Features of prostitution in countries where it is permitted

Despite the fact that in most countries of the world, prostitution is illegal activities and is subject to punishment, there are a number of countries where you can engage in an ancient profession as well as going to work in the office. Specialists in the sale of sex accurately pay taxes and protected by law, like other professions. Unusually the fact that prostitution is legalized in many developed countries. And each of them has its own characteristics that seem interesting.

1. France

Prostitution in France is legal only if a person does not resort to the help of pimps, public houses and other intermediaries and organizations. At the same time, prostitutes are forbidden to appear on the street in causing clothes, wearing a deep neckline and mini skirts. The average French night butterfly externally disorders from other fair sex representatives.

However, if the girl without the right to stay in the country, which is engaged in satisfying the carnal needs of the French, suddenly decide to throw this profession, it is waiting for many pleasant surprises. The state provides such persons with a residence permit and cash benefit so that the ex-prostitute can start a new, more worthy life.

2. Holland

In this country, they are very worried about those who, due to circumstances, has limited physical abilities. The government believes that each person deserves its portion of caress and love and pays a special sex allowance, which is about 40 euros. So since 1992, people with disabilities can also use the services of prostitutes.

3. Germany

In Germany, the occupation of prostitution is regulated almost the same as in neighboring France. The only thing that prostitutes can use the services of public houses, which are a permitted activity, but the pimpets are prohibited here. In addition, every servant of love should have a special place to have sex, where she herself does not live. In addition, the state obliges all clients of the sex industry to use condoms.

And in the city of Bonn, there are even special parking mats for prostitutes, in which they pay themselves the right to work outside from 20.15 to 06.00. The cost of one coupon for the night of work is 6 euros, and this cost does not depend on the number of customers or quality of service.

4. Belgium

In Belgium, it is not so easy to notice where a prostitute is standing on the street. By law, they are obliged to dress modestly and do not behave defiantly on the streets. In addition, girls work only in their or in a removable apartment. If the night butterfly breaks the law, it is waiting for an impressive fine of 120 euros.

5. Italy

Italy is very worried about the safety of the life and health of girls offering love for one night. Since most of them work in the dark day, they were obliged to wear special reflective vests if women work on busy roads. Violation of this rule will entail a fine of 500 euros. But at the same time, prostitutes can lure customers as you like with our charms, emphasizing them with frank clothing.

6. Finland

If suddenly, the girl in Finland turns out to be in a difficult situation and without a roof above his head, it can easily rent an apartment in exchange for sex. At the same time, it is absolutely optionally to work as a prostitute. The most important thing is to register this item in the rental agreement and be adult. The landlord must also be over 18 years old.

7. Europe

In those countries of the European Union, where they are officially allowed to boring and public houses now be sure to know the language on which night butterflies are spoken. This law came out in 2015 after one incident. The owner of one brothel in Holland filed a lawsuit on officials who forbade him to engage in their deeds due to ignorance of the language of the girls over which he took the patribution. The girls spent on Hungarian and Bulgarian languages. The court ended in that over the EU, a mandatory law was adopted, which we voiced above. It was done in the hope of stopping the possibility of sex slavery in the territory of developed countries.

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