nice, you can arrange your best beach holiday in July, when the sea is already warm enough for swimming. During the same period, the city is enveloped in an amazing musical atmosphere of the Jazz Festival. Add a pinch of history here by strolling through the old quarters with colorful houses and pretty churches. A bit of chic in the form of a promenade along the embankment, surrounded by pompous buildings and no less pompous people. And it will turn out exactly what in France is called a truly aristocratic vacation! Oh yes, we almost forgot: you will need a visa to travel.

By the way, holidays on the Cote d'Azur can be combined with!


Malta is the case when a beach holiday in the summer goes as a dessert, and the main course is still an excursion. In addition, English is successfully taught on the island, so the ideal Maltese vacation is calculated according to the formula study + seaside vacation + sightseeing. Despite the size of the archipelago, you will hardly have enough time for the last term. Pretty Italian-style towns give way to delicious fishing villages with Arabic names, and high cliffs that break into the sea are adjacent to the Blue Lagoon of an unreal aquamarine color. There is also a cartoon village, many dive sites and still a couple of great beaches! And to see all this, you definitely need to apply for the appropriate visa.


Would you like to spice up your beach holiday in August with oriental spices? If your answer is yes, then fly to Agadir! This month is the warmest here, although the ocean water is still invigorating. And if that stops anyone, it certainly isn't surfers. However, athletes are not the only tourists in these parts. It is good to indulge in a lazy rest on giant sandy beaches, explore the surroundings during horse rides and hone your bargaining skills in the oriental bazaars. In addition, Agadir is an excellent starting point for traveling to the south of Morocco. And it’s also very convenient that you don’t need a visa to travel here.

Tel Aviv

Israel is a great option for a beach holiday in June, for which, moreover, a visa is not needed! In order not to be limited to sweet idleness, we recommend that you stay in Tel Aviv. Despite the urban format, the local beach has such parameters that many Mediterranean resorts will envy it! And outside of the sun lounger and umbrella you will find a lot of exciting activities. Walk through the labyrinthine streets of old Jaffa, tasting and gastro-shopping at the bustling Carmel market, meeting four-legged Israelis at the safari park, and the city's crazy nightlife. In addition, the size of the country itself seems to scream: do not limit yourself to a beach holiday and go travelling! And ours will help you with this.

The Black Sea coast stretches from northwest to southeast, known for its healing mud and mineral waters, rocks and sandy beaches, coniferous forests, waterfalls, lakes, botanical parks and man-made attractions, so many people prefer this unique place for. It remains only to decide where to relax on the Black Sea in Russia inexpensively: in Sochi - with a humid and periodically rainy climate, with many medical resorts, in a quiet and deserted "tangerine" Abkhazia, Anapa - the most suitable area for children, mild and weather-resistant , Gelendzhik with its bays and bays, or some other picturesque region, in order to get a lot of unforgettable impressions and pleasure at an affordable cost.

The advantage of a holiday within the country is that you do not need to apply for a visa and worry about the exchange rate in case of crossing the border. What should tourists pay attention to when going on vacation to the Black Sea coast? It is necessary to take into account what services, including travel, food, accommodation, treatment, as well as variety in the rest, this or that voucher includes.


Sochi is famous for the warmest weather in all of Russia. Vacationers will enjoy the view of turbulent streams and many caves, spend time among beautiful exotic flowers and unusual plants - rhododendron, lianas, laurel cherries, and thanks to the purest air and mineral waters, they will get a speedy recovery. Forests, mountains, fountains, children's slides and playgrounds, beach and sports equipment rentals, equipped slopes to the sea - all these attributes of Sochi resorts are very attractive for families with children, young people and people who are fond of sports, creating many opportunities for a good rest.

Comfortable modern hotels, comparable in service to large hotels, make the resort more and more popular and attractive.

During the preparations for the Winter Olympics, significant sums were spent on the improvement of Sochi, so the abundance of places for vacationers, the most diverse in cost, is a distinctive feature of the city.

Recovery, treatment, family holidays, seminars, organization of romantic trips, unique - all this is provided to guests of the world-famous resort.

Going to the resort, it is worth considering rental housing options: a private sector, a room, and it can also be cohabitation in an apartment with the owner by the sea, and therefore the daily cost of such a “place” will be from 350 rubles per person per day, in conditions. A turnkey apartment twenty minutes walk from the sea can cost 1,200 rubles per person, and closer to the coast - about 1,500 rubles. Quiet places with an outbuilding in the courtyard of a private house do not differ in cost from ordinary "Khrushchev", you just need to take into account the environment - neighbors, construction work, the presence of noisy roads.

How much does it cost to relax in Sochi if you stay in a hotel? Guest houses located within a five-minute walk from the sea will cost from 1000 rubles and more. Houses in the private sector - 1200-1500 rubles. And a room for two in a mini-hotel room, with amenities common to all - about 1500-1700 rubles per day. Boarding houses and more comfortable rooms will cost from 2000 rubles. Canteens are relatively cheap - lunch costs from 150 rubles, which cannot be said about cafes that charge three times more for the same dishes.


  • cinemas,
  • clubs,
  • restaurants,
  • guest houses.

Medicinal hill, firth and hydrogen sulfide muds will help to improve health. , and those who like the mild climate of this region. Gentle slopes into the water, half a meter deep at a great distance from the shore and the absence of stones make it possible to arrange children's entertainment in the water for the smallest: dive, explore the seabed with fins and a snorkel, learn to swim.

The cheapest rooms in Anapa can be rented within a half-hour walk from the coast (within 200 rubles per person, without intermediaries that increase the cost by 20% or more), but you need to be ready to use a shared kitchen and bathroom with other guests or hosts .

If you arrive in Anapa in June or September, the cost of housing here will be 30-50% lower compared to prices in July and August.

Inexpensive recreation centers are a good option for families with children, including three meals a day and partial amenities, which does not exceed 1,500 rubles per person in cost. By purchasing products from farmers, and not in the market, you can save a lot on food.



The recreation area of ​​this region is a territory of pine plantations, famous for its mountains, clean air, enriched with ozone, which stretches for a hundred kilometers along the sea coast. Visitors have a fairly wide choice of places for outdoor activities, as well as to send their children to camps where they organize carnival evenings and fireworks.

Gelendzhik is a kind of sanatorium specializing in the treatment

  • cardiovascular
  • respiratory diseases,
  • nervous system,
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system.

The improved infrastructure of the city, recreation centers and health resorts of a modern type, five-star hotels and small hotels offer a lot of opportunities for organizing recreation in accordance with any requests of tourists. There are water parks, as well as inexpensive cafes where you can taste the freshest seafood delicacies.

Most hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis. If you are interested in how much it costs to relax in Gelendzhik, then first you need to decide on the transport: flight from Moscow - 10 thousand rubles per person, travel by train will cost from 2000 rubles, well, the cost of a trip by car must be calculated independently, taking into account overnight stays at the hotel.

The weekly cost of a tour to Gelendzhik, including accommodation in a sanatorium with meals for two, will be at least about 32 thousand rubles, which is far from profitable compared to a ticket and hotel accommodation. A popular choice of tourists is a comfortable stay with an average distance from the coast, costing about 1,500 rubles per day with a one-time meal. Thus, focusing on the conditions of the resorts of Gelendzhik, it can be safely assumed that an amount of 12,000 rubles or more will be enough to spend a week on vacation, if the tourist's requests are relatively modest, and visits to expensive restaurants are not expected.


Abkhazia is a small cozy country in the northeastern part of the Black Sea coast. The mountain-sea landscape played an important role in shaping the climate of Abkhazia. For most of the year, pleasant, warm weather persists here, so arriving here at any time, vacationers will receive maximum inspiration and exceptionally positive impressions. Originality, friendliness, the Russian-speaking population (everyone knows the language), the uniqueness of natural factors - these are very pleasant distinctive characteristics of Abkhazia.

  • exciting excursions to the mountains,
  • roads to mysterious caves,
  • to waterfalls with stunning views,
  • crystal clear lakes,
  • incredible journey through the Colchis forest,
  • paragliding over the sea,
  • horseback riding through the groves.

Abkhazia, which has 170 healing springs with mineral waters, is considered to be a sanatorium and health region: physical and psychological ailments are treated here.

If you ask a question about how much it costs, then this amount depends on where you are going to go from and how much you intend to spend: will you buy barbecue, pay for entertainment for children and adults? It must be said that food in Abkhazia is relatively inexpensive. In general, each purchase for 1,000 rubles in a local supermarket in Abkhazia, respectively, will “drag out” 1,200 rubles. A generous lunch will cost from 150 rubles per person, as for medium-priced cafes. Only in the evening, prices jump up by 30-40%, reaching the level of restaurant prices.

In the warm season, visitors will be pleased with peaches, watermelons and melons, and hospitality and conditions for vacationers are only improving from year to year. In winter, hotels in Abkhazia offer rooms costing from 450 rubles, in autumn - from 800 to 1200 rubles, in the summer season, housing, 500 meters away from the coast, costs at least 1500-2000 rubles. Boarding houses with their luxurious complexes, including a spa and an all-inclusive pool, will cost 2,500 rubles per day for two people. The cost of a house in the private sector does not exceed 300 rubles per person, but depending on such a nuance, how many places and with what amenities you are provided with housing, the cost can vary between 800-2500 rubles for two.

Using the possibility of living in the private sector, guests have a chance to study the traditions of the Abkhazians more closely, at any time to buy high-quality and inexpensive wine, fruits, agricultural products, barbecue (only 80 rubles per 300 g!), Communicate with nature and live "savage" . Visitors need to take into account the area that stretches from home to the coast: if it is mountainous, then the trip in the opposite direction will significantly exceed the stated time.


Tuapse is a health-improving resort city with 250 sanatoriums, with a mild subtropical climate, relic forests and exclusive sights. There are many camps in Tuapse located near boarding houses, which is convenient for families. Visitors are offered natural remedies, as well as the most extensive list of attractions and entertainment, ranging from water fun, diving, renting catamarans - and parachuting.

Bathing time here lasts from to the very, as the upper layers of water warm up to 25 degrees. Tourists are happy to visit museums, cinemas, walk along the rocks with streams, find all kinds of recreation. Forests occupy about 80% of the area of ​​Tuapse. Canyons, waterfalls, landscapes, natural attractions - all this is offered to tourists for review. The city has both public and private beaches with a well-equipped coastline.

The cost of a weekly trip to Tuapse for two with a flight from Moscow, for example, is 40,000 rubles. Meanwhile, a separate route by train will cost 2,300 rubles per person, air travel - 5,000 rubles, which must be taken into account when purchasing a ticket. The level of comfortable living conditions in this region is not too high, for example, in comparison with Sochi, and the cost of housing here is also corresponding - in comparison with the Anapa resorts - 20% lower.

Going to Tuapse, you need to have an idea of ​​where exactly to stay, so that the living conditions are a pleasure, and the rest does not become a disappointment, which may be associated with chemical production in the city. Most vacationers prefer to rent accommodation in the resort villages of the Tuapse district, located far from the city center, where a chemical fertilizer plant operates. From Tuapse, you can easily get to other resorts at any time. Housing prices are formed in proportion to the distance from the coast to the house, but they especially increase due to the comfort of the rooms: in the same hotel, the difference in the cost of an economy class room and a deluxe room differs by five times. At a distance of 500 to 1000 m from the sea, house prices can remain at the same level, and the most distant hotel rooms will cost half as much as coastal ones. Guest houses with car parks, located a twenty-minute walk from the coast, are offered at a cost of 200 to 500 rubles per day per room.

As you can see, a vacation on the Black Sea coast can be relatively inexpensive and interesting, and the impressions from it will remain for many, many years. Summing up the above, it should be noted that the choice of a place to stay is not only a matter of financial capabilities, but also of personal preferences. If small towns and villages do not abound with entertainment venues, then these are the places where tourists who do not expect to rent hotel rooms in the city center can relax on the Black Sea cheaply and with relative comfort.

Housing will cost more if you use the services of intermediaries. If the cost of food in the resort towns is the same as in many other Russian cities, then the stalls on the coast can offer everything at prices three times higher than usual. Will you buy ready-made meals or stand at the stove, are you ready to do your laundry by hand or can you not imagine existence without household essentials? Will you be able to refuse resort attractions and entertainment? And if not, how much are you willing to pay for them? You decide. Have a pleasant and unforgettable holiday!

What to see and what to do so that the trip does not hit the wallet hard. You need to decide in advance what your priorities and budget are, whether you want to go on excursions, engage in outdoor activities or visit cultural attractions.

If you want to go on vacation to the Black Sea cheaply in 2019, then you immediately need to cross out the most popular and popular resorts of Sochi, Adler, Gelendzhik, Anapa, Yalta, Alushta and the entire Southern Coast of Crimea. The exception is the winter months, when prices are low there, but it is not the season for recreation.

Unfortunately, in summer the prices there are such that you can go to the Maldives. The words "cheap" and these resorts are not compatible. “It’s cheap on the Black Sea in summer” - these are villages and towns far from civilization and away from cool modern resorts, with minimal infrastructure and not the most beautiful beaches.

According to statistics, most Russians spend their summer holidays Houses because they don't know that you can have a cheap vacation on the Black Sea. And according to statistics, most of our compatriots do not have a passport. Therefore, it is Russian resorts that are popular.

The cheapest vacation on the Black Sea: camping

Where is the cheapest vacation on the Black Sea? At the campsite. If you are ready to live in a tent, then it will cost you a symbolic amount for a place in a campground, or even free of charge. On the sea there is a whole bunch of people who like to relax in campsites.

In the Krasnodar Territory, you can stay at the campsites Lesnik in Divnomorskoye, Pine Paradise and Nazarova Dacha in Arkhipo-Osipovka, Bud Zdorov in Lermontovo, Pear Orchard in Krinitsa, Blue Abyss between Dzhanhot and Divnomorsky.

Where is the cheapest vacation on the Black Sea camping in Crimea: "Green Cape" in Alupka, "Kapsel" in Sudak, "Shepherd Kale" behind the Sea, "Pine Forest" in Peschanoe, camping in Rybachy, camping and a tent camp in Koktebel, "Coronelli" in Beregovoe, "Big Castel" in Chernomorskoye, "Visiting the Joker" in Malorechenskoye. You can just put up a tent by the sea, but there is a restriction - no closer than 500 meters from the water's edge, or on a hard surface.

If you are not ready to live in a tent, wash in the river and cook on a fire, then there are cheap Black Sea resorts where you can rent a room in the private sector.

Holidays on the Black Sea cheap: tours

If you are going on a vacation on the Black Sea, cheap tours can be found online. The lowest prices for holidays by the sea in winter. At this time, a tour for two for a week from Moscow to the hotel can be bought from 13,000 rubles. In summer, for such an amount, you can only book flights from Moscow to Krasnodar or Sochi for two. Of the inexpensive hotels on the Black Sea, you can also highlight. You can buy a tour to these hotels from 14,000 rubles. in winter and from 25,000 rubles. summer. The price includes airfare, airport transfers and accommodation. Of course, there are luxury 5 * hotels, prices in which are from 120,000 rubles. But we will not consider them now, because. the topic of this article is where is the cheapest vacation on the Black Sea.

Cheap to the Black Sea: Mountain Air

Where is cheaper on the Black Sea: Shepsi and Dederkoy

, - cheap resorts of the Black Sea, located east of Tuapse. They can be quickly and inexpensively reached by bus from Krasnodar, Dzhubga and Tuapse and by electric train from Tuapse. In the villages there is a choice of budget housing in guest houses of the middle, lower price segment and the private sector. In the villages of Dederkoy and Shepsi, the infrastructure is well developed and there is entertainment. Guest houses can accommodate from 500-600 rubles. per day, for example, in "Tsatur", "Natalie", "Mary", "Primorye", which makes this place one of the cheapest resorts on the Black Sea. All sights of Tuapse are 15 km away. Active tourists can go on hiking and car tours to the mountains, to dolmens, waterfalls and mountain gorges.

Ozereevka and Shirokaya Beam

If you decide where it is cheaper to relax on the Black Sea, then Shirokaya Balka is one of the most inexpensive resorts on the Black Sea, which are located near Novorossiysk. There is minimal infrastructure, and you can also get to the villages quite inexpensively. It is enough to take a direct train to Novorossiysk, and then drive 10 km by bus or fixed-route taxi.

The cost of living in guest houses starts from 600 rubles, but there are not many of them in Ozereevka and Shirokaya Balka. So if you want to spend a cheap vacation on the Black Sea in establishments of the middle price segment, book your seats in advance. These are the recreation centers "Sadko", "Blue Torch", "House of Comfort and Coziness". You can also cheaply stay in the private sector on the Black Sea. Active tourists can visit the sights of Novorossiysk, the entertainment of Kabardinka and Gelendzhik.

Where it is cheaper to relax on the Black Sea: Blagoveshchenskaya and Veselovka

And they are located on the Taman Peninsula. They can be reached from Anapa by bus or minibus. In the villages you can relax cheaply on the Black Sea in Russia and stay in the private sector. The cost of living starts from 400-600 rubles. per day. These are guest houses "Natalie", "Friendly", "Chernomorsky" and "Yantarny". For those who like to save money, you can stay in a tent and pay nothing at all. The villages have minimal infrastructure and entertainment. You can learn how to windsurf, kite or paragliding. In Veselovka there is a salt lake, which is rich in therapeutic mud. You can take mud baths for free. It is only better to carry out these procedures under the supervision of a doctor, because there are contraindications. Active tourists can visit the sights and entertainment of Anapa and the village of Golubitskaya.

Cheap holidays on the Black Sea in Crimea

In the eastern part of Crimea on the Black Sea, you can have an inexpensive rest in the resort villages of Ordzhonikidze, Kurortnoye, Solnechnaya Dolina and Coastal. All of them are located in the Koktebel region. The villages can be quickly and inexpensively reached by bus from Kerch, as well as accommodation in the private sector from 250 rubles. per day per person or guest houses from 500 rubles.

The infrastructure of Ordzhonikidze, Resort, Solnechnaya Dolina and Coastal is well developed. Active tourists can visit attractions and entertainment, such as the Koktebel water park, dinoterium and bird park, Surb-Khach monastery, dolphinarium, various temples and museums.

There are also other villages in Crimea where you can have an inexpensive vacation on the Black Sea. Among them are Kacha, Mikhailovka, Frunze, Andreevka, Osipenko and others, but getting to them is much longer and more expensive.

A new embankment has recently been built in Malorechensky, there are several beaches, and most of the housing is in the private sector. The room can be rented from 450 rubles. Active tourists can see the lighthouse temple and the cheese rock.

Rybachy also has a lot of housing in the private sector, and there is a large car camping right on the beach. Here you can also rent a bungalow on the beach.

Now you know where it is cheaper at sea. In the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea, there are places where you can relax cheaply on the Black Sea in Russia in 2019. Almost everywhere, recreation is not limited to swimming in the sea and sunbathing on the beach. Entertainment and attractions in these resorts are within walking distance and do not cost a lot of money to visit. So a cheap vacation on the Black Sea in 2019 is still possible. Here you can spend the amount of 300-1000 rubles. per day per person, including food and accommodation, and often including sightseeing and walking tours. If you search, you can find where it is cheaper to relax on the Black Sea. The most important thing is to decide on a place of rest, book tickets and accommodation in advance, and also gather a company, since it is always cheaper to accommodate and cook food for several people.

There are really a lot of places in the world where you can have an inexpensive vacation at any time of the year. The choice of a country for a budget vacation is especially relevant in times of crisis, when many have to “tighten their belts”.

However, traditional tourist destinations like Turkey and Egypt are starting to get boring. That is why we decided to create a rating for you, where best countries for a budget holiday where you can “cheaply” but tastefully bask on the beach, explore another culture and see many sights.

So let's go!

10 India

A distinctive feature of tourism in India is a fairly strong contrast between the standard of living in different parts of the country: from very rich to, so to speak, beggarly. This gives complete financial freedom in terms of choosing a vacation.

Based on this, it is worth choosing less populated cities, because. the price level in India is directly proportional to the number of inhabitants in the locality. Choosing small towns or resorts, you can only 300-400 dollars to rent a house and eat for 2 weeks!

India is a country with a very rich cultural heritage, so there will be no problems with organizing leisure activities. Tourists have a large number of historical monuments, nature reserves, religious institutions, museums, etc. In addition to this, delicious and cheap food, a developed transport network, beautiful beaches and friendly people.

The disadvantages of rest in India include the presence of an unpleasant smell and garbage in some places. And remember! Don't hurt cows in India ;)

9. Vietnam

Vietnam is located next to China, Laos and Cambodia and is one of the cheapest holiday destinations in Southeast Asia. And indeed, the prices for food, accommodation and travel in public transport less than in European and Mediterranean resorts by 2-3 times!

In addition, at a low price in Vietnam, you can get diving lessons, explore national parks and temple complexes. The only drawback that most tourists note is the long and rather expensive flight.

8. Costa Rica

The small country of Costa Rica, which is lost between the continents, is considered one of the most beautiful places on earth and attracts tourists with its luxurious beaches, beautiful scenery and affordable life.

Vacationers often note the unique nature of Costa Rica with its rare animals and beautiful waterfalls, as well as its location between two oceans washing the shores of the country.

Additional incentives for visiting Costa Rica are low housing and food prices. For instance, you can rent a good apartment in the capital of the country for $200 a month. Food at local markets is cheap, so a month's food costs no more than $100. More sophisticated tourists can dine in numerous restaurants and cafes, where the average bill varies from 3 to 8 dollars.

The disadvantages of traveling to Costa Rica are only a long-distance flight and a decent time difference.

7 Laos

Many tourists associate Laos with Thailand, which is located next to this country. Indeed, the People's Democratic Republic of Laos is very similar to Tai, only a little simpler and poorer.

Traditionally, Laos is considered a land of adventure, because. people come here for new experiences, which can be obtained at a very reasonable price. For instance, for a 30-day vacation with accommodation and meals, you will pay no more than $ 300. Yes, and there is nowhere to spend in Laos, there are practically no large stores, and on the shelves of small ones there are mainly local fruits and vegetables.

A distinctive feature of Laos is the presence of a huge number of temples and monks that are scattered throughout the country. Vacationers in Laos also note the calm and measured rhythm of the country, even on the roads there is no active traffic. Most of the resorts are small villages with quiet and clean beaches and green oases.

The disadvantages of Laos include not very good transport infrastructure and the lack of nightlife in small resorts.

6. Thailand

Thailand is often called "land of a thousand smiles" which has developed largely due to the hospitality of the Thais. That is why millions of tourists from all over the world come here to relax, and some of them even move to permanent residence.

Mild climate, good beaches, delicious spicy food and low prices on housing determine the fact that many freelancers, poker players, remote workers who are not tied to their place of residence come to this country. Often it is Thailand that they choose as a place for "wintering". It is worth noting that per $200 you can rent a small house for a whole month, while spending $100-150 on food.

The disadvantages of Thailand, tourists often include the presence of transvestites, gay people, as well as the pollution of some areas (mainly large cities).

Useful advice for smokers in Thailand: take cigarettes with you from home, in Thailand they are very expensive and of poor quality.

5. Bulgaria

Bulgaria is one of the few European countries that can offer tourists quality and affordable vacation by the sea. Due to the similarity of the Bulgarian language, this place attracts a lot of Russian-speaking tourists. Therefore, sometimes you can find signs and other information in Russian, especially since most Bulgarians understand it.

Bulgaria attracts many due to cheap and short flights, well-maintained beaches, delicious food, and clear sea. The pluses can also include absolute security, because. Bulgarians are a peace-loving people and the local population is very rarely characterized by aggressive behavior.

Prices in Bulgaria, of course, are slightly higher than in the resorts of the Asian region, but they are at a low level among European ones, while having high levels of service quality. A standard 10-day stay will cost you about 700 euros (2 people, 4* hotel).

It is worth noting that Bulgaria is well disposed for families with children, especially since discounts are usually applied to children's tours to this country. There are also medical resorts in Bulgaria.

4. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka provides all the services of a leisurely and relaxing holiday: calm ocean, clean beaches, diving, fishing, sightseeing tours and much more.

Many tourists like the kind and hospitable locals of Sri Lanka, cheap fruits and seafood, as well as beautiful nature. When choosing a home it is worth paying attention to beach hotels, the rooms in which are several times cheaper than usual. For example, for $ 200-300 you can settle for a whole month.

In order not to spoil the rest, experienced vacationers recommend washing fruits thoroughly, boiling water, and also, when visiting the jungle, pre-vaccinate and grab antimalarial pills. The disadvantages of holidays in Sri Lanka usually include only a long flight and expensive alcohol and cigarettes.

3. Turkey

Turkey is a favorite place for Russian-speaking tourists, because. this country has become synonymous quality but affordable stay. But if you look at Turkey through the prism of history, you can see the successor of the great empires of the past with a rich cultural heritage.

However, despite this, by and large, Turkey attracts tourists thanks to beautiful landscapes, good hotels, inexpensive food, high quality service. Rest in Turkey includes the whole range of tourist services, from excursions to historical sights and to active recreation.

To the disadvantages of rest in Turkey, tourists call only the excessive obsession of local residents and merchants.

2. Indonesia

Indonesia is the largest island state in the world, which every year becomes more attractive in the eyes of tourists. Mild climate, unspoiled nature, beautiful landscapes and white sand beaches - this is what attracts lovers of exotic and outdoor activities from all over the world to Indonesia.

Everyone there can find entertainment to their liking: diving centers, surfing sites, hiking in the mountains, yachting, nightclubs, safaris, excursions, etc. Prices may pleasantly surprise you, for example, the average price of lunch in a cafe varies from 2 to 8 euros. With a properly budgeted month of rest in Indonesia, it can cost 500 euros with housing and food.

The disadvantages of traveling to Indonesia are often attributed by tourists to long-distance flights and difficult relationships with local natives.

1. Cambodia

The indigenous people of Cambodia are the heirs of an ancient civilization that survived the horrors of colonization, genocide and violence. But today Cambodia is considered one of the most promising tourist countries in the Southeast region of Asia.

Thanks to the historical past, many historical monuments, burial places, and temples have been preserved in Cambodia. In addition to architectural sights in Cambodia, you can admire untouched natural scenery, go to hiking mountain walk, as well as indulge in white sandy beaches. Also, the undoubted advantage of Cambodia is the low prices for housing and food. In particular, for 50-70 dollars You can rent a cozy apartment for a whole month.

The disadvantages include not very good transport infrastructure and the poor condition of drinking water.

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