Incredible but the fact of Vika. Inexplicable, but the fact: the most amazing phenomena of the last decade

The mystery that you tried to hide? SS OURANG MEDAN SUPPARKER
The history of the cargo vessel Orange Medan (SS Ouranang Medan) began in 1947, when two American ships were sent to Malaysia at once, the SOS signal accepted. A person who introduced an orange Medan crew appeared to help. The man shouted: "Everyone is dead and soon it will come after me." Then the strange noise and the sailor said in the transfer: "I'm dead" ...

American vessels immediately headed for help to a disaster to the ship. On board orange Medan, the bodies of all crew members were discovered. On the faces of the dead people froze the expression of horror, and the glazed eyes were widely disclosed. Many died, putting hands before them, and it was clear that they were defended from something. When inspecting the bodies, it was found that all crew members died about 6-8 hours ago, but despite this, the temperature of their bodies exceeded the mark of 40 degrees Celsius.
The Orange Medan vessel was decided to tow the port for further examination, but after a few minutes the fire began on his board and the members of the rescue team were forced to leave him. Immediately after that, the explosion thundered and orange Medan went to the bottom.
The theory was put forward that all this history of deception and no orange med existed, because Records about this ship was not found in the Lloyd insurance register, in which all vessels carrying out international maritime transportation should be made. As a result, the whole story was recognized as a hoax. Although there are many facts proving the opposite, so appropriately a few people who argued that their relatives were hired on board the vessel called Orange Medan and disappeared.
In memory of the mysterious ship, only one photo was left, which the wife of one of the crew members did

Zombie named branch

In 1907, after a short disease, which in local Haitian tests is similar to the transformation of a person in a zombie, a certain branch of Felix Mentor died (Felicia Felix-Mentor). And already in 1936, the same woman was discovered on the street, dressed by one data in the rags, and on others was completely naked. Despite some disagreements, all the eyewitnesses argued that the woman was with his heads to the head frank in Ile. The lady, closing the eyes and mumbling under the nose, inseparent phrases threw her briginal body towards the farm, which once belonged to her father. In a lively corpse, local residents recognized the branch of Felix Mentor buried 29 years ago, the identity of the lady confirmed and her widowed husband.
A woman immediately placed in psycho. The hospital, where, in some, the data she lived the rest of his life, and in others - one beautiful day simply disappeared from the room by the lifeline. The report of its attending physician states: "The patient suffers to a manic-depressive disorder and uncontrolled laughter attacks. A woman speaks about himself in the third, then in the first face and is constantly confused in dates and events. At the moments of clarification of consciousness, she said that now 1906 and begged to let her go home, to her husband "
Another interesting fact, according to the X-ray study data, her skeleton was in excellent condition and this despite the fact that this branch was a fracture of his legs in two places. Other examinations also did not reveal any anomalies, except that the woman was in excellent physical shape and was ... a virgin, there was also a few scars on the body without a trace. "It seems that this unclear woman was born a few weeks ago," once said, Dr. examined the branch.
The mentally unhealthy patient was recognized by the relative of the branch of Felix Mentor and this despite the fact that the person's personality confirmed her husband and the fact that the branch was the only child in the family.

Remember all

One beautiful morning of 1930 is a four-year Indian girl of Shanti Diva (or Virgo (Shanti Deva)) from Delhi stated her parents that her name was the name of Loudgu and she lived in the city of Mathura with her husband. Parents wrote off this for children's fantasy, but the baby with enviable constancy reminded his parents about their past and every time he added all new details, so once she said that she had three children, two of whom were died during childbirth.
Considered by the mental state of the child, the father of the family found out that a woman lived in Mathura in the city of Mathura, who died 4 years ago. Parents decided to execute Charti Caprice and took her to Mathura. Upon arrival, the girl immediately found a house where Ludgi lived and introduced his parents with her "husband" and a child, as well as pointed out several details of the life of a dead woman who only knew the deceased. After such cases, you begin to believe in delusional theories about rebirth.

Mystery of one photo or ghost Mr. Jackson

This unusual and even a little frightening photo was made in 1919. After 44 years, this picture was widely known thanks to the officer of the British Air Force, Victor Goddard, who sent it to the editorial board of one of the newspapers. The group photograph captures the members of the team of the Daedalus warship, which were commanded by Victor. Freddie Jackson Mechanic, who died two days before the photo was taken. Victor says that the funeral ceremony took place just a day when the photographer took a picture, which is why in the photo all such frowning faces.

Damned Bridge

Overtoon Bridge (Overtoun Bridge) - the usual arched bridge in Scotland, which was built back in 1859. The fame of Overtun received thanks to dogs, which within a few decades finish their lives with a jump from this architectural structure. The first case of dog suicide was recorded in 1951, by 1955 there were already more than 48 such cases, in the same year it was found that with a bridge jumped mainly dogs with long muzzles. For most of the animal jump from a 15-meter height ended with death, but some survived and after recovery came again to the bridge to complete the started. Another interesting fact - the dogs are not across where you are not abubing from: a favorite place for jumping - between the two last spans on the right side, from where our four-legged friends rush down their heads and in no way differently.
Local residents immediately dubbed the bridge for the damned and began to bypass him. In 1994, the terrible bridge took the first human life: the father who survived his mind threw his child from him, and then he himself went next.
The phenomenon received international attention and "Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelety to Animals) sent its representative to investigate. An expert-ethologist (animal behavior specialist) David Sexton found that the undergrowth under the bridge simply dishes mice. And as aware of these animals, the smell of these animals affects the behavior of dogs and cats. Sexton conducted an experiment: he spread the smell of three types of mice discovered on the Overtun Bridge and watched the behavior of dogs. As a result, only two dogs out of 30 did not show any interest in the mouse flavor, the rest mildly fled to the place of spread of stench. "There is no mysticism here: the dogs simply run on the smell are their nature," says Votor Sexton.

Ghost Ship Mary Celeste

Without a doubt, the most famous ship by the ghost is Mary Celeste (Mary Celeste) - a trading ship, which was discovered abandoned and drifting in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in 1872. The ship was in excellent condition, the holds were clogged with fresh meal and goods. There were no traces of the team, and the presence on board 1500 barrels of the purest alcohol eliminates the likelihood that pirates attacked the ship.
The vessel of Mary Celeste was lowered in 1860, the next 10 years, the ship with enviable constancy changed its owners and eventually bought him for $ 3,000 Captain BRIGGS (Benjamin Briggs) for $ 3,000. On November 7, 1872, Mary Selesta left the port of New York. On board were Captain Brigz, his daughter with his wife and the team of sailors from 10 people. Since then, no one has seen them. The ghost ship could not find the ship's magazine, there was also no two rescue boats, which were found in 1873 off the coast of Spain, in one there was a body wrapped in the American flag, there were another 5 dead, which were not identified. Among the corpses there was no woman or a child.

Silent Skull

Who belongs to such an unusual skull ... a prehistoric animal, aliens, and maybe one of our ancestors at a certain level of evolution? I think anyone will be given by these questions, seeing the mysterious Silent Skull.
The skull was discovered in 2007 in the Danish village of Olstikke on Salond Island, but despite this, the find was kept in the strictest mystery until 2010. Researchers from the Copenhagen Veterinarian High School (Veterinarian High School In Copenhagen), who studied the skull in 2008, came to the conclusion that he most likely belonged to an unknown form of mammals with extremely developed intelligence. Radio carbon dating showed that his owner lived between 1200 and 1280 of our era.
The Silent Skull is almost 1.5 times more of the human and the most outstanding part of it are huge socies. Scientists suggest that this creature could see well in the dark. According to the structure of the skull, scientists determined that the creature went on the hind legs, very well swimmed and there were 3 meter growth. The structure of the teeth indicates that the owner of the skull was a predator. Unfortunately, there was no more information about its owner a Silent Skull and did not give out.


Looking at this photo of 1940, you are unlikely to notice among hundreds of people of one fashion in sunglasses, a T-shirt with an emblem applied on it and a portable camera. It is not clear how our contemporary was written among the venerable people of that epoch and why no one pays attention to him? The photo was made at the opening of the Canada Museum, where it is still stored. Skeptics claim: "Deception, photoshop ... this simply can not be!"
But I repeat, the photo was made in 1940 and took an honorable place among the exhibits of the museum in 1941, and most importantly, all this time there was a traveler in time, so that the fake could not be speech. Despite the facts, photographs several times were examined, which confirmed that the installation was not found on the photograph.

The Snow Queen

19-year-old Jean Hillard (Jean Hilliard) was a completely ordinary girl, until one case turned his entire life on his head and did not make the most unique person in the world. It happened in the hometown of Jean - Lengby, mini. The neighbor discovered the girl lying on the street at 25 degrees. When she was taken to the hospital, the doctor was shocked by seen: the body of the girl in the literal sense of the word zaled. One of the nurses later told: "I as if my hands in the freezer snapped when I touched this poor girl."
The doctor said it was an unprecedented case and he could not do anything, so all the relatives and friends of Gin gathered in the hospital and began to pray. And oddly enough, it worked, because After a month, our "Snow Queen" fully recovered. The icing did not cause her body any damage and even frostbed limbs did not have to amputate. Doctors called it a miracle, and local fanatics were dubbed Gin Saint.
And what happened here really? Whether it was the power of prayer, a medical miracle or a new step of human evolution. It is known that some animals can enter anabiosis at low temperatures ... Perhaps Jin is one of them? \u003d)

Ghost Town Hall VEM.

In the fire hall covered by the town hall captured a little girl. This frightening shot was made by Tony O'Rreilly, who stood in the crowd of Zewak, who loves the town hall of the city of Shopir - WeM (WEM). The photo was made in November 1995, at the same time published.

Birth of legend.

15 years later, a certain 77-year-old pensioner Brian Lire said that he discovered on one of the old postcards a girl similar to the one in the town hall. By the way, the postcard was dated 1922 ... Self-input?
"I was shocked when, sacrificing things, found this old postcard, on which the Ghost girl was depicted from the Town Hall," - tells the pensioner. "Upon closer examination, it can be noted that they are even dressed in the same way and it truly scares."
This photo stunned all the pillars of knowledge about the supernatural and caused this international resonance. The newspapers even appeared the information that this 14-year-old girl is called Jane Charm, she was 14 years old and in 1677 the same town hall caught fire. The reason for the 1995 fire and remained a mystery.
The photographer, who made this photograph, Tony O'Rreili died in 2005, when the kids had decided to swear on Halloween and, having stood out one of the participants in the procession in the Ghost girl from the snapshot, went home to him. Opening the door and, nurser on the threshold, a pale girl with a photo that demands sweets, Mr. O'Rreilly grabbed his heart and fell dead.
The expertise of the photograph in 1998, showed that it is not present a photomontage.


"Today I can confidently say that the photograph of the ghost of the mosque of the VEM is a hoax," says the curator of the photo execution of the National Media Library (National Media Museum) Greg Hobson. The technique in which this photograph was made is similar to the one that the mediums were used in the 19th century, which allegedly could capture the deceased person with whom they were in contact.
And this was done like this: the mediums asked for relatives a photograph of the deceased, which was fixed in front of the camera lens. The shooting was carried out in a dark room and as a result, on the camera's lenses, the contours of the image from the photo were partially "imprinted". When relatives came to Charlatan for the consultation once again, he suggested him for the enonal amount of money to take a photo of the deceased, which no longer had no problem, because The new image was superimposed on the "imprint" with lenses. This is how these incredibly plausible photos of the deliberations appeared.

Live bridges growing in the forests of the lips and flying ferrets. Is that? Unbelievable, but it is a fact.

Growing lips

There is no second plant. The "Kiss of Nature" is the only one in its kind, and anywhere else in the flower world does not occur something like that. This is a psychotria elevated (Psychotria Elata) - flower in the form of scarlet lips.

Glossy red leaves are the ideal attraction of the main pollinators of the plant - butterflies and hummingbirds who drink nectar and transmit pollen from a flower on a flower. The "lips" grow in the forests of Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and are now threatened with disappearance due to cutting down of forests.

Live leaf

2. Either leaf, or a bitch. In fact, this is a fantastic plane thawing Geckon (UROPLATUS PHANTASTICUS). Its length is about 10 cm. To enhance the already camouflage color, Gecko are slightly swing, reminding the heated of the wind of the leaf. In Terrarium, where there is no wind, it looks more than funny.

In the ability to imitate the foliage of these unique reptiles living in the forests of Madagascar Island, there are no equal. Unrivaled Camouflage Masters!

Colored mountains

Underground caves Cappadocia

4. The ancient underground caves Cappadocia on the territory of modern Turkey were once settled. Steep slopes, swept in the soft room of the room accounted for a whole disguised, secret underground world.

Derinkic (tour. Derinkuyu - "Deep Well") - an ancient deep multi-tiered underground city. Together with the neighboring city of Kaymakly, it is one of the best samples of underground residential buildings. The city is built in the II-I millennium BC. E, found in 1963 and two years later open for tourists. Here people have hidden from raids of nomads, religious persecution and other hazards. Reaching the depth of about 60 m (8 tiers), in ancient times the city could shelter up to 20 thousand people along with food and livestock. Scientists believe that now only 10-15% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe city is investigated.

There were all the necessary amenities: residential premises, ventilation mines and wells, chlev and stables, kitchens and dining rooms, bakeries, presses for pressing oil and grapes, barns and wine cellar, churches and chapels, as well as workshops, where everything you need was made. There is information that in the underground city there was even a cemetery.

Butterflies 88 and 89

5. Callicorlas are unusual butterflies living in Central and South America. Their wings are decorated with numbers - 88 and 89, depending on the subspecies. The bottoms are considered to meet with it a sign of good luck.

Ingrown bike

6. This mysterious bicycle involved in the tree is located on the island of Washington Washington. It is said that in 1914, the young boy went to the war, leaving his "two-wheeled friend", a chained chain to the wood barrel. But this guy never returned to, and the tree did not have a different choice, except to grow along with the bicycle. There were decades, and living and non-residential collected together.

But the skeptics of a beautiful fairy tale from American blogs compare the state of a bicycle with a climate Cavy Island and say that in a hundred years in the tree would be only with difficulty identified pieces of rusty metal ...

"Live bridges"

7. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Cherapundy in the north-east of India, which is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters and is considered the rainy place on Earth, bridges from the roots of rubberic ficus are growing. The process of "construction" lasts 10-15 years. Live bridges can reach the length of 30 meters and withstand weight more than 50 people. Read more in the article "".

8. In one of the British parks, the photographer managed to capture an amazing scene: a student flying with caressing on his back. And although it looked funny, in reality it was about the survival of Dyatla. The caresses feed on small rodents and birds, and if the woodpecker did not find the opportunity to reset the predator from his back - he would have a throat.

Approximately 20 meters from the bird observers landed. Freed from dangerous Nosh, the woodpecker took off and disappeared into the branches of the tree.

9. These smoking pipes are formed in harsh areas with volcanic activity. In the Arctic areas of steam, coming out from under the ground freezes, forming snow pipes around the volcanic opening. It looks very fabulous.

Snake - not a snake

10. This is a caterpillar. But at the time of the threat, it turns into a snake, skillfully imitating her appearance and movement, pulling his legs and inflating his head. Climbing the rear legs into the tree, it raises the front of the body and bended like a poisonous snake like a punishment. Triangular head, fierce eyes and brilliant scales - all this creates a rather threatening view that often scares potential enemies. Who will contact such a "predator"?

The mystery that you tried to hide? SS OURANG MEDAN SUPPARKER

The history of the cargo vessel Orange Medan (SS Ouranang Medan) began in 1947, when two American ships were sent to Malaysia at once, the SOS signal accepted. A person who introduced an orange Medan crew appeared to help. The man shouted: "Everyone is dead and soon it will come after me." Then the strange noise and the sailor said in the transfer: "I'm dead" ...

American vessels immediately headed for help to a disaster to the ship. On board orange Medan, the bodies of all crew members were discovered. On the faces of the dead people froze the expression of horror, and the glazed eyes were widely disclosed. Many died, putting hands before them, and it was clear that they were defended from something. When inspecting the bodies, it was found that all crew members died about 6-8 hours ago, but despite this, the temperature of their bodies exceeded the mark of 40 degrees Celsius.

The Orange Medan vessel was decided to tow the port for further examination, but after a few minutes the fire began on his board and the members of the rescue team were forced to leave him. Immediately after that, the explosion thundered and orange Medan went to the bottom.

The theory was put forward that all this history of deception and no orange med existed, because Records about this ship was not found in the Lloyd insurance register, in which all vessels carrying out international maritime transportation should be made. As a result, the whole story was recognized as a hoax. Although there are many facts proving the opposite, so appropriately a few people who argued that their relatives were hired on board the vessel called Orange Medan and disappeared.

In memory of the mysterious ship, only one photo was left, which the wife of one of the crew members did

Zombie named branch

In 1907, after a short disease, which in local Haitian tests is similar to the transformation of a person in a zombie, a certain branch of Felix Mentor died (Felicia Felix-Mentor). And already in 1936, the same woman was discovered on the street, dressed by one data in the rags, and on others was completely naked. Despite some disagreements, all the eyewitnesses argued that the woman was with his heads to the head frank in Ile. The lady, closing the eyes and mumbling under the nose, inseparent phrases threw her briginal body towards the farm, which once belonged to her father. In a lively corpse, local residents recognized the branch of Felix Mentor buried 29 years ago, the identity of the lady confirmed and her widowed husband.

A woman immediately placed in psycho. The hospital, where, in some, the data she lived the rest of his life, and in others - one beautiful day simply disappeared from the room by the lifeline. The report of its attending physician states: "The patient suffers to a manic-depressive disorder and uncontrolled laughter attacks. A woman speaks about himself in the third, then in the first face and is constantly confused in dates and events. At the moments of clarification of consciousness, she said that now 1906 and begged to let her go home, to her husband "

Another interesting fact, according to the X-ray study data, her skeleton was in excellent condition and this despite the fact that this branch was a fracture of his legs in two places. Other examinations also did not reveal any anomalies, except that the woman was in excellent physical shape and was ... a virgin, there was also a few scars on the body without a trace. "It seems that this unclear woman was born a few weeks ago," once said, Dr. examined the branch.

The mentally unhealthy patient was recognized by the relative of the branch of Felix Mentor and this despite the fact that the person's personality confirmed her husband and the fact that the branch was the only child in the family.

Remember all

One beautiful morning of 1930 is a four-year Indian girl of Shanti Diva (or Virgo (Shanti Deva)) from Delhi stated her parents that her name was the name of Loudgu and she lived in the city of Mathura with her husband. Parents wrote off this for children's fantasy, but the baby with enviable constancy reminded his parents about their past and every time he added all new details, so once she said that she had three children, two of whom were died during childbirth.

Considered by the mental state of the child, the father of the family found out that a woman lived in Mathura in the city of Mathura, who died 4 years ago. Parents decided to execute Charti Caprice and took her to Mathura. Upon arrival, the girl immediately found a house where Ludgi lived and introduced his parents with her "husband" and a child, as well as pointed out several details of the life of a dead woman who only knew the deceased. After such cases, you begin to believe in delusional theories about rebirth.

Mystery of one photo or ghost Mr. Jackson

This unusual and even a little frightening photo was made in 1919. After 44 years, this picture was widely known thanks to the officer of the British Air Force, Victor Goddard, who sent it to the editorial board of one of the newspapers. The group photograph captures the members of the team of the Daedalus warship, which were commanded by Victor. Freddie Jackson Mechanic, who died two days before the photo was taken. Victor says that the funeral ceremony took place just a day when the photographer took a picture, which is why in the photo all such frowning faces.

Damned Bridge

Overtoon Bridge (Overtoun Bridge) - the usual arched bridge in Scotland, which was built back in 1859. The fame of Overtun received thanks to dogs, which within a few decades finish their lives with a jump from this architectural structure. The first case of dog suicide was recorded in 1951, by 1955 there were already more than 48 such cases, in the same year it was found that with a bridge jumped mainly dogs with long muzzles. For most of the animal jump from a 15-meter height ended with death, but some survived and after recovery came again to the bridge to complete the started. Another interesting fact - the dogs are not across where you are not abubing: a favorite place for jumping - between the two last spans on the right side, from where our four-legged friends rush down their heads and in any way otherwise.

Local residents immediately dubbed the bridge for the damned and began to bypass him. In 1994, the terrible bridge took the first human life: the father who survived his mind threw his child from him, and then he himself went next.

The phenomenon received international attention and "Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelety to Animals) sent its representative to investigate. An expert-ethologist (animal behavior specialist) David Sexton found that the undergrowth under the bridge simply dishes mice. And as aware of these animals, the smell of these animals affects the behavior of dogs and cats. Sexton conducted an experiment: he spread the smell of three types of mice discovered on the Overtun Bridge and watched the behavior of dogs. As a result, only two dogs out of 30 did not show any interest in the mouse flavor, the rest mildly fled to the place of spread of stench. "There is no mysticism here: the dogs simply run on the smell are their nature," says Votor Sexton.

Ghost Ship Mary Celeste

Without a doubt, the most famous ship by the ghost is Mary Celeste (Mary Celeste) - a trading ship, which was discovered abandoned and drifting in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in 1872. The ship was in excellent condition, the holds were clogged with fresh meal and goods. There were no traces of the team, and the presence on board 1500 barrels of the purest alcohol eliminates the likelihood that pirates attacked the ship.

The vessel of Mary Celeste was lowered in 1860, the next 10 years, the ship with enviable constancy changed its owners and eventually bought him for $ 3,000 Captain BRIGGS (Benjamin Briggs) for $ 3,000. On November 7, 1872, Mary Selesta left the port of New York. On board were Captain Brigz, his daughter with his wife and the team of sailors from 10 people. Since then, no one has seen them. The ghost ship could not find the ship's magazine, there was also no two rescue boats, which were found in 1873 off the coast of Spain, in one there was a body wrapped in the American flag, there were another 5 dead, which were not identified. Among the corpses there was no woman or a child.

Silent Skull

Who belongs to such an unusual skull ... a prehistoric animal, aliens, and maybe one of our ancestors at a certain level of evolution? I think anyone will be given by these questions, seeing the mysterious Silent Skull.

The skull was discovered in 2007 in the Danish village of Olstikke on Salond Island, but despite this, the find was kept in the strictest mystery until 2010. Researchers from the Copenhagen Veterinarian High School (Veterinarian High School In Copenhagen), who studied the skull in 2008, came to the conclusion that he most likely belonged to an unknown form of mammals with extremely developed intelligence. Radio carbon dating showed that his owner lived between 1200 and 1280 of our era.

The Silent Skull is almost 1.5 times more of the human and the most outstanding part of it are huge socies. Scientists suggest that this creature could see well in the dark. According to the structure of the skull, scientists determined that the creature went on the hind legs, very well swimmed and there were 3 meter growth. The structure of the teeth indicates that the owner of the skull was a predator. Unfortunately, there was no more information about its owner a Silent Skull and did not give out.


Looking at this photo of 1940, you are unlikely to notice among hundreds of people of one fashion in sunglasses, a T-shirt with an emblem applied on it and a portable camera. It is not clear how our contemporary was written among the venerable people of that epoch and why no one pays attention to him? The photo was made at the opening of the Canada Museum, where it is still stored. Skeptics claim: "Deception, photoshop ... this simply can not be!"

But I repeat, the photo was made in 1940 and took an honorable place among the exhibits of the museum in 1941, and most importantly, all this time there was a traveler in time, so that the fake could not be speech. Despite the facts, photographs several times were examined, which confirmed that the installation was not found on the photograph.

The Snow Queen

19-year-old Jean Hillard (Jean Hilliard) was a completely ordinary girl, until one case turned his entire life on his head and did not make the most unique person in the world. It happened in the hometown of Jean - Lengby, mini. The neighbor discovered the girl lying on the street at 25 degrees. When she was taken to the hospital, the doctor was shocked by seen: the body of the girl in the literal sense of the word zaled. One of the nurses later told: "I as if my hands in the freezer snapped when I touched this poor girl."

The doctor said it was an unprecedented case and he could not do anything, so all the relatives and friends of Gin gathered in the hospital and began to pray. And oddly enough, it worked, because After a month, our "Snow Queen" fully recovered. The icing did not cause her body any damage and even frostbed limbs did not have to amputate. Doctors called it a miracle, and local fanatics were dubbed Gin Saint.

And what happened here really? Whether it was the power of prayer, a medical miracle or a new step of human evolution. It is known that some animals can enter anabiosis at low temperatures ... Perhaps Jin is one of them?

Ghost Town Hall VEM.

In the fire hall covered by the town hall captured a little girl. This frightening shot was made by Tony O'Rreilly, who stood in the crowd of Zewak, who loves the town hall of the city of Shopir - WeM (WEM). The photo was made in November 1995, at the same time published.

Birth of legend.

15 years later, a certain 77-year-old pensioner Brian Lire said that he discovered on one of the old postcards a girl similar to the one in the town hall. By the way, the postcard was dated 1922 ... Self-input?

"I was shocked when, sacrificing things, found this old postcard, on which the Ghost girl was depicted from the Town Hall," - tells the pensioner. "Upon closer examination, it can be noted that they are even dressed in the same way and it truly scares."

This photo stunned all the pillars of knowledge about the supernatural and caused this international resonance. The newspapers even appeared the information that this 14-year-old girl is called Jane Charm, she was 14 years old and in 1677 the same town hall caught fire. The reason for the 1995 fire and remained a mystery.

The photographer, who made this photograph, Tony O'Rreili died in 2005, when the kids had decided to swear on Halloween and, having stood out one of the participants in the procession in the Ghost girl from the snapshot, went home to him. Opening the door and, nurser on the threshold, a pale girl with a photo that demands sweets, Mr. O'Rreilly grabbed his heart and fell dead.

The expertise of the photograph in 1998, showed that it is not present a photomontage.


"Today I can confidently say that the photograph of the ghost of the mosque of the VEM is a hoax," says the curator of the photo execution of the National Media Library (National Media Museum) Greg Hobson. The technique in which this photograph was made is similar to the one that the mediums were used in the 19th century, which allegedly could capture the deceased person with whom they were in contact.

And this was done like this: the mediums asked for relatives a photograph of the deceased, which was fixed in front of the camera lens. The shooting was carried out in a dark room and as a result, on the camera's lenses, the contours of the image from the photo were partially "imprinted". When relatives came to Charlatan for the consultation once again, he suggested him for the enonal amount of money to take a photo of the deceased, which no longer had no problem, because The new image was superimposed on the "imprint" with lenses. This is how these incredibly plausible photos of the deliberations appeared.

Live bridges growing in the forests of the lips and flying ferrets. Is that? Unbelievable, but it is a fact.

Growing lips

There is no second plant. The "Kiss of Nature" is the only one in its kind, and anywhere else in the flower world does not occur something like that. This is a psychotria elevated (Psychotria Elata) - flower in the form of scarlet lips.
Glossy red leaves are the ideal attraction of the main pollinators of the plant - butterflies and hummingbirds who drink nectar and transmit pollen from a flower on a flower. The "lips" grow in the forests of Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and are now threatened with disappearance due to cutting down of forests.

Live leaf

Whether sheet, or a bitch. In fact, this is a fantastic plane thawing Geckon (UROPLATUS PHANTASTICUS). Its length is about 10 cm. To enhance the already camouflage color, Gecko are slightly swing, reminding the heated of the wind of the leaf. In Terrarium, where there is no wind, it looks more than funny.
In the ability to imitate the foliage of these unique reptiles living in the forests of Madagascar Island, there are no equal. Unrivaled Camouflage Masters!

Colored mountains

The landscape is given (in Chinese "pink clouds") in China called the unique type of earth surface, for which red sandstones and steep rocks created by nature are characteristic. Multicolored mountains in China were formed from sandstones of red and conglomerates of the Cretaceous period (a period of about 120 million years ago to about 65 million years ago). They keep in themselves many fossils of dinosaurs and remains of plants of that period.

Underground caves Cappadocia

The ancient underground caves Cappadocia on the territory of modern Turkey were once settled. Steep slopes, swept in the soft room of the room accounted for a whole disguised, secret underground world.
Derinkic (tour. Derinkuyu - "Deep Well") - an ancient deep multi-tiered underground city. Together with the neighboring city of Kaymakly, it is one of the best samples of underground residential buildings. The city is built in the II-I millennium BC. E, found in 1963 and two years later open for tourists. Here people have hidden from raids of nomads, religious persecution and other hazards. Reaching the depth of about 60 m (8 tiers), in ancient times the city could shelter up to 20 thousand people along with food and livestock. Scientists believe that now only 10-15% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe city is investigated.
There were all the necessary amenities: residential premises, ventilation mines and wells, chlev and stables, kitchens and dining rooms, bakeries, presses for pressing oil and grapes, barns and wine cellar, churches and chapels, as well as workshops, where everything you need was made. There is information that in the underground city there was even a cemetery.

Butterflies 88 and 895.

Callicorons are unusual butterflies living in Central and South America. Their wings are decorated with numbers - 88 and 89, depending on the subspecies. The bottoms are considered to meet with it a sign of good luck.

Ingrown bike

This mysterious bicycle involved in a tree is located on the island of Washington. It is said that in 1914, the young boy went to the war, leaving his "two-wheeled friend", a chained chain to the wood barrel. But this guy did not return from the first world, and the tree did not have another choice but to grow along with the bicycle. There were decades, and living and non-residential collected together.
But the skeptics of a beautiful fairy tale from American blogs compare the state of a bicycle with a climate Cavy Island and say that in a hundred years in the tree would be only with difficulty identified pieces of rusty metal ...

"Live bridges"

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Cherapundy in the north-east of India, which is located at an altitude of 1,300 meters and is considered the rainy place on the ground, bridges from the roots of rubberic ficus are growing. The process of "construction" lasts 10-15 years. Live bridges can reach the length of 30 meters and withstand weight more than 50 people.

Lask flying on Woodle

In one of the British parks, the photographer was able to capture an amazing scene: a student flying with caressing on his back. And although it looked funny, in reality it was about the survival of Dyatla. The caresses feed on small rodents and birds, and if the woodpecker did not find the opportunity to reset the predator from his back - he would have a throat.
Approximately 20 meters from the bird observers landed. Freed from dangerous Nosh, the woodpecker took off and disappeared into the branches of the tree.

Snow pipes

These smoking pipes are formed in harsh areas with volcanic activity. In the Arctic areas of steam, coming out from under the ground freezes, forming snow pipes around the volcanic opening. It looks very fabulous.

Snake - not a snake

This is a caterpillar. But at the time of the threat, it turns into a snake, skillfully imitating her appearance and movement, pulling his legs and inflating his head. Climbing the rear legs into the tree, it raises the front of the body and bended like a poisonous snake like a punishment. Triangular head, fierce eyes and brilliant scales - all this creates a rather threatening view that often scares potential enemies. Who will contact such a "predator"?

Goats on a tree

Seen in these photos may seem photoshop, but goats live in Morocco, who know how to climb trees. There are few pastures in this country, and the hungry animals have to "graze" on the trees called Argan.

One day you wake up and you will not know yourself ... you hear what the neighbors over the wall whisper about in bed. Remember each word of the article reading yesterday. You will see how water drips in the kitchen. Nothing amazing. You became superholesale! Unrealistic? Actually! The program "Inexplicable, but the fact" on the TNT channel you could only look at this. And now you can learn everything to everyone. Himself. With this book. However ... perhaps you are already extrasens, you just do not know about it.

Documentary book dedicated to the ability of a person. Five main topics are revealed: extrasensoric, the magic of power and the impact on people, developed senses of man, the achievement of immortality, healers. All chapters are associated with a logical chain study of the author of the book and are addition of each other.

According to the story of the book, the author produces a detailed study of each topic, trying to separate the reality from fiction, show that, despite the huge amount of delusions, still something unusual really exists.

In addition, since the author is trying to prove the reality of one or another phenomenon, he offers the reader to check it all, describing the most different training exercises and tests. This moment will allow the reader to touch the topic personally. Probably, this is one of the most curious parts of the book. Moreover, most of these exercises and tests is described for the first time and reveals a person's eyes to their real opportunities, which, as it turns out, is not always far from fantastic limits. Practical opportunities for most topics can also be traced in the descriptions of the author's experiments, who in his life managed a lot of things to try.

The main information emphasis is not made on well-known facts, but on those that have not yet managed to be outlined in various types of TV shows, including "inexplicably, but the fact", and books, that is, the events of the most recent vulgar and even currently occurring.

The main feature is the description of all the most objectively as possible, as it is possible. Since there is a lot of deception in this direction, most of the book describes real cases and abilities, and the charlatans and their exposure occupy a minimum of space, and we are talking about them only if it looks sensational. This approach allows you to read this book to any person as a believer in all miracles, and pragmatatic, nothing perceiving without proper evidence.


"Inexplicable but the fact":

Book card)!

Want to know who you were in the past life? Break your head over another bed? I wonder if there is life after death? Then read the second book of Mikhail Radugi "Human Riddles" based on the popular TV program "inexplicable, but fact." Sensational revelations of people who survived clinical death, practical advice, how to disclose the opportunity to see through the walls and memorize kilometers of texts. Learn about this first of the book - deciphering human mysteries!

Documenatory book about the riddles of the human being and its nature. The book is devoted to several specific topics: clinical death and experiences during this process, reincarnation and the role of the will of a person in it, bringing people in the wild environment, suicide mysteries and practical development of prophetic dreams.

A separate chapter is devoted to each topic, but they all intertwine closely with each other and make up the overall picture. The author places not just to tell the most curious and newly about famous phenomena, but also to create a general description of a person, as a multi-burst creature, where every detail may respond to another, seemed not at all connected.

Of paramount importance in the book about the human riddles is given to those knowledge and information that will be useful to the reader relative to itself. These are a lot of applied practical information. These are tests that allow a person to see from the side that he represents and evaluate its capabilities and dangers.

Since many questions described in the book, one way or another, have already been announced by other authors and the media, the author approached them with the most new and interesting side, leading many new and few well-known facts that are sometimes completely different conclusions, What is considered to be.

Another feature of the book for TV shows "inexplicable, but the fact is exclusively pragmatic and, at the same time, at all, not a skeptical approach to the description of most controversial phenomena. After reading the book, the person will not receive any unconfirmed knowledge. He will not be inspired by some nonsense, and at the same time he will have the entire spectrum of adjacent knowledge, allowing him to make him the most objective conclusions. To achieve this, the author replaces the common fantastic failures of no less amazing and more proven facts. However, strong pressure on human views does not happen, which allows you to read the book, both skeptics and the occult.


"Inexplicable but the fact":

Unknown nature

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According to the author, there is nothing mysterious and mysterious phenomena, which are found in everyday life. Our world, in its key properties, represents the most important riddle for the human mind and modern civilization.

Mikhail Raduga - the founder of the Center for Four Travel Takes an attempt to understand natural phenomena, which for decades cause the constant interest of mankind:

- The secrets of the most unique place on the planet Earth - Lake Baikal;
- Water puzzles and the story about her true capabilities;
- "Endless" end of the world - why he does not occur;
- ominous seats in all corners of the world;
- New alternative energy sources based on natural resources.

In the book created for the TV program "inexplicable, but facts" are given fascinating and little-known facts about the unknown nature of the planet Earth. The author considers phenomena from all sides, taking into account the latest relevant research in this area.

Practical tasks complement the theory. You can predict when still wait for the end of the world and how to prepare to it to survive in the most catastrophic conditions. You will learn where there are sleeves on Earth and how they can be determined to avoid a tragic collision with them. You will learn to program water, which is really even from the point of view of the most rational and scientific views on life and its properties.

Perhaps this and much more will make you even closer to the perfect and developed person who realizes its role and place in the surrounding world.


"Inexplicable but the fact":

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What is UFO and where to look for it? Why do we ourselves aliens? Why is the Criminal Code in history with Humanoid Aleshenka? What is the soul and how to communicate with spirits? Who came up with Satan and what is the mystery of numbers 13 and 666? Where to look for lost and parallel worlds? When will the matrix be created? For all these questions, the reader will find answers in the new book from the series "Inexplicable, but fact." As well as habitat facts on the moon and Mars of a different reason, the most populated by ghosts places, a real way to see the deceased and much more on the basis of the most recent discoveries and studies of the author.

Documentary book describing the studies of the author of such issues of unknown as extraterrestrial mind, ghosts and spirits. The feature of the book lies in several basic principles: exclusively the newest facts or poorly known details of confused stories, an absolutely sober and rational approach, innovation for many theories and views on them.

In the first half of the book, in the first two chapters, the largest bias is made to the side of questions, one way or another associated with extraterrestrial mind. These are all well-known and no theory explaining the phenomenon. This is a lot of little-known and studied facts on this issue. These are new ideas and assumptions. A separate conversation occurs regarding the concept of "Kyshtym City Humanoid", in which the author found an answer to all questions using only verifiable and logically acquitted conclusions and research methods.

In the second half of the book, the rate is made on studies of cases and theories regarding otherworldly creatures: ghosts, ghosts, houses, poltergeist and MN. The author relies only on the most proven and sober theories and facts based on their ideas that he directly sets out in the book.

The nature of the content and description of the book is designed to be interested in any person as a mystic and pragmatist. The case is in one main factor: the author is very critical to the facts and theories, passing them through the prism of a scientific and rational look, which allows to drain all nonsense, but to leave those rare pearls, which are true and real confirmation of the existence of supernatural phenomena that are not subject to easy and unequivocal explanations.

It is especially worth noting that the whole book is far from the source of infinite information from the human being. A completely opposite, in a variety of moments it contains practical information. Not only that a person entered the essence of the questions under consideration as much as possible and felt his involvement in them, a lot of tests are offered to his attention, which always open a person to his real opportunities and characteristics, which cannot be not interested.


"Inexplicable but the fact":

Ask in the nearest stores (book card)!

The usual world around us carries in their usual manifestations much more amazing and really unknown than it seems to us. It is only enough to look more closely into the essence and collect the most incredible, but completely real information that the author of the book on the footsteps of the unique program "is inexplicably, but the fact".

In this book, the researcher of the unknown Mikhail Raduga focused his attention on such natural, social and surrounding phenomena, like the end of the world, waters on Earth, water riddles, supernatural secrets of Lake Baikal and new energy sources. The reader, except for cognitive information, will find a number of practical knowledge and will pass a lot of tests that determine his personal attitude towards a particular issue.

The cognitive documentary book dedicated to the most common and natural phenomena of an unknown and extremely curious nature. In her work on it, the author was guided by exclusively sober and intelligent approaches, facts and theories, which as a result gave a completely suspended result, which does not contain non-fools, but not related to complete nihilism regarding inexplicable phenomena. In addition, the book is built on the principle that the information described in it necessarily assumes new information that few people described and have not yet managed to enter the archives of the unknown.

The heads of the book, which is the fifth continuation of the series about the inexplicable, written for the transfer "inexplicable, but fact, is devoted to the widest range of community phenomena, which may have an universal and universal scale. Moreover, it begins the story from the most burning issue, which worries humanity is not one thousand years old - the end of the world. In this context, many cases and specific dates are described when they waited in the past and only in the future await this catastrophic event. It also pays attention to general problems, often environmental, cosmic or social character, which can lead to the most real end of the world without any mystical and phantasmagoric views, and only in terms of common sense.

In addition, issues of seats in nature, their explanations, types and locations of localization are considered. No less attention is paid to the whole world in the new millennium, the energy problem, which increasingly gets riser for many states. In this context, many ideas are considered, sometimes crazy, for the implementation of new sources, which no one suspected.

However, the main attention in the book is given to water. This moment is considered immediately in two chapters: about water in the general sense and about the amazing Lake Baikal, its secrets, properties and fantastic riddles. As for the head of water, it focuses on its role in the world and in human civilization. Describes both fantastic and well-descriptive and well-known information, knowledge of only some of which by the unrestal man can cause him extreme surprise.

The ideology of the book holds on the truthfulness of the data contained in it, which eliminates the introduction of the reader to delusion. It is tightly saturated with the most diverse and sometimes incredible practical information that a person can use in his daily life. It also has tests of tests that give each reader the opportunity to assess their role regarding the issues that are considered.

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