Pads of nature. Oasis in the desert

Flowers-symbols of countries of the world: who has any.

We consider plants symbols and national colors of countries of the world, official and folk. See which countries what flower has become a symbol and what he deserved folk love.

Flowers and plants National symbols and defenders of the country.

Flowers deeply penetrated our lives and occupied an important place there, and their individual types affected even the existence of states.

For example, as a symbol of Scotland, thistle, which in the 13th century defended the Scots from the Norman attack. During from one raids, Normans decided to attack at night and so that no one would hear their shoes.

But long barefoot, they could not go through the way they fell on the thistle. Having started screaming from pain, they betrayed themselves and the plan failed, and the Scots made a thistle with their symbol.

The fact of this scale indicates a very much. Many flowers have become a business card of countries, and some of them are an important part of the economy.

There is a floral symbol of the country - this is a huge honor deserved by centuries of people's love.

Many national flowers of the countries of the world did not just delight the inhabitants with their appearance and aroma, but became real life savings. During hunger, terrible epidemics and destroyed, they saved people from death.

It is not surprising that society did not forget his heroes, and the flowers became a symbol of heat and kindness. We want to present to your attention some national colors of the countries of the world.

National colors and plants of the countries of the world symbols of states.

Austria - Edelweiss. EDELWEISS (Leontopodium Alpinum.

England - Rose. (TUDOR ROSE). The National Flower of England has a long and impressive story associated with many sometimes tragic events.

Argentina - Eryitrun (rooster comb). Ceibo (Erythrina Crysta Galley), officially flower adopted on December 2, 1942.

Belarus - Flax. Flax (Linum usitatissimum.

Belgium - poppy red. Red Poppy (Papaver Rhoeas.

Brazil orchid catlet. Cattleyaorchid (CattleyaLabiata.

Venezuela Orchid.

Hungary - Tulip. Tulip (Tulipa.

Germany - Vasilek. Knapweed (Centaurea Cyanus.

Greece - Akant. Bear s Breeech (Akant Mollis.

Egypt - Lotus. Lotus (Nymphaea Lotus.

India - Lotus. Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera.

Spain red carnation. Red Carnation.

Ireland is clover. The National Flower of Ireland is a Shamrock clover, which is a common name for several non-interconnected herbaceous plants with trochy leaves.

Italy - Lily. STYLIZED LILY.

Canada sugar maple. The National Flower of Canada Sheet Maple is considered more than 150 years. The national symbol of Canada in Quebec province was born.

China - plum. Plum Blossom (Prunus Mei.

Colombia - Orchid. Christmas Orchid (Cattleya Trianae.

Cuba - Jasmine. Butterfly Jasmine (Mariposa.

Latvia Nyurist ordinary. OXEYE DAISY, OR PIPENE (Leucanthemum Vulgare.

Lithuania is methabrotat. RUE or HERB OF GRACE (Ruta Graveolens.

Malta Paleocentaurea. National Flower Malta is a very amazing and rare plant. Paleocentaurea grows only in the territory of Malta and refers to the plants of the glacial period.

The national name of the National Flower of Malta is translated as sea ears or ears of the sea due to the fact that Paleocentaurea grows very close to the sea on the coastal hills.

Currently, the Floral Symbol of Malta is much easier to meet at the city flower bed than in vivo.

Netherlands (Holland) - tulip. Tulip (Tulipa.

New Zealand Flower of Kawai Tree (from Maori language). Kowhai Kowhai or Botanica famous, like Sophora Microphylla, beautiful yellow or golden flower.

Norway Heather (Callúna vulgáris). National Flower of Norway in the local language is written as Røsslyng. The plant is beautiful honey and is used to prepare a special beer variety heather el.

Pakistan jasmine white. The National Flower of Pakistan in the local language sounds like chambels.

Paraguay - Jasmine Paraguayan. Jasmine-Of-The-Paraguay.

Peru - Cantouth. Kantuta, Magic Inca Flower.

Poland - poppy red. Corn Poppy (Papaver Rhoeas.

Portugal - Lavender. Lavender.

Russia flower symbol of Russia chamomile pharmacy. Camomile (Matricaria Recutita.

Romania - Rosehip. Dog Rose (Rosa Canina.

Slovenia - carnation. CARNATION (Dianthus Caryophylus.

US Rose. The National Flower of the United States in October 1985 was officially approved, and Rosa is mentioned as a national flower emblem.

Tajikistan Tulip. The national flower of Tajikistan occupies a special place in folk culture. In honor of the tulip, the national holiday of Sayri-Lola is held annually.

Turkey - Tulip. Tulip (Tulipa.

Ukraine - sunflower. Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus.

Uruguay Eryitrun (Petushingrani). Ceibo Erythrina (Crysta Galley.

Finland Lily of the Lily of Maysky. Lily-Of-The-Valley (Convallaria Majalis.

Croatia - Iriskhorvatsky. Iris Croatica (Hrvatska Perunika.

Switzerland - Edelweiss. EDELWEISS (Leontopodium Alpinum.

Sweden - Linneia. Linnea (Linnea Borealis.

Scotland thistle roadside. Thistle (Cirsium Altissimum.

Estonia - Vasilek. Corn-Flower or Bachelor S Button Centaurea (Cyanus). The National Estonian Flower was chosen as a result of a television survey in 1968. In the modern territory of Estonia, Vasilek grows more than 10 thousand years.

The national flower of Estonia is a symbol of the country's independence.

South Africa. The National Flower of South Africa received its name in honor of the sea god. The plant is distinguished by fantastic drought resistance.

Jamaica Iron tree or tree of life. Lignum Vitae or Wood Of Life (Guaacum Sanctum.

Japan Chrysanthemum, Sakura. Chrysanthemum (Imperial), Cherry Blossom Sakura. The National Flower of Japan is very honored by local residents and Sakura flowers are to some extent sacred for the Japanese.

Flowers symbols of their countries.

Plants symbols of countries: conclusion.

These are the usual and unusual national flowers of the countries of the world. Someone the flowers are home to and have a natural agriculture area, and someone were delivered and so loved that they became associated with this country.

As tulips in Holland, were brought from Persia to Antwerp in the 16th century, and then they received such a crazy distribution and love of the population, which is difficult to believe that this is not their flower.

As we see from this list, popular flowers: tulip, rose, orchid, carnation, iris, cornflower. In countries located close to each other with similar climatic conditions similar plants.

Austria and Switzerland - Edelweiss Alpine, Argentina and Uruguay - Eryitrun (rooster crest), Bulgaria and Romania - Rose and Rosehip.

Now you know what flowers is the symbol of which country, as well as a national flower symbol of Russia, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Ireland, Canada, Malta, Estonia, Tajikistan, Norway, Japan, South Africa and other countries.

We wish you to travel as much as possible and enjoy flowers in any country in the world.

  • Added by user ysinasta

Chamomile, like birch, symbol of Russian nature. In Belarus, as well as Vasilek, chamomile is considered to be a national flower. According to the folk legend, he grows where the star falls from the sky ... Chamomile is considered to be a Russian flower - not by chance, yellow-white inflorescences are drawn on clay pots and matryoshki. But both the matryoshka is initially a Japanese invention and chamomile "born" is not in Russia.
Chamomiles are similar in shape with umbrellas, and according to legend - they in ancient times were umbrellas in small steppe gnomes. It will start in the steppe rain, the gnomic told the chamomile or squeezes it and walks along the steppe, lifting a flower above his head. The rain knocks on the chamomile umbrella, the rods flow from it, and the gnome remains completely dry.

And chamomile looks like surprised eyes. If in a dry windy day to go to the meadow and carefully listen, you can hear a quiet rustle, is the rustle of white chamomile eyelashes. Surprised chamomile eyes are as many months - from April to September - they look into the sky, trying to understand the movement of clouds, stars and planets.

They look, looking, tired, then they start blinking with their white eyelashes. It seems to be tight towards the flower, and he will tell you the most intimate secrets. And the secrets of the chamomile are a great set. The beloved flower for wreaths and the adviser of girls in heart matters with a vorozh. Well, of course, it is his white petals climbed, senoming: "It will come true, it will not come true, loves, does not like ..." The most famous chrysanthemum in Russia - all familiar daisy. She is a state of magnificent large-flowered chrysanthemum. And it is even difficult to imagine that the plant did not know this in Russia in the middle of the last century. Moreover, the chamomile of the smell was not at all on the whole Eurasian continent. It is America. She came from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, obviously together with American grain: in America, this plant is a weed of grain crops. In 1850, she appeared in Sweden, at about the same time she was discovered at St. Petersburg and were considered as the greatest Dicks. And what does the word "chamomile mean" mean? Once in Russia all the daisyoid plants were called pupava. In the old hospitals of the XVI century, many domestic plants were described under their Latin names, which were borrowed from the same essays of foreign authors. Gradually, in everyday life, the Pupiva Roman turned into "Romanova Grass", then - in "Roman", and at the end of the 18th century, Agronomo A.T. Bolotov, apparently, for the first time used the word "chamomile", which firmly entered into Russian.

In Russian, the word "symbol" came from ancient Greek language and has several values. Most often, the symbols are meant by identifying signs, conditional signs of certain concepts, phenomena, ideas.

Natural symbols reflect the diversity of the nature of the nature of a country, and the concept of "national" flower originally originated earlier than the flags and coat of arms of state appeared. Probably there is no country that would not have their own symbol plant. Let's get acquainted with the symbols of English-speaking countries.

Floral symbol of England

The symbol of England is red Rose. Why exactly the red rose?

To answer this question, turn to the history of the country.

In 1455-1485 In England, there was a feudal struggle for the English throne ("War of the Scarlet and White Rose") between the two lines of the Royal Dynasty of Plantagenets - Lancaster (they had a native rose in the coat of arms) and York (in the coat of arms - White Rosa), which ended with Henry VII wedding The genus of Lancaster and Princess Elizabeth, daughters Eduard IV from the genus Yorkkov. The bloody war is over, and the Red Rose has become not only a symbol of reconciliation, but also by the National Flower of England.

Floral symbol of Scotland

Symbol of Scotland is thistle. But how can wearank become a symbol?

And again we turn to the history of the country. One day, the Wikings were going to attack the sleeping Scots, however, one of the attackers stepped on a thistle. His cry woke his sleeping scots, and they gave fire to enemies. The weed that saved the life of the whole people was called the "Trulyu Keeper" and made the symbol of Scotland.

Floral symbol of Wales

Wales have two floristic symbols - yellow Narcissus and leekAnd both are related to the name of St. David. According to one of David's legends, several years has eaten only bread and wild onion. The other legend states that one of the battles against the Saxons occurred in the onion field. During this battle, Saint David called on his soldiers to attach leeks to the helmets, so that you could distinguish my enemies. And on March 1, on the feast of St. David, yellow daffodils begin to bloom.

Floral symbol of Ireland

Floristic symbol of Ireland is shamrockwhich is associated with the name of St. Patrick. According to the holy legend, the concept of Holy Trinity explained to people with the help of clover: as well as three sheets can grow from one stem, and God may be one in three faces. The shadownik also became a symbol of St. Patrick's Day.

Floral symbol of Canada

The symbol of Canada is sugar Maplewhich grows in the Great Lakes area and in East America. The first written mention of the maple leaf as a symbol refers to 1760. In the late 1830s, the Baptist Society of St. John in Quebec took the maple leaf as a symbol. His Canadians carried him as a national symbol at a meeting with Prince Welly, when he visited Canada for the first time in 1860. Officially maple leaf has become a national symbol of Canada in 1965, since then it is depicted on the flag of the country.

Floral symbols of Australia and New Zealand

Floral Symbol of Australia - golden AcaciaThe most common type of plant in the country.

In New Zealand catenta silver (Porontatrid) is an unofficial, but widely recognized floral symbol.

Floral Symbol of the United States of America

In October 1985, the Floral Symbol of the United States according to the resolution of the Senate was rose flower. And on November 20, 1986, President Reagan issued a proclamation number 5574 "Rose - the National Floristic Emblem of the United States of America".

However, in addition, each of the 50 states of the United States has its floral symbol.

State Name Floral symbol
Idaho wild jasmine
Iowa shipovnik
Alabama camellia
Wisconsisis violet
Hawaii hibiscus
Delaware peach flower
Georgia rose flower
Alaska no discard
Arizona cactus
Arkansas flower apple trees
Western Vergia rhododendron
Illinois pansies
Indiana pion
California eshcholce California
Wyoming hawk
Washington rhododendron
Vermont meadow clover
Virginia kizyl flower
Kansas sunflower
Kentucky zolotarnik
Colorado catchment
Connecticut calmya
Mississippi magnolia
Missouri bornik
Michigan flower apple trees
Montana lewizia
Louisiana magnolia
Massachusetts son-grass
Minnesota orchid
New Hemshire lilac
New Jersey purple Violet
New York rose flower
New Mexico yucca
Maine. pine cone
Maryland mallow
Nebraska zolotarnik
Nevada sagebrush
Rhode Island violet
North Dakota shipovnik
North Carolina kizyl flower
Tennessee iris
Ohio carnation
Oklahoma omela
Oregon blooming grapes
Pennsylvania calmya
Texas lupine
Florida flower of orange tree
South Dakota son-grass
South Carolina jasmine
Utah kalochortus

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Desert jeal

The scholars of Israel found an amazing view of a rhome, which with the help of a complex system of irrigation on their wide leaves is capable of "self-compliance". Engineers hope that they will be able to understand the mechanism of this plant and they will learn to collect and preserve water, such precious in the arid area of \u200b\u200bIsrael.

Desert rhubarb and really stand out among other plants in the Israeli Negev desert. Its wide, green leaves differ sharply from the surrounding naked stones and cacti. The leaves of this amazing plants are in width of more than 1 m. The surface of the leaf is covered with deep grooves and somewhat resembles located around the mountain ranges and valleys.

In this furochy structure and lies the secret of the survival of the plant. It is she who can help scientists understand the conditions of the desert, in which water has a particularly enormous value.

Annual precipitation in the desert is low - only 25 cm or even less. In the Negev desert, the annual precipitation is only 7.5 cm, which makes it the most arid place on Earth. So how can a huge desert rhubarily survive so well in such conditions?

This unique plant has a special structure, thanks to which it collects so much water-deficient here. When evening moisture or precipitation falls on the surface of the leaflet (which even sometimes, but fall out), tiny water streams are directed down along the "valleys" of the sheet and fall into the very center of the root system. Waxing plants allows water to be collected in the droplets and move easily down. The entire structure of the leaf reminds a tiny layout of ravines that pass along the mountainous terrain.

The researchers tried to solve a unique self-reserving mechanism of a desert rhubarb, which collects precipitation 16 times more than other representatives of the local desert flora.

The researchers tried to solve a unique self-reserving mechanism of a desert rhubarb, which collects precipitation 16 times more than other representatives of the local desert flora. Source of photos and rights: Professor Guide Neeman, University of Haifa

Scientists have become wondering what the power of this plant lies. They decided to test his self-coating ability, imitating rain. To their vast surprise, the plant gathered water 16 times more than it was supposed. Despite the harsh external conditions, the rhubarb collects a year to 120 cm of precipitation and thus remains green and healthy.

Before scientists discovered this unusual plant, engineers of one of the Israeli companies have already conducted experiments with a similar system for collecting and maintaining water in arid areas. It must be said that their design is much less effective than the irrigation system of rhubarb: they managed to reduce water consumption by a maximum of 50%.

Engineers constructed a shallow plastic funnel with grooves on the surface resembling an inverted pyramid. Then they placed this funnel on the growing plant. Rain or dew glass on a funnel directly to the center of the plant, and then into the soil. These collectors were given the name "God's dew".

The spirit captures, if you imagine that one day the engineers will be able to create an even better protective cover, imitating the design of the desert rhubarb. Such "smart materials" can become a standard soil cover for farms in arid areas, collecting precious water from dew, which accumulates every evening.

For the first time, the plants appeared on the third day of the creation weeks (Genesis 1: 9-13). In this initial created vegetation, God laid an excellent variety so that the plants can easily spread around the world and to be for animals and people with a source of food, medicines and beauty.

Desert rhubarb teaches us how to effectively use water in arid areas. Each tree and plant, and even a desert rhubarb, silently testify to the greatness of the Creator.

Dr. Don Deng - Chairman of the Department of Physical Sciences in Grace College, Winon Lake, Indiana. He is an active speaker in the project "Answers in the Book of Genesis" and the author of 14 books on the subject of communication between the Bible and Science. At the moment, Dr. Deck is the President of the Social Research Company, which has hundreds of members around the world. You can visit his website.

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Lensoyc-Maranies, Brazil

Lensoyc-Maranies is a national park in Maranyan, Brazil.

The park covers a territory of about 1000 square meters. km. And it is very low from the sea level. The height of the sand dune reaches 40 meters. In the season of rains from May to September, many laguns are formed between the dunes, in which you can bathe and even fish. In the season drought, the temperature rises to 45 degrees, the lagoons dry up and the wind changes their configuration.

Lake Crescent, Gobi Desert, China

Lake Crescents is located 6 km from Dunhuang in Western China.

On Chinese it is called Yueyatsuan. The lake is reduced from the 1970s and now is only a third of its original size. Over the past 30 years, it dropped by 7.6 meters.

Oasis Turfan, Desert Takla Makan, China

Turfan is an oasis city located in the north of the tournamental depression (155 meters below sea level)

Turfan is famous in the international market with its grapes, which is characterized by its special taste and melons.

The unique irrigation system allows this city to be considered one of China's best agricultural centers.

Oasis Ubari, Desert Edeen-Ubari, Libya

Lake Umm al-Maa

Lake Umm al-Maa

Lake Umm al-Maa

Lake Throne (it has a purple shade due to the high content of minerals)

Dried lake 10 km east of Lake Umm al-Maa

Ubari is not just an oasis, this is a whole oasis city in the Libyan part of the Sahara desert. The oasis of Ubari lies between the sand dunes of the Edeen-Ubari desert, in the Targa Valley, and includes a number of salted lakes. By salt content, the water of lakes is close to the Dead Sea. To date, 11 lakes have been preserved, the largest of which is Umm al-Maa. Oasis Lakes gradually dry out. So, some lakes, such as Mandara, is filled with water only in winter and not every year.

Lake Umm-al-Maa (translated "Mother of the Water"), is the most beautiful, large and not yet dried out of 11 Lakes Ubari.

Oasis Gaberone, Sugar Desert, Libya

Gaberoun is an oasis with a large lake located in the municipality of Sabha in Libyan Sahara.

Once on the west coast of the lake was an ancient Bedouin settlement. Now it lies in the ruins.

Nowadays, in the northeastern part of the lake, there is a simple patio, sleeping houses and a souvenir shop. In winter, locals, dressed in traditional costumes often come here.

Oasis Timia, Sugar Desert, Nigeria

Oasis Timia is a real kingdom of dotnical palms, orange and pomegranate trees. Here terno grow herbs, cereals and vegetables. After the scorching Sugar, Timia seems to be a refreshing paradise.

Oasis Huakina, the desert of the Siechur, Peru

Oasis Huakacina (Huacachina) - a village around a small lake, surrounded by the high sand dunes of the desert of the Siechi, Peru.

115 people live here. This is a great place for Senbanding (skating on the sand board).

Oasis Shebik, Atlas Mountains, Tunisia

The oasis of Shabik is the most southern of three Tunisian oasis and is located just 20 km from Algeria

Shabik is an oasis in the Atlas Mountains. It is little known, but among the local population is popular. A small lake, palm trees growing right on the stones, the waterfall are a refreshing sip after a tedious desert check-in.

I am absolutely sure that each of those reading this text has repeatedly seen in films a similar scene. Lost travelers go through the desert, they die from hunger and thirst, the scorching sun creates a huge air temperature, and seemingly death very close. But here they see away a small island with palm trees and water, think about, not the mirage, is it? Fit closer, they understand this is the most oasis.

What is meant by the oasis

Speaking him, they mean territory filled with vegetation and water, it must be among the desert dry terrain. If we talk about the magnitude of such places, then it is impossible to allocate any average. Their value can vary greatly and make up both small lakes with several trees near him and a small town with its industry and agricultural activities. Many agricultural forms in such places are made to unite and give them the name oasis economy.

Many people have a legitarily question, how are oases formed? After all, there are no rivers in the midst of the desert. The whole essence of their formation consists in underground rivers and reservoirs, the water of which has the opportunity to get to the surface of the Earth through sources created by people, or due to their own pressure. It is worth noting the fact that a certain series of them is supported using short-term showers, which, though occasionally, but still happen in such places. An interesting fact is that migratory birds fly on water, leaving behind seeds of various plants, so vegetation arises around such a reservoir. It is impossible not to mention the Antarctic oasises. They are called the territory on which there is no snow or ice coating.

The importance of oasis in desert terrain

  • The possibility of a drain for animals living in the desert.
  • Access to water for birds immigrant through this territory.
  • The possibility of formation of settlements in desert places.
  • New tourist places.
  • Salvation for travelers who have lost in the desert.

These are the advantages of the existence of such a phenomenon as oasis for themselves allocated me. By the photo I attached to this text, you can make yourself sure how beautiful and interesting places are. If you fall the opportunity while traveling to look into one of these wonderful places, do it, the best emotions and impressions are guaranteed!

From childhood, we know that in the desert it is very hot, there are huge sandy verakans, according to which camel caravans walk. Of course, this is so, but in all rules there are exceptions. Among the hot sand, where they do not find and moisture drops, there are real wonderful green islands. It is there who seeks to get the trampled traveler, as he hits in the old song. If you are interested in this natural phenomenon, and you want to know what an oasis is, we will get to know them closer.

What is called an oasis

If you believe interpretation, which offers a dictionary, then the oasis is called such desert sections that are supplied with water from underground sources or from natural wells. Another publication complements this definition, specifying that soil moisturizing can be both natural and man-made, artificial. The term has a figurative value. So, you can call the Oasis to call the country of dreams and freedoms. As a rule, in the deserts, these islands are densely inhabited, tourists seek there.

How do green islets in the desert occur

For its origin, oasis is obliged to underwater trends, located close to the surface of the Earth, or artificially dug wells. Not only intelligent dictionaries are told about what an oasis is told, but also experienced travelers, geographers who saw this miracle. We distinguish natural formation of various areas. It may be a small plot with three palm trees and a small lake or a huge area that enlists the cities. As a rule, they border with large rivers. The history of many oases is so ancient that he has several millennia.

The most famous oases

If you bring to see this phenomenon - brown vegetation in the midst of vigorous sandwiches under the sun, you will never forget this sight. The most famous desert oases are natural education in Africa. In Niger, in the heart of the Sugar itself, this miracle lies. Oasis Timia is famous for lush gardens. Local residents even cultivate vegetable cultures. Not so famous Oasis Shebik. It is in the mountains in Tunisia. If you get acquainted with him closer, he will leave the brightest and unforgettable impressions about himself. A small picturesque lake, a waterfall, palm trees growing on the stones. Two most interesting oasis are located in Libya. Real Paradise on Earth - Gabonene. He is famous for his big lake with salt water. The ruins of the ancient settlement of Bedouins are preserved on its coast.

To understand what an oasis is, it is enough to visit the fabulous Ubari, which is in the same country. A green island is decorated in the desert of the striking beauty of the lake. The reservoirs are quite numerous. They are about twenty. Their diameter is impressive - about one kilometer, and the depth reaches thirty meters. It is famous for its picturesque corners of Egypt. Oasisa of this country attract the picturesque cliffs of the most unexpected and incredible forms. You can find geasers driving out of the ground. They are numbered hundreds in oases. Baharia is striking by landscapes that make the impression that I got on another planet. This oasis live in several villages of Bedouins. The settlements are surrounded by palm groves, and the mountains will fall around the island of the greenery and sandy verakhans stretch. Residents of Peru are also familiar with what an oasis is, their local miracle of nature is called Wakhachin. Being five kilometers from ICA, it is considered one of the largest oases of the world.

Variety of plant world

Thanks to natural sources and artificially dilated wells on dry land, the best conditions for vegetation are created. For example, Africa's oases are famous not only with a variety of palm trees. Since the lands are actively mastered by people, cultural plants cultivate here. For example, you can find a grenade, citrus, difts. Grow vegetables. In China, Oasis Turfan became famous for its vineyards. Tourists can get a lot of impressions by visiting the local Botanical Garden, which irrigates the ancient system, created two thousand years ago. Under the shadow of the trees reigns cool, which contrasts with the burning-hot desert and mountains, where the temperature can reach seventy degrees.

Notes for travelers

Tourists who wanted to relax fully and interestingly, can safely plan a trip to one of the picturesque corners described above. Of course, no one will leave indifferent bright and full paints. Journal pictures, an oasis in the desert appears in all its unique glory. Here the amazing color water gloves under the scorching sun, and silent palm trees swing foliage. The well-groomed gardens of Timy are called to admire their lush flowering. In Gabonene, tourists will be able to get acquainted with the traditions of the local population, visit souvenir shops and just get a lot of positive emotions. But it should be borne in mind that in the summer there are a lot of mosquitoes. The best time to relax in the Libyan Oasis - from October to May.

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