The largest sandy deserts in the world. Sugar - the largest desert of the planet is the largest desert on the ground

Sand deserts cover about 20% sushi on the whole ground. These are huge lifeless spaces, in which an unprepared person is doomed to inevitable death. The largest desertAs limitless abyss can take possession, absorb and destroy, but how it is killing beautiful ...

The biggest desert on the ground

Sand deserts are the hottest places of our planet. Basically, natural zones in Africa, Australia and Eurasia are located. There are places such as Salted desert Salar de Uyuni. Also, relatively small deserts can be found in America. Any schoolboy knows about Sahara - it the largest desert. In addition, it is also the fierce. The local temperature range varies from 15 to 58 degrees. The desert area of \u200b\u200bmore than 9,000,000 square kilometers.

If sugar would be in Russia, she would have occupied half the country. The name of the sandy natural zone mentioned above was given Arabs. In Sahara today you can find about 150,000 mirages. There is even a special card with marks, where it is more common - river, well or oasis. The largest desert of the world It stretches in the territory of almost all of North Africa and covers the following countries: Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Libya, Chad, Mauritania, Egypt, Tunisia, etc. The sandy storms of Sugara can partially come even to the territory of Europe.

The biggest deserts of the world: Arabian and Gobi

Listing the biggest deserts of the world You can not get around the second side in size - the Arabian desert. As follows from the name, the Arabian sand area is located on the eponymous peninsula. It covers the territory of Saudi Arabia, a small part of Iraq, Syria, East Jordan and Egypt. In the center of the desert there is Rub'al-Kali - this is one of the largest sandy arrays on Earth. A significant part of the desert is uninhabited thanks to frequent storms and winds, large temperature differences. The daily temperature varies from 40 to 50 and degrees in summer, and from 5 to 15 in winter. But there were cases and zero temperature.

And, of course, an at least famous zone of sands Gobi can wear a title - the largest desert. By area, this natural location ranks third in the world, and the first in Asia. The name of the desert comes from the Mongolian word "anhydrous place." Gobi is located in Central Asia, covering Mongolia and part of China, which, in turn, is represented in the world, as, practically, the biggest country in the world . The northern border of the desert can be called the Mongolian steppes, the South-River Juanhe.

The biggest deserts of the world, other options

It is worth briefly referring other large, the biggest deserts of the world - This is Australian, which occupies almost the entire territory of the country of the same name, besides there is a decession that it is also the biggest island in the world ; Calahari is the largest desert in South Africa and the Karakuma - occupying about 4/5 of the territories of Turkmenistan. But despite the size, any desert is the same deadly and merciless place, such as the dry desert The world of Atakaba in South America ...


Of course, the desert of this size could not occupy the territory of one or two African countries. She captures Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia and Chad.

From the west of sugar is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, from the north is limited to the atlas of mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, and from the east - the Red Sea. The south border of the desert is determined by the zone of low-propelled ancient sand dunes at 16 ° S.Sh., south of which the Sahel is located - the transition region to Sudanese savanna.


Sakhara is difficult to attribute to any particular type of desert, although the sandy-rocky type is mainly dominated here. Its parties allocate the following regions: Tennel, Big East Erg, Big Western Erg, Tanzeruft, Hamada El Hamra, Erg-Ighid, Erg-Shesh, Arabian, Algeria, Libyan, Nubian desert, Talak desert.


The climate of the Sahara is unique and is due to its location in the zone of high-altitude anticyclones, descending air flow and dry trade winds of the northern hemisphere. In the desert, rain is extremely rare, and the air is dry and hot. Sakhara sky cloudlessly, but it will not surprise the travelers with blue transparency, because the finest dust is constantly in the air. Intensive solar exposure and evaporation during the day is replaced by strong radiation at night. First, the sand heats up to 70 ° C, breathing with ferments from rocks, and in the evening the surface of the sugar is cooled much faster than air. The average temperature of July is 35 °.

High temperatures, with its sharp vibrations, and very dry air makes it very heavy in the desert. Only from December to February, "Sahakkaya Winter" occurs - a period of relatively cool weather. In winter, the temperature in Northern Sahara may fall below 0 °, although it rises to 25 ° during the day. Sometimes it even falls here.

The nature of the desert

Bedouin goes on the dunes

Despite the fact that the desert is usually represented by a solid layer of hot sand forming vehana, sugar has a slightly different relief. Mountain arrays rise in the center of the desert, more than 3 km high, but for the outskirts were formed pebble, stony, clay and sandy deserts, in which any vegetation is practically absent. It is there that nomads live, distilling herds of camels by rare pastures.


Sugara vegetation make up bushes, herbs and trees in highlands and oases located in the river beds. Some plants fully adapted to the harsh climate and grow within 3 days after the rain, and then 2 weeks sow seeds. At the same time, only a small part of the desert is fertile - these sites take moisture from underground rivers.

Famous alogyful camels, some of which are domesticated by nomads, still live in small herds, feeding out the cactus spines and parts of other desert plants. But these are not the only empty, living in the desert. Vilorogy Addax, Grivist Banes, Gazelle Dorkas and Orix Antelopes, whose curved horns are almost equal to the body, also perfectly adapted to survival in such difficult conditions. The bright color of the wool allows them not only to escape from the heat during the day, but also do not freeze at night.

Several types of rodents, among which the gerbanka, Abbezinsky hare, leaving on the surface only at dusk, and in the afternoon hiding in the holes, a tushcan, who has surprisingly long legs, allowing it to move huge jumps like a kangaroo.

In the desert of sugar, predators live, the largest of which is a phenyke - a small chanterelle with wide ears. Also there are burning cats, horned violets and urgents, leaving on the surface of sand winding traces, and many other animals.

Video: from Casablanca to Sahara

Sugar in movies

Fascinating scenery Sahara do not cease to attract cinemas. A lot of films were filmed on the territory of Tunisia, and the creators of two famous paintings left about themselves among the sands. Planet Tatinain was not actually lost in space dala, and accommodated in Sahara. There is a whole "extraterrestrial" village from the last series of "Star Wars". At the end of the filming of "Aliens" left their homes, and now the bizarre dwellings and the filling station of interplanetary aircraft at the disposal of rare tourists. Next to Tatoin is still visible by the White Arabic house from the English Patient. This can be reached exclusively on the jeep and with an experienced guide, because you have to go on off-road, with the complete absence of pointers and landmarks. Fans of "English Patient" need to rush a little more and ruthless Barhan finally buried this unusual landmark under the sand.

There are about 47 and more deserts in the world, it includes not only sandy deserts, but also semi-deserts, characterized by a landscape with a more intermediate between the steps and the deserts in moderate geographical belts and between the savanna and the desert in tropical, with the corresponding mixing of vegetation, animals and soils. In the list of sandy deserts below, we will see among the areas with a mixed landscape.

1. Sahara

9,065,000 square meters km

Sugar desert is the largest in the world, its area exceeds 9 million square meters km. It covers almost all of North Africa: Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, Sudan, Chad, Libya, etc. The name "Sugar" is the Arabic translation of the Taureg word "Desert". In the summer, the air temperature can rise to 58 °, in the winter, it rests in the range of 15-28 ° C.

In Sugar, as in other sandy deserts, frequent sandstorms, strong winds can even convey sandy dust even to Europe.In Sahara, more than 150 thousand mirages are observed, which are noted on the maps indicating what kind of mirage most often "show" in this area - an oasis, river or well.

The precipitation in the south of the Sahara falls less than in the north, there are particularly dry periods for up to three years, during which there is no precipitation at all. The only source of water in Sahara, except for the rain - the Nile, crossing it in the east. However, thanks to the underground waters in anhydrous desert there are oasis with deep wells, it is in oasises that travel hotels for tourists who came to drive through Sahara on jeeps, the most luxurious chipstands and sweet grapes are growing in oases.

2. Arabian desert

2,330,000 square meters km

The Arabian desert is located on the Arabian Peninsula, located in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, occupies part of Iraq, Syria, South and East Jordan. The extensive spaces of the Arabian desert are occupied by moving vegans and sandy arrays, there is Rub Al-Kali in her center, one of the largest sandy arrays in the world. Most of the territory is uninhabited due to frequent sandy and dust storms and strong winds, high temperatures with ordinary temperatures. For the deserts with large daily amplitudes. Temperature range - 40-50 ° C in summer, the average temperature in winter is 5-15 ° C, although it can be reduced to 0 ° C.

Most of the desert occupy crubstone, sandstone and limestone plateau (Hamada), stepped from the west to the east. In the east along the shore of the Red Sea, the crystal ridge of the ETBE up to 2000 meters of height extends. In winter, episodic precipitates fall out on his eastern slopes, which caused a rustling drain in usually dry rivers of the valleys. The early year-round underground stoke supports in the valleys, fragrant grain-shrub vegetation, separate trees. There were no oasis in the XIX-XX centuries, but there were keys and natural tanks filled with water rains.

In the mountains of the desert, the ancient Egyptians mined afanite, a diorit and other stones for sarcophagus and sphinxes. Then in Mount Jebel-Duhan near the Red Sea, the Romans and the Greeks mined the rumor for the release of VAZ, busts, etc. At the end of the XIX century, granite, copper, smaragda were mined in the mountains. At the end of the 20th century, the population mainly made nomads-livestock rods, on the coast of the Red Sea, oil production was made, phosphorites.

3. Gobi

1,166,000 square meters km

Gobi is located in Central Asia, on the territory of Mongolia and China, stretches from Altai Mountains and Tien Shan in the East to the Northskai Plateau in the West; In the north, Gobi goes into the steppes in Mongolia, in the south is limited to Juanhe. The word "Gobi" of Mongolian origin means "anhydrous place", this word in Central Asia is generally deserted and semi-desert places. The aggregate of the desert territories Gobi is the largest desert of Asia.

The territory of the Gobi raised above sea level is about 2000-1000 meters, is the most sharp continental place on the planet. The air temperature in the summer rises here to plus 40 ° C, and in the winter it drops to minus 40 ° C. The landscape of the Saaltai, Dzhungarian, East Mongolian Gobi is diverse, it is not only anhydrous and fruitless terrain with sandy plains and high hilly vegans.

Despite the arid climate, in the desert there are crystal clear water sources and a rich animal world. Its large part of it is occupied by extensive blooming steppe plains, picturesque rocky mountains, clay and stony gamads, extensive basins with rare oases, small-scale, salt marshes, tactics, dried gravel sairs and extended green sacsaulous groves. The entire landscape resembles African savannah, so sometimes the areas of the spread of Highlas are called GaBi Savannes. In Gobi, there are few sands, the Branched sands occupy only 3% of its territory, but clay and rocky deserts - Hamada - occupy huge areas.

4. Australian desert

647 000 kV Km

The deserts got a huge territory of Australia, almost half of the continent. A significant part of the Australian deserts located in the West are located on a huge plateau 200 m high above sea level. Some deserts rise even higher, up to 600 m. Difficult relief divides the giant Australian desert into several autonomous. The largest of them, the large sandy desert, is located in the north-western part of the continent, the huge large desert of Victoria spread south. In the northern part of the Big Sand Desert, the sands have red-brown color, other areas are not covered with sand, but dark rubble and pebbles.

Among the sandy deserts the largest is the desert of Arunta, or the Simpson desert. It is located in the central part of the continent, closer to the West.

5. Kalahari

600,000 square meters km

Kalahari desert, the largest of the deserts of South Africa, covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 600 thousand square meters km and is located on the territory of Botswana, South Africa and Namibia. The Kalahari desert occupies the south-western part of the depression of the same name, located at an altitude of 900 m. In the West, Kalahari region lies at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level, in the east - even higher; The lowest desert point is at an altitude of 840 m above sea level. The surface of Kalahari is composed with horizontally lying continental strata of sandstones, pebbles and brackets.

Recently, the desert expands its borders and invades the territory of Angola, Zimbabwe and Zambia. The sediments (up to 500 mm) are confined to the summer period (November - April), but their value is significantly fluctuated both in time and in the area. Kalahari is one of the hottest areas of South Africa. Middle Assimal temperature - plus 29 °, and the average-average - plus 12 °.

6. Karakuma

350 000 kV Km

Karakuma, the sandy desert in the south of Central Asia, takes over 80% of the total territory of Turkmenistan. Karakuma in Turkmen - "Black Sand" (from Turkksk. "Kara" - black and "kum" - sand "). Despite such a frightening name, the desert of the dwelling: there are several thousand species of arthropods, several dozen species of reptiles, two dozen Mammal species and about three dozen species of birds, plants - about 270 species.

Turkmenbashi plans were to replace the ugly desert with the beautiful forest, putting the trees in some sections, and also planned on its territory to build a Penguin Zoo, which would attract visitors from all over the world. After the death of the father of all the Turkmen about these plans, fortunately, while nothing hear.


I offer the Gallery of the Desert World

- Despite the misfortune of nature, even such landscapes are sometimes pleasing to the eyes. As far as our planet is diverse beautiful!

This time we will tell about the biggest deserts in the world that are striking with their length and greatness. The desert is always associated with a person with something large-scale, powerful and mysterious. Many ancient civilizations were buried under the sandy valleys. How many secrets have yet to know the person who is hiding from the eye in endless latitudes!

The biggest deserts in the world


Antarctica is the only desert on the planet, which consists of a stump of ice and snow. The total area of \u200b\u200bAntarctica is 14,107,000 square kilometers. Despite the presence of large volumes of frozen water, Antarctica is recognized as one of the most dry places of the planet. The strongest frosts in this region "dried" all possible moisture, which is located on the territory. The number of snow sediments in Antarctica is not more than 4 centimeters per year. The lowest temperature in Antarctica was recorded relatively not so long ago - in 1983. Then the temperature dropped to 89 degrees below zero Celsius.


This Great Desert is the official territory of Chile. The title "The Dry Desert on Planet" belongs to the attack. Due to drought, each plant, which is capable of surviving in such extreme conditions, has a unique structure and has developed special mechanisms for existence. Most plants in this desert, in the most arid periods are able to stop their growth and reproduction for some time.

Salar de Uyuni

This Great Salt Desert is located in Bolivia. According to expert research, the amount of salt in the desert is about 10 billion tons. Divided during the rain, the salt turns the desert into the most real giant salt "mirror". See the like spectacle with your own eyes the dear. Salted water at the time of hitting the rays of the sun, thanks to a different refractive index, reaches the effect of mirror. A man without difficulty, sunny weather, can see his reflection under his feet.


In the translation from Berber, the name of the Kalahari desert is translated as "painful". This desert is majestic in its sizes. Its possessions begin with Botswana and Nambi, and end in the territory of the South Africa Republic. The area of \u200b\u200bthe entire area of \u200b\u200bthe desert is 600,000 square kilometers. Moreover, because of such a natural phenomenon, like alluvia, the sizes of Calahari are constantly increasing, while taking new sections of civilization. In the number of countries affected by the growth of Kalahari got Zimbabwe, Angola and Zambia.

Desert Australia

Everyone knows that Australia is famous for its kangaroo, coal and endless beaches. But few people represent that almost half of the Australian continent occupies a desert, consisting as if from a variety of small arid areas, a total area of \u200b\u200b647,000 square kilometers. The word "desert" is associated in our consciousness with a lot of sand, but also here the Australian deserts stand out among others. In addition to the sand in the wild territories, the deserts can also meet also extensive stone spaces consisting of gravel. Even the color of ordinary sand in the sandy areas has an unusual red shade. The Australian Desert is famous for its red dunes who attend thousands of tourists annually. The height of some red dunes is more than 40 m.


This desert is located in China and Mongolia. It would seem that endless expanses of the Gobi desert take their origin from Tien Shan Mountains and Altai and end in the steppes of Mongolia, not far from the Juanhe River. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Goby desert is 1,166,000 square kilometers. The name of the Gobi desert is translated from Mongolian as an "anhydrous place."

Arabian desert

This desert is the second largest in the world in its length. Its total area is 2,300,000 square kilometers. The Arabian desert is located on the eponymous peninsula and runs on the territory of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Syria. Due to strong winds that cause the most powerful dust storms, almost the whole desert is absolutely uninhabited. Also on the desert is noted frequent temperature fluctuations at different times of the day. In the afternoon, a raw egg is easily welded in a few minutes, if you leave it on the sand under the sun. And at night, the stones in the literal sense begin to crack from the cold.


Sugar is the largest desert in the world, or as it is customary called "Queen of the Desert". The desert area is 9,065,000 square kilometers. Its dimensions are only slightly inferior to the total area of \u200b\u200ball the United States of America combined. The Sahara Desert is located in North Africa, and captures the territories of the following states: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Niger, Morocco, Sudan and Chad. Sugar is famous for its Mirages, because during the year there is up to 200 thousand cases of their appearance. For tourists, special cards are even developed, which marked the zones of the likely appearance of mirages.

01.01.2020 at 22:00 · VeraschegoLeva. · 320

Top 10 biggest deserts of the world - the sandy giants of our planet

Thousands of sand kilometers, burning heat, cacti - about the way we imagine the desert. However, in fact, everything is somewhat different: sand can be hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and instead of heat can be cold.

Want to know what is the biggest desert in the world? We bring to your attention a list of 10 large deserted places of the Earth. Some record holders will surprise you.

10. West Desert USA (North America), 492 000 km²

Big pool (so called this desert) covers most of the Nevada, as well as parts of Utah, Oregon, Idaho and California. As a rule, his eastern border is the Mountains of Ulytch State of Utah, and the West Head is formed by the Mountains of Sierra Nevada and the cascade, which create a rain shadow on most of the large pool, preventing many Pacific storms in this region.

The northern and southern borders, depending on how they are determined, range from the plain the Snake River in the north to the Mojave desert in the south. It's amazing, but at large altitudes there are forests, which include the most durable living organisms on - Pines of the Great Basin, which can live 4900 years.

People have been part of the Great Basin ecosystem for a long time. The evidence of the habitat of the indigenous Americans was found for a long time and are more than 10,000 years ago. These people lived in small groups, growing corn and pumpkin, and also hunted and collected cedar nuts and crickets.

European researchers and trappers crossed a large pool in the 1700s, but the settlers did not begin to arrive before the early 1800s. Mining cities flourished and disappeared from the 1870s to the 1930s, when gold, silver and copper were looking for.

9. Syrian Desert (Eurasia), 520,000 km²

The huge plot is mostly barren land covering parts of four countries: Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Few plants and animals of the Syrian desert refer to the type capable of confronting the subtropical climate. Nomads are breeding sheep and camels and move depending on the season from one region to another through political borders in search of pastures.

IN Syrian empty Phosphates, oil and butan gas were discovered, and the modern network of automotive and railways makes the exploitation of the desert much easier than before.

8. Big Desert Victoria (Australia), 647,000 km²

Great Desert Victoria Forms one of the nine different landscapes in the Alinaite-Vilurara Natural Resources Region. This is the largest desert in Australia, covering more than 700 kilometers.

This untouched desert includes red sand dunes, stony plains and dry salted lakes. There are no lakes or other surface water, but even in this landscape there is a community of aborigines in the oak valley, the voice and valablers, which are accustomed to survive in such conditions.

7. Patagonian Desert (South America), 673 000 km²

Once covered with dense forest desert of Patagonia It became a harsh and windy landscape, covering 673,000 square kilometers in the southern part of Argentina and Chile.

It is characterized by plain, herbaceous steppes and rocky foothills. The vegetation in the Patagonian desert can be found rarely, with the exception of several types of herbs and shrubs, which have adapted to harsh conditions during evolution.

6. Desert Kalahari (Africa), 900 000 km²

Although Namibia is more famous for being the house of the Namib desert, it should be remembered that most of the Eastern and South Namibia is covered with another desert - Kalahari..

Calahari is an unusual desert, because there is too much rain, but in fact it is the fossil desert. So do not expect to find high sand dunes: the landscape is completely different.

Kalahari desert, or KgalagadiAs it is called in Botswana, stretches for 7 countries - Botswana, Zambia, South, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

In Namibia, it is called "deserts" mainly because its porous sandy soils cannot hold surface water, but in some areas the annual amount of precipitation can reach 250 mm, which ensures lush herbal cover in good years.

Since the Namibian Territory of Kalahari desert is covered with trees, rivers and fossil watercourses, a huge number of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, plants and insects flourishes here.

5. Desert Gobi (Eurasia), 1,300,000 km²

Goby - This is a large deserted region in the north and in the south. Gobi deserted pools are limited to the Altai mountains and meadows, and the steppes of Mongolia in the north, Tibetan plateau in the south-west and north-Chinese plains in the south-west.

Gobi word in Mongolian means "desert". It consists of several separate environmental and geographic regions based on climate change and topography.
The desert is most famous as part of the Great Mongolian Empire, where there were several important cities along the Great Silk Road.

4. Desert of the Arabian Peninsula (Eurasia), 2,330,000 km²

Putting on the Arabian Peninsula, the impressive beauty of huge plateau, hilly sand dunes and high mountain chains Arabian desertShe can hit mysterious charm.

The Arabian desert is buzzing life and activity: often ignored by tourists, this extensive piece of land stretches from Yemen to the Persian Gulf and from Oman to Jordan, promises his own wonderful collection of wildlife and dramatic landscapes that compete with the best of African safaris.

With the ecosystem, uniquely adapted to extreme conditions, you can witness some of the most amazing creatures of nature found only in the hidden corners of the Arabian desert.

From rare observations of sandy cats in Oman and Duele in Nubian goats in Jordan, to the Egyptian vultures of Saudi Arabia.

3. Arctic Desert (Arctic), 2,600,000 km²

This is a cold desert, because it gets very little precipitation - about the same amount as in Sugar - but it is so cold here that the snow covers the ground and forms ice.

Most of the heavy snowfalls occur at temperatures just below zero (-10 ° C or higher), since sheer air can hold more water vapor. Very cold Arctic air is not able to hold a lot of moisture, so it does not often have rain or snow, which makes this place Arctic desert.

2. Sugar Desert (Africa), 9 100 000 km²

Sahara Desert It extends to most of the territory of North Africa and covers more than 9,000,000 square kilometers (approximately as much as in the United States).

In fact, sugar covers about 30% of the entire African continent. This is the hottest place in the world with summer temperatures, which often exceed 57 degrees Celsius.

Per year drops from 0 to 25 millimeters of precipitation, and very windy, with hurricanes carrying sands to a height of up to 1000 meters and constantly moving sand dunes.

1. Antarctic Desert (Antarctica), 13 829 430 km²

The words "Polar" and "Desert" may seem contradictory, but this is just because most of us associates the latter with the flooded sun covered with sand scenery.

Nevertheless, the desert actually describes any desert land, which is anhydrous and without vegetation - and for this definition, sugar in Africa is suitable for settlement even better than polar deserts Antarctica.

They cover a huge territory and occupy the area, greater than sugar, Arabia, Gobi and Kalahari combined, and its exactly named dry valleys did not see the rain at least 2 million years.

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